消息节有五种不同的类型,通过 type 属性来进行区分:例如 chat 类型为 chat 的消息在两个实体间的实时对话中交换,例如两个朋友之间的即时通讯聊天。除了 type 属性外,消息节还包括一个 to 和 from 地址,并且也可以包含一个用于跟踪目的的 id 属性(我们在使用更为广泛的 IQ 节中详细的讨论 IDs)。to 地址是预期接收人的
JabberID,from 地址是发送者的JabberID。from 地址不由发送客户端提供,而是由发送者的服务器添加邮戳,以避免地址欺骗。
Tigase 中定义一个最简单的消息组件,需要实现MessageReceiver或继承 extends AbstractMessageReceiver 类, MessageReceiver 的抽象类: AbstractMessageReceiver 子类 :
public void setProperties(Mapprops){ for (String name : msgrcv_names) { mr = conf.getMsgRcvInstance(name); if (mr instanceof MessageReceiver) { ((MessageReceiver) mr).setParent(this); ((MessageReceiver) mr).start(); } } }
此时: packetFrom=c2s@llooper/, packetTo=sess-man@llooper
packet = (tigase.server.Message) from=c2s@llooper/, to=sess-man@llooper, DATA=
//我们不会处理没有目标地址的数据包,只是丢弃它们并写一个日志消息 if (packet.getTo() == null) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Packet with TO attribute set to NULL: {0}", packet); return; } //它不是一个服务发现包,我们必须找到一个处理组件 //下面的代码块是“快速”找到一个组件if //这个包TO 组件ID,格式在以下一项: // 1。组件名+“@”+默认域名 // 2。组件名+“@”+任何虚拟主机名 // 3。组件名+ "."+默认域名 // 4。组件名+ "."+任何虚拟主机名 ServerComponent comp = getLocalComponent(packet.getTo()); //SessionManager comp.processPacket(packet, results);
3、SessionManager.processPacket(final Packet packet)处理,有要代码如下。 例如A->B,这样做的目的是为了首先确定用户A有权限发送packet,然后是确定用户B有权限接收数据。如果用户B不在线,那么离线消息处理器会把packet保存到数据库当中。
//XMPPResourceConnection session——用户会话保存所有用户会话数据,并提供对用户数据存储库的访问。它只允许在会话的生命周期内将信息存储在永久存储或内存中。如果在分组处理时没有联机用户会话,则此参数可以为空。 XMPPResourceConnection conn = getXMPPResourceConnection(packet); //现在要走SessionManager的处理函数,主要是走插件流程,插件在Tigase中也是一个重要的组成,入口就是在这里,SM plugin processPacket(packet, conn);
插入下SM plugin 流程说明 :

protected XMPPResourceConnection getXMPPResourceConnection(Packet p) { XMPPResourceConnection conn = null; //首先根据这个包的发起者,来查找他的连接资源类,找不到则找接收者的资源类 JID from = p.getPacketFrom(); if (from != null) { conn = connectionsByFrom.get(from); if (conn != null) { return conn; } } //这个接收者它可能是这个服务器上某个用户的消息,让我们为这个用户查找已建立的会话 JID to = p.getStanzaTo(); if (to != null) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { log.finest("Searching for resource connection for: " + to); } conn = getResourceConnection(to); } else { // Hm, not sure what should I do now.... // Maybe I should treat it as message to admin.... log.log(Level.INFO, "Message without TO attribute set, don''t know what to do wih this: {0}", p); } // end of else return conn; } protected void processPacket(Packet packet, XMPPResourceConnection conn) { ... packet.setPacketTo(getComponentId()); //sess-man@llooper ... if (!stop) { //授权匹配的processor处理packet walk(packet, conn); try { if ((conn != null) && conn.getConnectionId().equals(packet.getPacketFrom())) { handleLocalPacket(packet, conn); } } catch (NoConnectionIdException ex) { ... } } ... }
其中walk(packet, conn)方法,匹配处理器(授权)。对于message,此处匹配到的processor是amp和message-carbons,message-carbons没有怎么处理,主要是amp在处理,packet被塞amp的队列中等待处理。
private void walk(final Packet packet, final XMPPResourceConnection connection) { for (XMPPProcessorIfc proc_t : processors.values()) { XMPPProcessorIfc processor = proc_t; //根据element和xmlns,授权匹配成功的processor Authorization result = processor.canHandle(packet, connection); if (result == Authorization.AUTHORIZED) { .... ProcessingThreads pt = workerThreads.get(processor.id()); if (pt == null) { pt = workerThreads.get(defPluginsThreadsPool); } //packet 放到(addItem)授权了的processor的队列 if (pt.addItem(processor, packet, connection)) { packet.processedBy(processor.id()); } else { ... } } else { ... } } }
