// Declare the generic class.
public class GenericList
public void Add(T input) { }
class TestGenericList
private class ExampleClass { }
static void Main()
// Declare a list of type int.
GenericList list1 = new GenericList();
// Declare a list of type string.
GenericList list2 = new GenericList();
// Declare a list of type ExampleClass.
GenericList list3 = new GenericList();
list3.Add(new ExampleClass());
// Assignment compatibility.
string str = "test";
// An object of a more derived type is assigned to an object of a less derived type.
object obj = str;
// Covariance.
IEnumerable strings = new List();
// An object that is instantiated with a more derived type argument
// is assigned to an object instantiated with a less derived type argument.
// Assignment compatibility is preserved.
C# 3.0版 - 2007
// This class is mutable. Its data can be modified from
// outside the class.
class Customer
// Auto-implemented properties for trivial get and set
public double TotalPurchases { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
// Constructor
public Customer(double purchases, string name, int ID)
TotalPurchases = purchases;
Name = name;
CustomerID = ID;
// Methods
public string GetContactInfo() { return "ContactInfo"; }
public string GetTransactionHistory() { return "History"; }
// .. Additional methods, events, etc.
class Program
static void Main()
// Intialize a new object.
Customer cust1 = new Customer(4987.63, "Northwind", 90108);
// Modify a property.
cust1.TotalPurchases += 499.99;
var v = new { Amount = 108, Message = "Hello" };
// Rest the mouse pointer over v.Amount and v.Message in the following
// statement to verify that their inferred types are int and n .
Console.WriteLine(v.Amount + v.Message);
from p in persons
where p.Age > 18 && p.IsBeatiful
select new
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine ("Perth".IsCapitalized());
// Equivalent to:
Console.WriteLine (StringHelper.IsCapitalized ("Perth"));
// Interfaces can be extended, too:
Console.WriteLine ("Seattle".First()); // S
public static class StringHelper
public static bool IsCapitalized (this string s)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return false;
return char.IsUpper (s[0]);
public static T First (this IEnumerable sequence)
foreach (T element in sequence)
return element;
throw new InvalidOperationException ("No elements!");
var i = 10; // Implicitly typed.
int i = 10; // Explicitly typed.
namespace PM
partial class A
partial void OnSomethingHappened(string s);
// This part can be in a separate file.
partial class A
// Comment out this method and the program
// will still compile.
partial void OnSomethingHappened(String s)
Console.WriteLine("Something happened: {0}", s);
public class Cat
// Auto-implemented properties.
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Cat()
public Cat(string name)
this.Name = name;
dynamic a = 3;
a = 3.14;
a = "Hello World";
a = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
a = new Func(() => 3);
a = new StringBuilder();
Console.WriteLine(a.GetType().Name); // StringBuilder
private DamageResult CalculateDamageDone()
// Code omitted:
// Does an expensive calculation and returns
// the result of that calculation.
calculateButton.Clicked += async (o, e) =>
// This line will yield control to the UI while CalculateDamageDone()
// performs its work. The UI thread is free to perform other work.
var damageResult = await Task.Run(() => CalculateDamageDone());
public static int SumPositiveNumbers(IEnumerable sequence)
int sum = 0;
foreach (var i in sequence)
switch (i)
case 0:
case IEnumerable childSequence:
foreach(var item in childSequence)
sum += (item > 0) ? item : 0;
case int n when n > 0:
sum += n;
case null:
throw new NullReferenceException("Null found in sequence");
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unrecognized type");
return sum;
public static IEnumerable AlphabetSubset3(char start, char end)
if (start < 'a' || start > 'z')
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName: nameof(start), message: "start must be a letter");
if (end < 'a' || end > 'z')
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName: nameof(end), message: "end must be a letter");
if (end <= start)
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(end)} must be greater than {nameof(start)}");
return alphabetSubsetImplementation();
IEnumerable alphabetSubsetImplementation()
for (var c = start; c < end; c++)
yield return c;
// Expression-bodied constructor
public ExpressionMembersExample(string label) => this.Label = label;
// Expression-bodied finalizer
~ExpressionMembersExample() => Console.Error.WriteLine("Finalized!");
private string label;
// Expression-bodied get / set accessors.
