一、窗口流 WindowedStream
通常由 keyedStream + windowAssigner函数生成。运行时将与 KeyedStream 和窗口上的操作合并为一个操作。
private def aggregate(aggregationType: AggregationType, field: String): DataStream[T] = { val position = fieldNames2Indices(getInputType(), Array(field))(0) aggregate(aggregationType, position) } def aggregate(aggregationType: AggregationType, position: Int): DataStream[T] = { val jStream = javaStream.asInstanceOf[JavaWStream[Product, K, W]] val reducer = aggregationType match { case AggregationType.SUM => new SumAggregator(position, jStream.getInputType, jStream.getExecutionEnvironment.getConfig) case _ => new ComparableAggregator( position, jStream.getInputType, aggregationType, true, jStream.getExecutionEnvironment.getConfig) } new DataStream[Product](jStream.reduce(reducer)).asInstanceOf[DataStream[T]] }
public abstract class AggregationFunctionimplements ReduceFunction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Aggregation types that can be used on a windowed stream or keyed stream. */ public enum AggregationType { SUM, MIN, MAX, MINBY, MAXBY, } }
该抽象类的实现有 SumAggregator,ComparableAggregator
如 SumAggregator,实现了 ReduceFunction 接口
public class SumAggregatorextends AggregationFunction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final FieldAccessor fieldAccessor; private final SumFunction adder; private final TypeSerializer serializer; private final boolean isTuple; public SumAggregator(int pos, TypeInformation typeInfo, ExecutionConfig config) { fieldAccessor = FieldAccessorFactory.getAccessor(typeInfo, pos, config); adder = SumFunction.getForClass(fieldAccessor.getFieldType().getTypeClass()); if (typeInfo instanceof TupleTypeInfo) { isTuple = true; serializer = null; } else { isTuple = false; this.serializer = typeInfo.createSerializer(config); } } public SumAggregator(String field, TypeInformation typeInfo, ExecutionConfig config) { fieldAccessor = FieldAccessorFactory.getAccessor(typeInfo, field, config); adder = SumFunction.getForClass(fieldAccessor.getFieldType().getTypeClass()); if (typeInfo instanceof TupleTypeInfo) { isTuple = true; serializer = null; } else { isTuple = false; this.serializer = typeInfo.createSerializer(config); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T reduce(T value1, T value2) throws Exception { if (isTuple) { Tuple result = ((Tuple) value1).copy(); return fieldAccessor.set((T) result, adder.add(fieldAccessor.get(value1), fieldAccessor.get(value2))); } else { T result = serializer.copy(value1); return fieldAccessor.set(result, adder.add(fieldAccessor.get(value1), fieldAccessor.get(value2))); } } }
def sum(position: Int): DataStream[T] = aggregate(AggregationType.SUM, position)
def maxBy(position: Int): DataStream[T] = aggregate(AggregationType.MAXBY, position)
val counts: DataStream[(String, Int)] = text.flatMap(_.toLowerCase().split("\\W+")) .filter(_.nonEmpty) .map((_, 1)) .keyBy(0) .countWindow(windowSize, slideSize) .sum(1)
val counts: DataStream[(String, Int)] = text.flatMap(_.toLowerCase().split("\\W+")) .filter(_.nonEmpty) .map((_, 1)) .keyBy(0) .countWindow(windowSize, slideSize) .maxBy(1)
同样的是分别针对某个 key 的元素集应用该处理函数
def reduce(function: (T, T) => T): DataStream[T] = { if (function == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Reduce function must not be null.") } val cleanFun = clean(function) val reducer = new ScalaReduceFunction[T](cleanFun) reduce(reducer) }
同样是实现了 ReduceFunction 接口
final class ScalaReduceFunction[T](private[this] val function: (T, T) => T) extends ReduceFunction[T] { @throws(classOf[Exception]) override def reduce(a: T, b: T): T = { function(a, b) } }
stream.keyBy(0) .timeWindow(Time.of(2500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), Time.of(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) .reduce((value1, value2) => (value1._1, value1._2 + value2._2)) .addSink(new SinkFunction[(Long, Long)] {})
