
Dovey Wan :丹华资本董事总经理。丹华资本由张首晟教授创办,现为Dfinity, Brave/BAT, Kyber Network, Orchid Lab, Basecoin, Chia Network, Theta Network, Keep Network, Nucypher, Content Neutrality Network/CNN 等项目的首轮投资人。

周晨瑶 :隆领投资合伙人,入选福布斯亚洲30岁以下投资精英。区块链投资项目有:Zipper, Arcblock, Theta等。


【12AM Ryan Seliks】

美国著名数字货币投资机构DCG(Digital Currency Group) 创始成员,CoinDesk前CEO。美国区块链行业知名人脉王,对美国监管、数字货币趋势有深刻理解。

【1:30 AM Paul Veradittakit】

美国著名数字货币投资机构Pantera Capital合伙人,为Orchid Lab, ICON等知名项目投资人兼基金会顾问

【11AM Michael Arrington】

Techcrunch 创始人,CrunchFund 创始人,XRP Arrington创始人。硅谷知名人脉王,科技行业时光机


1. 2018年的3个重大变化 | What are the 3 biggest emerging trends/changes in 2018 makes

2. 现阶段区块链发展的重大瓶颈 | What do you consider as the biggest bottleneck for blockchain development as an industry

3. 行业中缺失的/被忽略的但却重要的项目类型  | What projects or initiatives  are missing in the space today?

4. 投资人最看重的创始人类型与素质,与传统VC投资有什么异同 | How you value crypto founder, any unique pattern which is different from traditional venture backed founders?

5.投资token最大的风险类型有哪些?| What are the biggest risk factors for a token investment

6.作为token投资人,投资后如何对token sale资金以及项目进展可以有有效管理?| How do you hold teams accountable when investing in their ICO?

7.Token类项目的估值模型 | What’s your valuation model of token deals

8.什么是最有可能在近期全面落地的Dapp类项目 | what will be the first massively adopted Dapp in your opinion?

9.美国监管的监管逻辑与发展方向 | US regulation outlook and debrief on the recent SEC/CFTC hearing, what will be the most likely next phase of regulatory actions

10.防止劣币驱逐良币的“自我监管”对于行业要如何执行 | What is the best recommendtion for “Self-governance“ and whistle blower on scammers


1. 鼓励观点碰撞,拒绝人身攻击

2. 严格遵守我国监管机构提倡的金融从业准则与各项明文规定

3. 严禁任何形式的广告推广,以及重复、断言、煽动性宣传,媒体严禁截图和断章取义式报道

