上篇文章讲到了 ProtocolHandler 及其默认实现类 Http11NioProtocol,在 Http11NioProtocol 的构造方法中创建了一个 NioEndpoint 对象,并且在 Http11NioProtocol 的 init 和 start 方法中最重要的步骤是调用这个 NioEndpoint 对象的 init 和 start 方法。NioEndpoint 继承自 AbstractJsseEndpoint,而 AbstractJsseEndpoint 继承自 AbstractEndpoint。
1. AbstractEndpoint#init
NioEndpoint 的 init 方法在起父类的父类 AbstractEndpoint 里。
private boolean bindOnInit = true;
public final void init() throws Exception {
if (bindOnInit) {
bindState = BindState.BOUND_ON_INIT;
if (this.domain != null) {
// Register endpoint (as ThreadPool - historical name)
oname = new ObjectName(domain + ":type=ThreadPool,name=\"" + getName() + "\"");
Registry.getRegistry(null, null).registerComponent(this, oname, null);
ObjectName socketPropertiesOname = new ObjectName(domain +
":type=ThreadPool,name=\"" + getName() + "\",subType=SocketProperties");
Registry.getRegistry(null, null).registerComponent(socketProperties, socketPropertiesOname, null);
for (SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig : findSslHostConfigs()) {
private void bindWithCleanup() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ensure open sockets etc. are cleaned up if something goes
// wrong during bind
throw t;
在 init 方法里,首先调用了 bindWithCleanup() 方法,然后根据需要的 SSLHostConfig 调用了 registerJmx(sslHostConfig) 方法,registerJmx 方法是将 sslHostConfig 注册到 MBeanServer 中。
bindWithCleanup() 方法里就只是调用了 bind() 方法,bind() 是一个 abstract 方法,其实现在 NioEndpoint 类
2. NioEndpoint#bind
protected int acceptorThreadCount = 1;
private int pollerThreadCount = Math.min(2,Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
* Initialize the endpoint.
public void bind() throws Exception {
// Initialize thread count defaults for acceptor, poller
if (acceptorThreadCount == 0) {
// FIXME: Doesn't seem to work that well with multiple accept threads
acceptorThreadCount = 1;
if (pollerThreadCount <= 0) {
//minimum one poller thread
pollerThreadCount = 1;
setStopLatch(new CountDownLatch(pollerThreadCount));
// Initialize SSL if needed
protected void setStopLatch(CountDownLatch stopLatch) {
this.stopLatch = stopLatch;
bind 方法中首先调用 initServerSocket 方法,然后初始化呢了 acceptorThreadCount 和 pollerThreadCount 两个属性,这两个属性一个是指 Accepter 线程的个数,另一个是指 Poller 线程的个数,acceptorThreadCount 默认是 1,pollerThreadCount 默认是
Accepter 和 Poller 线程构成了 tomcat 的线程模型,
再然后创建一个 CountDownLatch 对象并赋值给 stopLatch 属性
接着调用 initialiseSsl() 方法来初始化 ssl 的实现类。
2.1. initialiseSsl
private String sslImplementationName = null;
private SSLImplementation sslImplementation = null;
public String getSslImplementationName() {
return sslImplementationName;
protected void initialiseSsl() throws Exception {
if (isSSLEnabled()) {
sslImplementation = SSLImplementation.getInstance(getSslImplementationName());
for (SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig : sslHostConfigs.values()) {
// Validate default SSLHostConfigName
if (sslHostConfigs.get(getDefaultSSLHostConfigName()) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("endpoint.noSslHostConfig",
getDefaultSSLHostConfigName(), getName()));
initialiseSsl() 方法就是创建一个 SSLImplementation 的实现类并赋值给 sslImplementation 属性。
SSLImplementation 是一个抽象类,tomcat 中它的实现类有 JSSEImplementation 和 OpenSSLImplementation。其中 JSSEImplementation 是默认的实现类。
看一看出 bind() 最重要的一步就是调用了 initServerSocket() 方法。
2.2 initServerSocket
* Server socket "pointer".
private volatile ServerSocketChannel serverSock = null;
* Allows the server developer to specify the acceptCount (backlog) that
* should be used for server sockets. By default, this value
* is 100.
private int acceptCount = 100;
public int getAcceptCount() { return acceptCount; }
* Use System.inheritableChannel to obtain channel from stdin/stdout.
