智能匹配通常作用在当前”主题”(topic)上, 即作用在 $_
变量上. 在下面的表格中, $_
代表 ~~
操作符的左侧, 或者作为 given
的参数, 或者作为其它主题化的参数. X
代表 ~~
操作符右侧要匹配的模式, 或者在 when
后面的模式.(实际上, ~~
操作符充当着一个小型的主题; 即, 为了右侧的计算, 它把 $_
绑定到左侧的值上. 使用底层的 .ACCEPTS
第一节包含了含有享有特权的语法; 如果匹配能通过那些条目之一完成, 那它就会那样做. 这些特别的语法是通过它们的形式而非它们的类型进行分派的. 否则就使用表格中的剩余部分,并且匹配会根据普通的方法分派规则进行分派. 允许优化器(optimizer)假定编译时之后没有定义额外的匹配操作符, 所以, 如果在编译时模式类型就显而易见的, 那么跳转表(jump table)可以被优化. 然而, 这部分表格的语法仍然有点特权的, 跟 ~~
操作符一样, 是 Perl 中少有的几个不使用多重分派的操作符之一. 相反, 基于类型的智能匹配会被单个地分派给属于 X
换句话说, 智能匹配首先根据模式(pattern)的形式
(dispatch), 然后那个模式自身决定是否
)的类型. 所以, 下面表格中的第二列就是初始列. 第一列中的 Any
条目标示了模式要么不关心主题的类型, 要么把那个条目作为默认值, 因为上面列出的更具体的类型不匹配.
$_ X Type of Match Implied Match if (given $_)
====== ===== ===================== ===================
Any True ~~ True (parsewarn on literal token)
Any False ~~ False match (parsewarn on literal token)
Any Match ~~ Successful match (parsewarn on literal token)
Any Nil ~~ Benign failure (parsewarn on literal token)
Any Failure Failure type check (okay, matches against type)
Any * block signature match block successfully binds to |$_
Any Callable:($) item sub truth X($_)
S03-smartmatch/any-callable.t lines 5–14
Any Callable:() simple closure truth X() (ignoring $_)
S03-smartmatch/any-callable.t lines 15–24
Any Bool simple truth X (treats Bool value as success/failure)
S03-smartmatch/any-bool.t lines 5–23
Any List list truth X (treats list size as success/failure)
Any Match match success X (treats Match value as success)
Any Nil benign failure X (treats Nil value as failure)
Any Failure malign failure X (passes Failure object through)
Any Numeric numeric equality +$_ == X
Any Stringy string equality ~$_ eq X
Any Whatever always matches True
Associative Pair test hash mapping $_{X.key} ~~ X.value
Any Pair test object attribute ?."{X.key}" === ?X.value (e.g. filetests)
S03-smartmatch/any-pair.t lines 5–35
Set Set identical sets $_ === X
Any Setty force set comparison $_.Set === X.Set
Bag Bag identical bags $_ === X
Any Baggy force bag comparison $_.Bag === X.Bag
Mix Mix identical bags $_ === X
Any Mixy force mix comparison $_.Mix === X.Mix
Positional Array arrays are comparable $_ «===» X (dwims * wildcards!)
S03-smartmatch/array-array.t lines 5–70
Associative Array keys/list are comparable +X == +$_ and $_{X.all}:exists
Callable Positional list vs predicate so $_(X)
Any Positional lists are comparable $_[] «===» X[]
Hash Hash hash mapping equivalent $_ eqv X
Associative Hash force hash comparison $_.Hash eqv X
Callable Hash hash vs predicate so $_(X)
Positional Hash attempted any/all FAIL, point user to [].any and [].all for LHS
Pair Hash hash does mapping X{.key} ~~ .value
Any Hash hash contains object X{$_}:exists
Str Regex string pattern match .match(X)
Associative Regex attempted reverse dwim FAIL, point user to any/all vs keys/values/pairs
Positional Regex attempted any/all/cat FAIL, point user to any/all/cat/join for LHS
Any Regex pattern match .match(X)
Range Range subset range !$_ or .bounds.all ~~ X (mod ^'s)
S03-smartmatch/range-range.t lines 5–29
Any Range in real range X.min <= $_ <= X.max (mod ^'s)
S03-smartmatch/disorganized.t lines 30–145
Any Range in stringy range X.min le $_ le X.max (mod ^'s)
Any Range in generic range [!after] X.min,$_,X.max (etc.)