public string Label
get => label;
set => this.label = value ?? "Default label";
public static ref int Find(int[,] matrix, Func predicate)
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < matrix.GetLength(1); j++)
if (predicate(matrix[i, j]))
return ref matrix[i, j];
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not found");
ref var item = ref MatrixSearch.Find(matrix, (val) => val == 42);
item = 24;
Console.WriteLine(matrix[4, 2]);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Example
public static void Main()
var (_, _, _, pop1, _, pop2) = QueryCityDataForYears("New York City", 1960, 2010);
Console.WriteLine($"Population change, 1960 to 2010: {pop2 - pop1:N0}");
private static (string, double, int, int, int, int) QueryCityDataForYears(string name, int year1, int year2)
int population1 = 0, population2 = 0;
double area = 0;
if (name == "New York City")
area = 468.48;
if (year1 == 1960)
population1 = 7781984;
if (year2 == 2010)
population2 = 8175133;
return (name, area, year1, population1, year2, population2);
return ("", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// The example displays the following output:
// Population change, 1960 to 2010: 393,149
// 二进制文本:
public const int Sixteen = 0b0001_0000;
public const int ThirtyTwo = 0b0010_0000;
public const int SixtyFour = 0b0100_0000;
public const int OneHundredTwentyEight = 0b1000_0000;
// 数字分隔符:
public const long BillionsAndBillions = 100_000_000_000;
public const double AvogadroConstant = 6.022_140_857_747_474e23;
public const decimal GoldenRatio = 1.618_033_988_749_894_848_204_586_834_365_638_117_720_309_179M;
void Main()
// You can now throw expressions in expressions clauses.
// This is useful in conditional expressions:
string result = new Random().Next(2) == 0 ? "Good" : throw new Exception ("Bad");
public string Foo() => throw new NotImplementedException();
C# 8.0 版 - 2019
Readonly 成员
public readonly override string ToString() =>
$"({X}, {Y}) is {Distance} from the origin";
void Main()
ILogger foo = new Logger();
foo.Log (new Exception ("test"));
class Logger : ILogger
public void Log (string message) => Console.WriteLine (message);
interface ILogger
void Log (string message);
// Adding a new member to an interface need not break implementors:
public void Log (Exception ex) => Log (ExceptionHeader + ex.Message);
// The static modifier (and other modifiers) are now allowed:
static string ExceptionHeader = "Exception: ";
public static string RockPaperScissors(string first, string second)
=> (first, second) switch
("rock", "paper") => "rock is covered by paper. Paper wins.",
("rock", "scissors") => "rock breaks scissors. Rock wins.",
("paper", "rock") => "paper covers rock. Paper wins.",
("paper", "scissors") => "paper is cut by scissors. Scissors wins.",
("scissors", "rock") => "scissors is broken by rock. Rock wins.",
("scissors", "paper") => "scissors cuts paper. Scissors wins.",
(_, _) => "tie"
static Quadrant GetQuadrant(Point point) => point switch
(0, 0) => Quadrant.Origin,
var (x, y) when x > 0 && y > 0 => Quadrant.One,
var (x, y) when x < 0 && y > 0 => Quadrant.Two,
var (x, y) when x < 0 && y < 0 => Quadrant.Three,
var (x, y) when x > 0 && y < 0 => Quadrant.Four,
var (_, _) => Quadrant.OnBorder,
_ => Quadrant.Unknown
public static RGBColor FromRainbow(Rainbow colorBand) =>
colorBand switch
Rainbow.Red => new RGBColor(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00),
Rainbow.Orange => new RGBColor(0xFF, 0x7F, 0x00),
Rainbow.Yellow => new RGBColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00),
Rainbow.Green => new RGBColor(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00),
Rainbow.Blue => new RGBColor(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF),
Rainbow.Indigo => new RGBColor(0x4B, 0x00, 0x82),
Rainbow.Violet => new RGBColor(0x94, 0x00, 0xD3),
_ => throw new ArgumentException(message: "invalid enum value", paramName: nameof(colorBand)),
static int WriteLinesToFile(IEnumerable lines)
using var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("WriteLines2.txt");
// Notice how we declare skippedLines after the using statement.
int skippedLines = 0;
foreach (string line in lines)
if (!line.Contains("Second"))
// Notice how skippedLines is in scope here.
return skippedLines;
// file is disposed here
int M()
int y = 5;
int x = 7;
return Add(x, y);
static int Add(int left, int right) => left + right;
public static async System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable GenerateSequence()
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
await Task.Delay(100);
yield return i;
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在 Service Pack 4 (SP 4), 是运行 Microsoft Windows Server 2003、 Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 或 Microsoft Windows 2000 服务器上您尝试安装 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 通过卷许可协议 (VLA) 媒体。 这样做, 收到以下错误信息CD KEY的 SQ
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2014年11月12日,ASP.NET之父、微软云计算与企业级产品工程部执行副总裁Scott Guthrie,在Connect全球开发者在线会议上宣布,微软将开源全部.NET核心运行时,并将.NET 扩展为可在 Linux 和 Mac OS 平台上运行。.NET核心运行时将基于MIT开源许可协议发布,其中将包括执行.NET代码所需的一切项目——CLR、JIT编译器、垃圾收集器(GC)和核心