







开始的时候天天蒙圈,找不着北。好在同事老板们都很好,在他们,包括我当时的 Mentor (就是比你老的员工给你当导师)的帮助下,融入的速度还算可以。所以在你搞不清楚的时候,就认真做好自己该做的事情。把自己的产品了解透,自己做的东西负责好。


因为后来慢慢熟悉了之后我开始接触到销售,营销,售后支持,美国核心团队等等。这时候你的逻辑思维和对产品的理解就很重要了。日本有个方法叫 5 Why 工作法。就是你在研究一个问题的时候多问问自己为什么。


举个例子,我那时候找美国核心团队研究,我们产品的一个报表要 3 个小时计算完成。我跟他说这个不行,3 分钟要出结果。他说为什么?我说客户用的时候要 5 分钟出来才好确认。他说他那为什么要5分钟出来确认呢?今天下班的时候点了,明天来上班的时候看结果不就行了吗?我说,呃,我不知道。。。好了,别人肯定不给你做了。

但是换过来,如果我是告诉他因为别人看到结果之后还要做一些调整再跑一遍。而他们这个报表最晚 2 天就要提交,这两天里他们还要做些其他的事情(列一下其他的事情,每个要花多少时间)。这么算下来 5 分钟已经很紧了。这时候对方才会认真考虑你说的这个事情,好像确实是这样。他才会开始计划你的事情。






The Sky is the Limit

I will share an inspirational article like everyone else.

Let me introduce my experience a little bit at the beginning. I have always been working at a foreign-funded company. In Japan at the start, when I came back to China I went to work for a Japanese-funded company for Japanese projects. Then i went to a US-funded company to be a program manager. Now, in Germany-funded company as a product manager. It was not exactly a fancy career, but I came all the way through my own effort.

Especially my last job change, from US company to a German company with different cultures; different product technologies; and different product domain as well; I was not confident I can do this at the beginning. Now I am completing my first project, and the second one is about to begin. Look back at what I have done, I got a few reflections that I would like to share. For one purpose to promote myself a little bit, and on the other hand, for your reference as well.


Heads Down at the Beginning

When I first started working, it is all about heads down on my own work. I wondered if this product can make it, if this is a good career? But now looking back, it should not have been a issue concerns me. Only now I have realized: Your only limitation is yourself. It is not your position, connections, salary or what ever, none of those. Only yourself defines you.

There is not so much to talk about at the early stages. Just do what you are supposed to do, and to learn, this will be come your foundation later. Joining to my US employer changed how I looked at stuff. By the way, the first Japanese company that I worked for was a small one, a dozen of people with their own positions, doing their best. The US company was a famous company on the globe. All my colleagues are all so good, even the junior guys were the best people graduated from the top universities.

I did not know what I was doing. But my luck is that I have got a bunch of good colleagues and good bosses, including my mentor. With their help, I have blended in pretty quickly. So, when you do not know better, do what you are supposed to, with quality. Learn your own product and what you are expected to complete.


The Value of Cross-Domain

Gradually, I started to interact with sales, marketing, support, and US core teams. Now your thought process and understanding of your product become important. Back in Japan, I have learnt a methodology called the 5 why method. When you are approaching to a problem, you ask yourself whys.

For example, I was requesting my US core teams, about a report that runs for 3 hours. I told them this is not good, we need the result in 3 minutes. They say why? I say our customers want the result in 5 minutes. They say why it has to be 5 minutes? They can start the report at end of their work, and the second day when they come, they will have the report. This does not work? I could not answer. Therefore, they did not do it.

But now thinking about it, if I told them that the customers had to do some adjustment and run it again. And they need the report at least in 2 days. They cannot even work on the report fully for the 2 days. They had so many to do (a list of work items may come here with their time spending). With all the calculations, then 5 minutes is already a very tight duration for the report. Now the development team can think about it seriously, and may conclude maybe what you are telling is the case. Then they can start planning what you are requesting.


This is a story that I send a local requirement to the core team. But you can also share with your sales team on what other customers are resolving a problem; share with your partner on the real problems if they chose a specific technical solution;  share with your marketing that how a customer case is so representative; share with your tech guys on how their product is been used. These are all very valuable conversations to them.

Naturally, they will come to you when they had a similar problem. More people asking you questions, this become your influence. With time for accumulation, you will be come their hug, and this is your value.

The Sky is the Limit

Product knowledge and domain expertise are all very important. But they are not the only competitiveness. Project management, communication skills, time management, capability to execute, these are all items that create value. My job change from US company to German company this time, was a cross domain change: different product, and different domain. It was hard, but it was also fun. Expertise has its advantages, cross-domain creates its own values. Do not let other stuff limit you, think about where you are lack, and work on it.

Continuous reflection on yourself; learn new thing from the old, then you become a master.