Any Type type membership $_.does(X)
S03-smartmatch/any-type.t lines 5–40
Signature Signature sig compatibility $_ is a subset of X ???
Callable Signature sig compatibility $_.sig is a subset of X ???
Capture Signature parameters bindable $_ could bind to X (doesn't!)
Any Signature parameters bindable |$_ could bind to X (doesn't!)
Signature Capture parameters bindable X could bind to $_
Any Any scalars are identical $_ === X
S03-smartmatch/any-any.t lines 5–29
如果没有其它模式要求 X, 最后那个 rule 才会被应用.
; ~~
和 given/when
都为它们的参数提供了 item (标量) 上下文, 并自动展开任何 junctive 匹配, 以使最终给 .ACCEPTS
的分派看不到任何复数. 所以,上面的 $_
和 X
是能被看作标量的潜在容器对象. (你可以显式地使 ~~
亢奋, 在这种情况下, 所有的智能匹配是使用 .ACCEPTS
的基于类型的分派来完成的, 不是前面表格中的基于形式的分派)
基于类型的底层方法分派真正形式是 :
作为单个分派调用, 这仅仅只关注初始化的 X 的类型. ACCEPT
方法接口是通过 Pattern
role 来定义的. 任何组成 Pattern
role 的类都可以选择提供单个 ACCEPTS
方法来处理一切, 这对用于那些上面说的 Any 中只有一个条目模式类型.
或者在类中,类也能选择提供多个 ACCEPTS
multi-methods, 这些然后会在类中根据 $_
智能匹配表格主要用于反应编译时能识别的形式和类型. 为了避免条目的扩展, 表格假设下面的类型会表现的类似:
实际类型 | 把条目用作 |
Iterator Array | List |
使用 Class,Enum,Role,或一般类型绑定的具名值 | |
Cat | Str |
Int UInt等 | Num |
BUf | Str or Array of Int |
(注意, 然而, 这些映射可以通过显式的 ACCEPTS 方法的定义进行重写. 如果在编译时, 重定义比智能匹配的分析早, 那么信息对优化器也是可访问的).
一个在 ASCII 范围之外, 包含任何字节或整数的 Buf
类型可能会静静地提升为 Str
类型用于匹配, 只有在它跟 Unicode 的关系被清楚地声明或类型化时. 这种类型信息可能来自输入文件句柄, 或者 Buf
role 可能是一个参数类型, 它允许你使用各种编码来实例化 buffers. 在没有这样的类型信息的情况下, 你仍然可以跟 buffer 进行模式匹配, 但是任何把 buffer 当作不是整数序列的尝试都是错误的, 这通常会发生警告.
匹配 Grammar 会把 grammar 当作类型名, 而不是一个 grammar. 你需要使用 .parse
和 .parsefile
方法来调用一个 grammar.
匹配 Signature
不会真的绑定任何变量, 而是测试签名是否能绑定. 要真的绑定到一个签名上, 使用模式 *
来代理绑定到 when
语句块上代替. 匹配 *
在 when 里面很特殊 . 随后的 block 是否绑定了主题变量, 所以你可以做有序的签名匹配:
given $capture {
when * -> Int $a, Str $b { ... }
when * -> Str $a, Int $b { ... }
when * -> $a, $b { ... }
when * { ... }
当多重分派无序的语义不足以定义代码的”主从秩序”时, 这会很有用. 注意, 你可以绑定给一个裸的 block 或 一个箭头 block. 绑定给裸的 block很方便的把主题放在 `$_ 中,所以上面最后那个形式等价于一个 default.(占位符参数也能用于裸 block 形式, 尽管它们的类型不能被那样指定.)
