

根据经济学人的语域,虽然将原文的隐喻翻出来能让读者体会到st 的风采,但还是以传递信息为target, 建议以直译为妥。




fintech  更像是国内的  p2p

psd 2                          支付宝

这种感觉更像是psd2 提供了一个通道和途径,像是一座桥梁一样连接着顾客和fintech和bank,顾客的交易活动是通过psd2 实现的,比如可以通过支付宝中的蚂蚁花呗贷款和通过支付宝绑定银行进行提现之类的操作。而psd2的安全性就成了监管的重点,有类似于支付宝之类的app,但是很垃圾,忘了什么名字,我朋友就被里面的bug骗钱了,也是国内监管不利的结果。

retail banking : only provide service for individuals

important phases:

level the playing field  创造公平竞争环境

level the paying field  创造公平支付环境

become overdrawn  透支

nudge them to save more 鼓励增加储蓄

have easy access to   便于

kick-stat competition  发动竞争 (脚踏启动器)

give explicit consent 明确同意

one-click bank transfer   一键转帐

low-value payments 小额支付

tighten up security  加强安保措施

guide them toward  指导操作

rich data  庞大数据

leave them in a weaker position: 使他们处于不利地位

robust data-protection system  强大的数据保护系统

insured against losses from fraud  诈骗损失保险

perfect on paper  理论完美,实际操作困难

team up with   合作

online transaction  在线交易所

bank cards  信用卡

unscathed  毫发无伤

unscathed  毫发无伤

be cumbersome for  不方便的

transform the landscape  改变现状

sophisticated checks  复杂的审核

rock-bottom  最低价

dumb pipes   哑管道(没人关心)

block competition  妨碍竞争

sophisticated checks  复杂的审核

bank face 银行信誉

rule be waters down   削弱(掺水)

bare  one’s teeth  张牙舞爪

cit change  引起改变

team up with  合作

track cashflow and invoices 查询现金流和发票

via co-operation or confrontation  通过竞争或是合作

wave through a transaction  顺利完成一项交易(complete or finish sth)


lochhold  牢牢把握

handy source  轻而易举就可获得的资源(in hand)

mount a challenge  发起挑战

reverse:(totally misunderstand )

Fintech companies are beginning to mount a challenge, most conspicuously in the online-payments industry in northern Europe. But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe.


Resistance is manifested as a concern about data protection. Such concerns are legitimate but also, argue fintech supporters, offer a convenient excuse for banks to block competition.

抗拒源自对数据保护的担忧,这是合情合理的。但互联网金融的支持者们认为,这也是银行抵制竞争的绝佳借口。(宾主弄混,原先理解成argue with fintech suppoter,支持与反对者之间的争辩,实际应是fintech suppoters argue taht)

This article is mainly talking about two main aspects:one is fintech and the other is retailer bank.The author makes the psd 2 as bridge to connect them,and iterates what challenges has been bring to ,how could they  fix with new situation.The author advocates both of them should team up with psd 2.The reasons as follows:1.For fintech,they need customer-transaction information to provide financial services.2.For retailer bank,the advent new technology shakes up the interest rates.So under such circumstance,the solution is that psd2 could input requisite data with customers’ explicit consent and then the cooperate firms could scrounge the information. In order running such business form,the security should be put in first position.One one hand, psd 2 should prove their liability,on the other hand they also have to reinforce the date-protection system.


important phases

account for   描述比例

jump by/climb/increase/go up/rise   上升

market capitalization   市值

due to  (because of)

beef up  增强

listed companies  上市公司

ground for skepticism dose not come much more fertile than this  最充分的理由莫过于此

justify faith  证明

propel business  促进业务

whirl virtuous circle

It’s easy to tick off the pitfalls.  挑战比比皆是

distant horizon  长远目标

heady valuation  超高估值

self-fulfilling  prophecy  自我实现预言

whinge about     抱怨

debacle  (disaster)  惨败

lure/entice/attract  customer  吸引顾客

crank out cash  赚钱

breath of activities  经营范围

seen through this lens  从这方面看

drone delivers  无人机

get anywhere close to  几乎实现


former bookseller   书商起家

92% of its value is due to profits expected after 2020.   其中92%来自2020年以后的盈利预期。

If it makes as much money as investors hope  该公司实际业绩与投资者预期一致

So long as shareholders retain their faith in this model, Amazon’s heady valuation resembles a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Their faith is sustained by Amazon’s record.


But the business is starting to crank out cash.


A wingspan this large is more reminiscent of a conglomerate than a retailer


These article is mainly express pros and cons view about Amazon business.For one hand,the author admit Amazon’s greatness;the other hand,he also express his concerns for Amazon’s growing problems.At the beginning, the author acclaim that Amazon is an extraordinary company for its breath activities ranging from physical products to technology.Then,as it turns incline,author lists out the plight the Amazon facing.But he heads the belief Amazon could fix it well.One the second section,the author introduce that Amazon brings a subversive managing idea and make comparison between it and few companies.He points out Amazon not like others but focus on distant horizon.Amazon’s success erects upon abnormal facts:1.little earning but heady valuation2.conglomerate but bloated share price.And above all,the most the author admire is its virtuous circle.The bottom section,the author express his concerning,the developing greatness sure will bring regulators unreasonable charge and more duty coming from government.
