(1)0Bunit5 Handy Dandy拓展部分、0Bunit6 dinosaur 汉语:牙牙学语下第七单元拾果果、第八单元 开大船
(2)视频0Bunit6-unit10 中文:牙牙学语下7-12单元、《peppa pig 》第一季 16-20集
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《peppa pig 》16-20
(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 10 本,绘本《 Does the kangaroo have mother too》,《brown bear what do you see 》《Handy Dandy》《Dinosaur》小书。
汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第七第八单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本、《宫西达也》恐龙系列 5本 《世界恐龙百科》(科普霸王龙、肿头龙、腕龙、剑龙、雷龙、鸭嘴龙、三角龙、甲龙、迅猛龙、跳龙、薄片龙、棘龙、翼龙。)
(4)重点句型:Handy dandy riddle ro ,which hand will you choose ,high or low、dinosaur 、wave your tail ,give a roar ,thump
(5)field trip:补上周超市,认8-12种常见生活小物品、海边
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw
2.3其他:《peppa pig 》S01 E01muddle puddles 、E03 Polly porrot E15musical instrument 、E40 very hot day
3.1英语:Unit6 dinosaur、unit9 turtle and snail 、unit10 The firemen
3.2汉语:牙牙下第四单元切茄子、第六单元小驴吃馍、第七单元 拾果果、第八单元开大船
3.3其他:《dinosaur stomp》《pink fong 》dinosaur E01 Tyrannosaurus Rex 、E03Baby t-rex 、E04 Ankylosaurus 、E05 Triceratops
5、Game time
5.1 different dinosaur
M:Look,waylon ,this dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus Rex .R-A-R-O,What does the Tyrannosaurus Rex like to eat ? I like other dinosaur , I have short arms ,two fingers ,strong legs ,I can jump jump jump and stomp stomp stomp。 Let's go hunt ,my teeth are as long as banana, it named banana teeth Look, here is a little dinosaur ,chase that little dinosaur make it go away ,chase that little dinosaur make it go away ,shoo shoo shoo !. give a roar
M:Here I come ,stomp jump stomp jump ,jump jump jump ,my legs are very strong , roar .
M:Tyrannosaurus Rex can stomp stomp ,dinosaur has great big feet can stomp stomp ,dinosaur have a great big teeth chomp chomp chomp .
M:Triceratops it has three horns on the face ,when it came running ,other dinosaur said :run away ,triceratops is coming ,hunrry hunrry ,run away .run away " what does the triceratops like to eat ?
M:Yes ,right ,Triceratops likes plant ,does the triceratops likes meat ?
M: Tricertops used its sharp horns for fighting . Roar , come on ,let's fighting . I fighting with my horns .
M:Do you like plant ? Triceratops can stomp stomp stomp,triceratops have great big feet stomp,triceratops have great big teeth chomp chomp chomp .stomp stomp chomp chomp chomp .
M:What 's this ?
M:Stegosaurus,Look ,Its back covered with thin plate ,its tail covered with sharp spilker .give a roar ,give a super roar !
M:stegosaurus ,have a great big feet stomp stomp stomp,stegosaurus have a great big feet chomp chomp chomp.what does it like to eat ?
M:Yes,It likes to eat plant .
5.2 复习merry-go-round /driving in my car
M: Do you want to play the merry-go -round ,call your sister hold your arm .hold tightly .
M:Let's chant ,The merry go round and round ,the merry go round and round ,merrily merrily merrily merrily ,that merry goes round . let's play one more time .
M: Do you want to play your toy car ?
W:Ok,Driving in my car bumpity bump
M:Very cool ,Driving your toy car to bedroom .
W:突然冒出一句,I am Bunny/monkey .
M:Oh,you are monkey?
W:No ,bunny .
5.3海边 field trip
M:Waylon Do you want to go to the seaside ? play the sand ,build a sand castle.
M:Go and look for your daddy ,let's go to the seeside .and take your toys ,such as spoon ,shovel , bucket.
M: We will go to the seaside after 20 minute .
W:Wow 好好玩哦,我要去玩沙子
M:Wow,look the sea is very beautiful ,as blue as the sky .look up at the sky.what can you see?
M:Yes,right,birds,birds can fly .I can fly here ,I can fly there Wow,I high in the air .
M:Do you want to play the sand ?do you want to build the sand castle ?
W:Ok 酝酿了半天
M:Ok,take your toy shovel , castle mold and bucket ,to build a sand castle .
W:Ok 太开心一直在扬沙子,一把沙子直接往弟弟脸上撒
M:Oh,no waylon ,you can't throw the sand ,It's will get in your eyes and your brother's eyes ,Ok ?
M:let fill the bucket with water ,and water to wet the sand ,If the sand is not moist ,It will crumble very easily .
M:Now,put the moist sand into the sand castle mold .use a shovel to pack the sand to make sure the mold is completely filled .
M:Ok,fill this watring can and the bucket with water ,Look ,the waves coming ,the waves going back , carefully you might fall in to the water .wet your clothes .
M:潜水的小朋友带了海货,Look waylon ,there are sea urchin ,it's has many sharp thorn around its body ,so you should careful ,when you touch it ,It's very easily get hurt .
M:Wow this is the carb .
M:Look,a boat !can you see ?
M:there are dogs ,the dog can swim .can you see ?
今日总结:一听说要去海边,简直high到不行,完全不听我说什么,一路跑,又怕太兴奋一路冲下海,一个旱鸭子妈妈,紧张到不行,一手拿着台词,一首拉着一只脱缰的野马,口语进行的有点少。想抓寄居蟹太小就放走了,今后field trip 要多多进行,是一个学习的好机会,也是一个增进亲子感情的机会,边玩边学。今天分级进行的还算顺利,The play 能自己读,减少4本后,读书的速度慢一些,重点单词短语,掌握不好的,有些能够重复一次至两次。