没有给 Any
模式定义模式匹配, 所以,如果你想要一个反转的智能匹配测试, 右边是一个 Any
,这时你总是通过显式的调用使用了 $_
作为模式的底层 ACCEPTS
方法来获取它. 例如:
$_ X Type of Match Wanted What to use on the right
====== === ==================== ========================
Callable Any item sub truth .ACCEPTS(X) or .(X)
Range Any in range .ACCEPTS(X)
Type Any type membership .ACCEPTS(X) or .does(X)
Regex Any pattern match .ACCEPTS(X)
同样的技巧会允许你倾向于给混合对象以默认匹配规则, 只要你在 $_
given $somethingordered {
when .values.'[<=]' { say "increasing" }
when .values.'[>=]' { say "decreasing" }
必要时, 你可以定义一个宏来得到”反转的 when”:
my macro statement_control: () { "when .ACCEPTS: " }
given $pattern {
ACCEPTS $a { ... }
ACCEPTS $b { ... }
ACCEPTS $c { ... }
各种建议但不推荐使用的智能匹配行为 可以很容易地(并且我们希望更易读)被模仿成下面这样:
$_ X Type of Match Wanted What to use on the right
====== === ==================== ========================
Array Num array element truth .[X]
Array Num array contains number *,X,*
Array Str array contains string *,X,*
Array Parcel array begins /w Parcel X,*
Array Parcel array contains Parcel *,X,*
Array Parcel array ends with Parcel *,X
Hash Str hash element truth .{X}
Hash Str hash key existence .{X}:exists
Hash Num hash element truth .{X}
Hash Num hash key existence .{X}:exists
Buf Int buffer contains int .match(X)
Str Str string contains string .match(X)
Array Scalar array contains item .any === X
Str Array array contains string X.any
Num Array array contains number X.any
Scalar Array array contains object X.any
Hash Array hash slice exists .{X.all}:exists .{X.any}:exists
Set Set subset relation .{X.all}:exists
Set Hash subset relation .{X.all}:exists
Any Set subset relation .Set.{X.all}:exists
Any Hash subset relation .Set.{X.all}:exists
Any Set superset relation X.{.all}:exists
Any Hash superset relation X.{.all}:exists
Any Set sets intersect .{X.any}:exists
Set Array subset relation X,* # (conjectured)
Array Regex match array as string .Cat.match(X) cat(@$_).match(X)
(注意, .cat
方法和 Cat
类型都强制必须接收单个对象, 不像 cat
函数, cat 函数作为一个列表操作符, 接收一个句法的列表(或multilist ) 并展开它. 然而,所有的这些都返回 Cat
布尔表达式能返回布尔值, 例如比较操作符或一元 ?
操作符.它们可能显式或隐式地引用 $_
. 如果它们一点也没有引用 $_
, 那也是 okay 的 — 那种情况下你就使用 switch 结构作为比一串 elsifs 可读性更好的备选分支. 然而, 注意,那意味着你不能这样写:
given $boolean {
when True {...}
when False {...}
因为它总是会选择 True
这种情况. 相反, 使用某些像条件上下文的东西在内部使用更好:
given $boolean {
when .Bool == 1 {...}
when .Bool == 0 {...}
就像使用 if
语句一样. 在任何情况下, 如果你想使用 ~~
或 when
进行智能匹配, 它会依照语法识别 True 或 False, 并提醒你那不会按你期望的那样做. 编译器也允许提醒任何其它不测试 $_
的布尔结构, 在他能检测的范围之内.
同样地, 任何接收一个 Matcher的函数(诸如 grep) 不会接收一个 Bool 类型的参数, 因为那总是标示着编程错误.(可以使用 *
来匹配任何东西, 如果那就是你想要的. 或者使用一个闭包来返回一个常量布尔值)
也要注意 regex 匹配不返回 Bool, 而是返回一个能用作布尔值的 Match 对象(或 Nil). 如果想要, 使用显式的 ?
或 so
来强制转为 布尔值. Match 对象代表一个成功的匹配, 并被智能匹配当作与 True 的值相同, 类似地, Nil 代表着失败, 并且不能直接用于智能匹配的右侧. 测试 definedness 来代替或使用 * === Nil
带有诸如 :g
那样的修饰符的正则匹配想返回多个匹配, 使用 List
来做 so
.就像任何列表一样, 如果有一个或多项, 值就是被计算为真. 如果没有匹配, 返回空列表, 它在布尔上下文中计算为 false.
为了智能匹配, 所有的 Set
, Bag
, 和Mix
值和对应的散了类型 SetHash
, BagHash
, 和MixHash
是等价的.即, Hash 容器中键代表唯一对象, 键值代表那些唯一键的重复次数.(当然, Set 能有 0 或 1次重复, 因为保证唯一性). 所以,所有这些 Mixy 类型只比较键, 不比较键值. 使用 eqv
代替, 来测试键和键值的相等性.