val countsPerThirtySecs = sensorData .keyBy(_.id) // a custom window assigner for 30 second tumbling windows .window(new ThirtySecondsWindows) // a custom trigger that fires early (at most) every second .trigger(new OneSecondIntervalTrigger) // count readings per window .process(new CountFunction) ... class CountFunction extends ProcessWindowFunction[SensorReading, (String, Long, Long, Int), String, TimeWindow] { override def process( key: String, ctx: Context, readings: Iterable[SensorReading], out: Collector[(String, Long, Long, Int)]): Unit = { // count readings val cnt = readings.count(_ => true) // get current watermark val evalTime = ctx.currentWatermark // emit result out.collect((key, ctx.window.getEnd, evalTime, cnt)) } }
val avgTemp: DataStream[SensorReading] = sensorData // convert Fahrenheit to Celsius using an inlined map function .map( r => SensorReading(r.id, r.timestamp, (r.temperature - 32) * (5.0 / 9.0)) ) // organize stream by sensorId .keyBy(_.id) // group readings in 1 second windows .timeWindow(Time.seconds(1)) // compute average temperature using a user-defined function .apply(new TemperatureAverager) ... class TemperatureAverager extends WindowFunction[SensorReading, SensorReading, String, TimeWindow] { /** apply() is invoked once for each window */ override def apply( sensorId: String, window: TimeWindow, vals: Iterable[SensorReading], out: Collector[SensorReading]): Unit = { // compute the average temperature val (cnt, sum) = vals.foldLeft((0, 0.0))((c, r) => (c._1 + 1, c._2 + r.temperature)) val avgTemp = sum / cnt // emit a SensorReading with the average temperature out.collect(SensorReading(sensorId, window.getEnd, avgTemp)) } }
示例(dataStream flatMap)
//方式 ① val splitIds = sensorIds.flatMap(id => id.split("_")) //方法签名,返回值是 DataStream[R], 即算子的返回值 def flatMap[R: TypeInformation](fun: T => TraversableOnce[R]): DataStream[R] //方式 ② //实现 FlatMapFunction 接口,方法返回值是 Unit,数据通过 collector 收集 class SplitIdFlatMap extends FlatMapFunction[String, String] { override def flatMap(id: String, collector: Collector[String]): Unit = id.split("_") }
对比 keyedStream.sum 与 windowedStream.sum
object RollingSum { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment val inputSteam = env.fromElements( (1, 2, 2), (2, 3, 1), (2, 2, 4), (1, 5, 3) ) val resultStream = inputSteam .keyBy(0) .sum(1) resultStream.print() //6> (1,2,2) //8> (2,3,1) //6> (1,7,2) //8> (2,5,1) env.execute("Rolling sum example") } }
val resultStream = inputSteam .keyBy(0) .countWindow(Int.MaxValue, 1) .sum(1)
object ProcessFunctionTimers { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) val readings = env.addSource(new SensorSource) val warnings = readings.keyBy(_.id) // 按 key 分组后对数据再处理 .process(new TempIncreaseAlertFunction) warnings.print() env.execute("Monitor sensor temperatures.") } }
KeyedProcessFunction 示例
class TempIncreaseAlertFunction extends KeyedProcessFunction[String, SensorReading, String] { lazy val lastTemp: ValueState[Double] = getRuntimeContext.getState( new ValueStateDescriptor[Double]("lastTemp", Types.of[Double])) lazy val currentTimer: ValueState[Long] = getRuntimeContext.getState( new ValueStateDescriptor[Long]("timer", Types.of[Long])) override def processElement(value: SensorReading, ctx: KeyedProcessFunction[String, SensorReading, String]#Context, out: Collector[String]): Unit = { val prevTemp = lastTemp.value() lastTemp.update(value.temperature) val curTimerTimestamp = currentTimer.value() if (prevTemp == 0.0) { } else if (value.temperature < prevTemp) { ctx.timerService().deleteProcessingTimeTimer(curTimerTimestamp) currentTimer.clear() } else if (value.temperature > prevTemp && curTimerTimestamp == 0) { val timerTs = ctx.timerService().currentProcessingTime() + 1000 ctx.timerService().registerProcessingTimeTimer(timerTs) currentTimer.update(timerTs) } } override def onTimer( ts: Long, ctx: KeyedProcessFunction[String, SensorReading, String]#OnTimerContext, out: Collector[String]): Unit = { out.collect("Temperature of sensor '" + ctx.getCurrentKey + "' monotonically increased for 1 second.") // reset current timer currentTimer.clear() } }