private boolean useInheritedChannel = false;
public boolean getUseInheritedChannel() { return useInheritedChannel; }
// Separated out to make it easier for folks that extend NioEndpoint to
// implement custom [server]sockets
protected void initServerSocket() throws Exception {
if (!getUseInheritedChannel()) {
serverSock = ServerSocketChannel.open();
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(getAddress(), getPortWithOffset());
} else {
// Retrieve the channel provided by the OS
Channel ic = System.inheritedChannel();
if (ic instanceof ServerSocketChannel) {
serverSock = (ServerSocketChannel) ic;
if (serverSock == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("endpoint.init.bind.inherited"));
serverSock.configureBlocking(true); //mimic APR behavior
默认情况下 useInheritedChannel 是 false,因此会走 if 块。if 块里先初始化 serverSock 这个 ServerSocketChannel 类型的属性,然后设置了一些 ServerSocketChannel 的属性。
public void setProperties(ServerSocket socket) throws SocketException{
if (rxBufSize != null)
if (performanceConnectionTime != null && performanceLatency != null &&
performanceBandwidth != null)
if (soReuseAddress != null)
if (soTimeout != null && soTimeout.intValue() >= 0)
socketProperties 在 AbstractEndpoint 里。
2.3 selectorPool.open()
bind() 方法最后调用了 selectorPool.open() 方法。
private NioSelectorPool selectorPool = new NioSelectorPool();
selectorPool 是 NioEndpoint 里的一个属性。
protected NioBlockingSelector blockingSelector;
protected volatile Selector SHARED_SELECTOR;
public void open() throws IOException {
enabled = true;
if (SHARED) {
blockingSelector = new NioBlockingSelector();
protected Selector getSharedSelector() throws IOException {
if (SHARED && SHARED_SELECTOR == null) {
synchronized ( NioSelectorPool.class ) {
if ( SHARED_SELECTOR == null ) {
SHARED_SELECTOR = Selector.open();
NioSelectorPool#open 方法里,先初始化了 SHARED_SELECTOR,然后创建了一个 NioBlockingSelector 对象并赋值给 blockingSelector 属性,然后调用了这个对象的 open 方法。NioBlockingSelector 是 tomcat 里定义的类。
protected Selector sharedSelector;
protected BlockPoller poller;
public void open(Selector selector) {
sharedSelector = selector;
poller = new BlockPoller();
poller.selector = sharedSelector;
poller.setName("NioBlockingSelector.BlockPoller-" + threadCounter.incrementAndGet());
NioBlockingSelector#open 方法的入参是 NioSelectorPool#open 里的 SHARED_SELECTOR 对象,在 open 方法里把 SHARED_SELECTOR 对象赋值给 sharedSelector 属性,然后创建了一个 BlockPoller 对象,并调用了它的 start 方法,BlockPoller 的父类是 Thread,调用 BlockPoller 的 start 方法其实是启动一个线程,BlockPoller 重载了 Thread 的 run 方法。
3. NioEndpoint#start
NioEndpoint 的 start 方法在父类 AbstractEndpoint 里,
public final void start() throws Exception {
if (bindState == BindState.UNBOUND) {
bindState = BindState.BOUND_ON_START;
AbstractEndpoint#start 里只是简单调用了一下 startInternal() 方法,而 NioEndpoint 重载了 startInternal 方法。
* Cache for SocketProcessor objects
protected SynchronizedStack> processorCache;
* Cache for poller events
private SynchronizedStack eventCache;
* Bytebuffer cache, each channel holds a set of buffers (two, except for SSL holds four)
private SynchronizedStack nioChannels;
* Start the NIO endpoint, creating acceptor, poller threads.
public void startInternal() throws Exception {
if (!running) {
running = true;
paused = false;
processorCache = new SynchronizedStack<>(SynchronizedStack.DEFAULT_SIZE,
eventCache = new SynchronizedStack<>(SynchronizedStack.DEFAULT_SIZE,
nioChannels = new SynchronizedStack<>(SynchronizedStack.DEFAULT_SIZE,
// Create worker collection
if ( getExecutor() == null ) {
// Start poller threads
pollers = new Poller[getPollerThreadCount()];
for (int i=0; i
startInternal 方法里先创建了三个 SynchronizedStack 对象分别赋值给 processorCache,eventCache 和 nioChannels,这三个属性都使用来复用的,分别复用 SocketProcessorBase 对象,PollerEvent 对象 和 NioChannel 对象。其中 processorCache 在 AbstractEndpoint 里声明,其他两个在 NioEndpoint 里声明。
然后,调用 createExecutor()。createExecutor 在 AbstractEndpoint 里声明
private Executor executor = null;
public Executor getExecutor() { return executor; }
public void createExecutor() {
internalExecutor = true;
TaskQueue taskqueue = new TaskQueue();
TaskThreadFactory tf = new TaskThreadFactory(getName() + "-exec-", daemon, getThreadPriority());
executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(getMinSpareThreads(), getMaxThreads(), 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS,taskqueue, tf);
taskqueue.setParent( (ThreadPoolExecutor) executor);
createExecutor 方法创建了一个线程池并且赋值给 executor 属性。
接着,startInternal 方法 调用了 initializeConnectionLatch 方法,
protected LimitLatch initializeConnectionLatch() {
if (maxConnections==-1) return null;
if (connectionLimitLatch==null) {
connectionLimitLatch = new LimitLatch(getMaxConnections());
return connectionLimitLatch;
initializeConnectionLatch 方法初始换了 connectionLimitLatch 属性,这个属性是用来限制 tomcat 的最大连接数的。
再然后,startInternal 创建了 pollerThreadCount 个 Poller 对象和线程,并启动了这些线程,这些线程成为 Poller 线程。Poller 类实现了 Runnable 接口。
最后 startInternal 调用了 startAcceptorThreads() 方法。
protected void startAcceptorThreads() {
int count = getAcceptorThreadCount();
acceptors = new ArrayList<>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Acceptor acceptor = new Acceptor<>(this);
String threadName = getName() + "-Acceptor-" + i;
Thread t = new Thread(acceptor, threadName);
startAcceptorThreads 方法里创建了 acceptorThreadCount 个 Accepter 对象和线程,并启动了这些线程,这些线程被称为 Acceptor 线程。Acceptor 跟 Poller 一样,也实现了 Runnable 接口。
Acceptor 线程处理客户端连接,而 Poller 处理这些连接通道上的读写事件。Acceptor 和 Poller 构成了 tomcat 的线程模型,是非常重要的组件,后面的文章会单独讲解,这里先不做讨论。
本文介绍了 NioEndpoint 的启动方法 init 和 start。在 init 方法里创建了 ServerSocketChannel 对象(在 NioEndpoint#initServerSocket 方法里)和一个 Selector 对象(在 NioSelectorPool#open 方法里)。在 start 方法里,启动了 Acceptor 线程和 Poller 线程。