Despite the need for an implementation to examine the bounds of a range in order to perform smartmatching, the result of smartmatching two Range objects is not actually defined in terms of bounds, but rather as a subset relationship between two (potentially infinite) sets of values encompassed by the intervals involved, for any orderable type such as real numbers, strings, or versions. The result is defined as true if and only if all potential elements that would be matched by the left range are also matched by the right range. Hence it does not matter to what extent the bounds of a empty range are "overspecified". If the left range is empty, it always matches, because there exists no value to falsify it. If the right range is empty, it can match only if the left range is also empty.尽管为了执行智能匹配, 需要一个实现来检查范围的边界, 两个 Range 对象的智能匹配结果实际上没有按照边界定义,而是作为子集关系
The Cat type allows you to have an infinitely extensible string. You can match an array or iterator by feeding it to a Cat, which is essentially a Str interface over an iterator of some sort. Then a Regex can be used against it as if it were an ordinary string. The Regex engine can ask the string if it has more characters, and the string will extend itself if possible from its underlying iterator. (Note that such strings have an indefinite number of characters, so if you use .* in your pattern, or if you ask the string how many characters it has in it, or if you even print the whole string, it may feel compelled to slurp in the rest of the string, which may or may not be expeditious.)
cat 操作符接收一个(潜在惰性的)列表并返回一个 Cat 对象.在字符串上下文中, 这惰性地强制列表中的每一个元素为字符串, 字符串的长度不明. 你可以像这样搜索一个 gather:
my $lazystr := cat gather for @foo { take .bar }
$lazystr ~~ /pattern/;
Cat 接口允许 regex 使用 <,>
断言来匹配元素的边界, Match 对象提供了一种方式, 能获取元素在列表中的索引和位置. 如果底层的数据结构是一个可变数组, 数组的改变由 Cat 追踪, 以至于元素数字仍然正确. 字符串, 数组,列表,序列,捕获还有树节点都可以是正则匹配的模式, 或由签名匹配饿模式
S03/Smart matching/any-callable.t lines 5–14
use v6;
use Test;
plan 4;
sub is_even($x) { $x % 2 == 0 }
sub is_odd ($x) { $x % 2 == 1 }
ok 4 ~~ &is_even, 'scalar sub truth (unary)';
ok 4 !~~ &is_odd, 'scalar sub truth (unary, negated smart-match)';
ok !(3 ~~ &is_even), 'scalar sub truth (unary)';
ok !(3 !~~ &is_odd), 'scalar sub truth (unary, negated smart-match)';
S03/Smart matching/any-callable.t lines 15–24
use v6;
use Test;
plan 2;
sub uhuh { 1 }
sub nuhuh { Mu }
ok((Mu ~~ &uhuh), "scalar sub truth");
ok(!(Mu ~~ &nuhuh), "negated scalar sub false");
S03/Smart matching/any-bool.t lines 5–23
use v6;
use Test;
plan 8;
sub is-true() { True };
sub is-false() { False };
ok 0 ~~ is-true(), '~~ non-syntactic True';
ok 'a' ~~ is-true(), '~~ non-syntactic True';
nok 0 ~~ is-false(), '~~ non-syntactic True';
nok 'a' ~~ is-false(), '~~ non-syntactic True';
nok 0 ~~ .so, 'boolean truth';
ok 'a' ~~ .so, 'boolean truth';
ok 0 ~~ .not, 'boolean truth';
nok 'a' ~~ .not, 'boolean truth';
S03/Smart matching/any-pair.t lines 5–35
use v6;
use Test;
plan 8;
# ?."{X.key}" === ?X.value
# 意思是:
# 在对象上调用名为`X.key` 的方法, 用`?`强制为布尔值
# 并检查是否和 `X.value`的布尔值相同
class SmartmatchTest::AttrPair {
has $.a = 4;
has $.b = 'foo';
has $.c = Mu;
my $o = SmartmatchTest::AttrPair.new();
ok ($o ~~ :a(4)), '$obj ~~ Pair (Int, +)';
ok ($o ~~ :a(2)), '$obj ~~ Pair (Int, +)';
ok !($o ~~ :b(0)), '$obj ~~ Pair (different types)';
ok ($o ~~ :b), '$obj ~~ Pair (Str, +)';
ok ($o ~~ :b), '$obj ~~ Pair (Str, -)';
ok ($o ~~ :c(Mu)), '$obj ~~ Pair (Mu, +)';
ok ($o ~~ :c(0)), '$obj ~~ Pair (0, +)';
ok !($o ~~ :b(Mu)), '$obj ~~ Pair (Mu, -)';
# not explicitly specced, but implied by the spec and decreed
# by TimToady: non-existing method or attribute dies:
# http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2009-07-06#i_1293199
S03/Smart matching/array-array.t lines 5–70
use v6;
use Test;
plan 36;
ok((("blah", "blah") ~~ ("blah", "blah")), "qw/blah blah/ .eq");
ok(!( (1, 2) ~~ (1, 1) ), "1 2 !~~ 1 1");
ok(!( (1, 2, 3) ~~ (1, 2) ), "1 2 3 !~~ 1 2");
ok(!( (1, 2) ~~ (1, 2, 3) ), "1 2 !~~ 1 2 3");
ok(!( [] ~~ [1]), "array smartmatch boundary conditions");
ok(!( [1] ~~ []), "array smartmatch boundary conditions");
ok(( [] ~~ []), "array smartmatch boundary conditions");
ok(( [1] ~~ [1]), "array smartmatch boundary conditions");
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,*), 'array smartmatch dwims * at end');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,*,*), 'array smartmatch dwims * at end (many *s)');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (*,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * at start');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (*,*,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * at start (many *s)');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,*,3,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * 1 elem');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,*,*,3,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * 1 elem (many *s)');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,*,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * many elems');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,*,*,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * many elems (many *s)');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (*,3,*), 'array smartmatch dwims * at start and end');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (*,*,3,*,*), 'array smartmatch dwims * at start and end (many *s)');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (*,1,2,3,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * can match nothing at start');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (*,*,1,2,3,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * can match nothing at start (many *s)');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,2,*,3,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * can match nothing in middle');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,2,*,*,3,4), 'array smartmatch dwims * can match nothing in middle (many *s)');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,2,3,4,*), 'array smartmatch dwims * can match nothing at end');
ok((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,2,3,4,*,*), 'array smartmatch dwims * can match nothing at end (many *s)');
ok(!((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,*,3)), '* dwimming does not cause craziness');
ok(!((1,2,3,4) ~~ (*,5)), '* dwimming does not cause craziness');
ok(!((1,2,3,4) ~~ (1,3,*)), '* dwimming does not cause craziness');
# now try it with arrays as well
my @a = 1, 2, 3;
my @b = 1, 2, 4;
my @m = (*, 2, *); # m as "magic" ;-)
ok (@a ~~ @a), 'Basic smartmatching on arrays (positive)';
ok (@a !~~ @b), 'Basic smartmatching on arrays (negative)';
ok (@b !~~ @a), 'Basic smartmatching on arrays (negative)';
ok (@a ~~ @m), 'Whatever dwimminess in arrays';
ok (@a ~~ (1, 2, 3)), 'smartmatch Array ~~ List';
ok ((1, 2, 3) ~~ @a), 'smartmatch List ~~ Array';
ok ((1, 2, 3) ~~ @m), 'smartmatch List ~~ Array with dwim';
ok (1 ~~ *,1,*), 'smartmatch with Array RHS co-erces LHS to list';
ok (1..10 ~~ *,5,*), 'smartmatch with Array RHS co-erces LHS to list';
S03/Smart matching/range-range.t lines 5–29
> (2..3).bounds
2 3
> (2..3).bounds.all
all(2, 3)
> my @a = (1,3,5,8);
1 3 5 8
> @a.bounds;
Method 'bounds' not found for invocant of class 'Array'
> (2..3).bounds.all ~~ 1..4
all(True, True)
use v6;
use Test;
plan 14;
# .bounds.all ~~ X (mod ^'s)
# 意思是:
# 检查 .min 和 .max 是否都在 Range X 里面.
# (though this is only true to a first approximation, as
# those .min and .max values might be excluded)
ok (2..3 ~~ 1..4), 'proper inclusion +';
ok !(1..4 ~~ 2..3), 'proper inclusion -';
ok (2..4 ~~ 1..4), 'inclusive vs inclusive right end';
ok (2..^4 ~~ 1..4), 'exclusive vs inclusive right end';
ok !(2..4 ~~ 1..^4), 'inclusive vs exclusive right end';
ok (2..^4 ~~ 1..^4), 'exclusive vs exclusive right end';
ok (2..3 ~~ 2..4), 'inclusive vs inclusive left end';
ok (2^..3 ~~ 2..4), 'exclusive vs inclusive left end';
ok !(2..3 ~~ 2^..4), 'inclusive vs exclusive left end';
ok (2^..3 ~~ 2^..4), 'exclusive vs exclusive left end';
ok (2..3 ~~ 2..3), 'inclusive vs inclusive both ends';
ok (2^..^3 ~~ 2..3), 'exclusive vs inclusive both ends';
ok !(2..3 ~~ 2^..^3), 'inclusive vs exclusive both ends';
ok (2^..^3 ~~ 2^..^3), 'exclusive vs exclusive both ends';
S03-smartmatch/disorganized.t lines 30–145
use v6;
use Test;
plan 42;
=begin pod
This tests the smartmatch operator, defined in L
=end pod
sub eval_elsewhere($code){ EVAL($code) }
ok("foo" ~~ .defined, "foo is ~~ .defined");
nok "foo" !~~ .defined, 'not foo !~~ .defined';
nok((Mu ~~ .defined), "Mu is not .defined");
# Set Set
# Hash Set
# Any Set
# Set Array
# Set Hash
# Any Hash
# Regex tests are in spec/S05-*
# more range tests in t/spec/S03-operators/range.t
ok((5 ~~ 1 .. 10), "5 is in 1 .. 10");
ok(!(10 ~~ 1 .. 5), "10 is not in 1 .. 5");
ok(!(1 ~~ 5 .. 10), "1 is not i n 5 .. 10");
ok(!(5 ~~ 5 ^..^ 10), "5 is not in 5 .. 10, exclusive");
# Signature Signature
# Callable Signature
# Capture Signature
# Any Signature
# Signature Capture
# reviewed by moritz on 2009-07-07 up to here.
=begin Explanation
You may be wondering what the heck is with all these try blocks.
Prior to r12503, this test caused a horrible death of Pugs which
magically went away when used inside an EVAL. So the try blocks
caught that case.
=end Explanation
my $result = 0;
my $parsed = 0;
my @x = 1..20;
try {
$result = all(@x) ~~ { $_ < 21 };
$parsed = 1;
ok $parsed, 'C parses';
ok ?$result, 'C
S03-smartmatch/any-type.t lines 5–40
class Dog {}
class Cat {}
class Chihuahua is Dog {} # i'm afraid class Pugs will get in the way ;-)
role SomeRole { };
class Something does SomeRole { };
ok (Chihuahua ~~ Dog), "chihuahua isa dog";
ok (Something ~~ SomeRole), 'something does dog';
ok !(Chihuahua ~~ Cat), "chihuahua is not a cat";
# RT #71462
is 'RT71462' ~~ Str, True, '~~ Str returns a Bool (1)';
is 5 ~~ Str, False, '~~ Str returns a Bool (2)';
is 'RT71462' ~~ Int, False, '~~ Int returns a Bool (1)';
is 5 ~~ Int, True, '~~ Int returns a Bool (2)';
is 'RT71462' ~~ Set, False, '~~ Set returns a Bool (1)';
is set(1, 3) ~~ Set, True, '~~ Set returns a Bool (2)';
is 'RT71462' ~~ Numeric, False, '~~ Numeric returns a Bool (1)';
is 5 ~~ Numeric, True, '~~ Numeric returns a Bool (2)';
is &say ~~ Callable, True, '~~ Callable returns a Bool (1)';
is 5 ~~ Callable, False, '~~ Callable returns a Bool (2)';
# RT 76610
module M { };
lives-ok { 42 ~~ M }, '~~ module lives';
ok not $/, '42 is not a module';
use v6;
use Test;
plan 8;
class Smartmatch::ObjTest {}
my $a = Smartmatch::ObjTest.new;
my $b = Smartmatch::ObjTest.new;
ok ($a ~~ $a), 'Any ~~ Any (+)';
ok !($a !~~ $a), 'Any !~~ Any (-)';
ok !($a ~~ $b), 'Any ~~ Any (-)';
ok ($a !~~ $b), 'Any !~~ Any (+)';
$_ = 42;
my $x;
'abc' ~~ ($x = $_);
is $x, 'abc', '~~ sets $_ to the LHS';
is $_, 42, 'original $_ restored';
'defg' !~~ ($x = $_);
is $x, 'defg', '!~~ sets $_ to the LHS';
is $_, 42, 'original $_ restored';
'defg' !~~ ($x = $_);