@Override public void process(QueueItem item) { XMPPProcessorIfc processor = item.getProcessor(); try { //由授权的 processor 处理 packet processor.process(item.getPacket(), item.getConn(), naUserRepository,local_results, plugin_config.get(processor.id())); if (item.getConn() != null) { setPermissions(item.getConn(), local_results); } addOutPackets(item.getPacket(), item.getConn(), local_results); } catch (PacketErrorTypeException e) { ... } catch (XMPPException e) { ... } } //其中processor.process()------> MessageAmp.process(),如下: @Override public void process(Packet packet, XMPPResourceConnection session, NonAuthUserRepository repo, Queue results, Map settings) throws XMPPException { if (packet.getElemName() == "presence") { ... } else { Element amp = packet.getElement().getChild("amp", XMLNS); if ((amp == null) || (amp.getAttributeStaticStr("status") != null)) { messageProcessor.process(packet, session, repo, results, settings); } else { ... } } // 其中messageProcessor.process() --------> Message.process(),如下 @Override public void process(Packet packet, XMPPResourceConnection session, NonAuthUserRepository repo, Queue results, Map settings) throws XMPPException { ... try { ... // 在比较JIDs之前,记住要去除资源部分 id = (packet.getStanzaFrom() != null) ? packet.getStanzaFrom().getBareJID() : null; // 检查这是否是来自客户端的数据包 if (session.isUserId(id)) { // 这是来自这个客户端的数据包,最简单的操作是转发到它的目的地: // Simple clone the XML element and.... // ... putting it to results queue is enough results.offer(packet.copyElementOnly()); return; } } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) { ... } // end of try-catch }
此时投递的packet :packetFrom=null,packetTo=null。
4、上层组件MessageRouter处理,把packet塞到in_queues. 又回到了MessageRouter.processPacket(Packet packet)处理:
不同的是 PacketTo为空,packet.getTo()的返回值是stanzaTo。
getLocalComponent(packet.getTo());方法根据stanzaTo与compId、comp name、Component都匹配不到。
此时packet会给组件SessionManager处理,Packet will be processed by: sess-man@llooper,由AbstractMessageReceiver的非阻塞性方法addPacketNB(Packet packet)加入到in_queues。
conn = connectionsByFrom.get(from)返回值是null,所以是根据stanzaTo取获取接收方的session,返回接收方连接的Connection。
protected XMPPResourceConnection getXMPPResourceConnection(Packet p) { XMPPResourceConnection conn = null; JID from = p.getPacketFrom(); if (from != null) { conn = connectionsByFrom.get(from); if (conn != null) { return conn; } } // It might be a message _to_ some user on this server // so let's look for established session for this user... JID to = p.getStanzaTo(); if (to != null) { ... conn = getResourceConnection(to); } else { ... } // end of else return conn; }
此时packet: packetFrom = sess-man@llooper,packetTo =sess-man@llooper。
之后packet又经walk(packet, conn)方法,匹配处理器(授权),扔给amp处理。
@Override public void process(Packet packet, XMPPResourceConnection session, NonAuthUserRepository repo, Queueresults, Map settings) throws XMPPException { // For performance reasons it is better to do the check // before calling logging method. if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { log.log(Level.FINEST, "Processing packet: {0}, for session: {1}", new Object[] { packet, session }); } // You may want to skip processing completely if the user is offline. if (session == null) { processOfflineUser( packet, results ); return; } // end of if (session == null) try { // Remember to cut the resource part off before comparing JIDs BareJID id = (packet.getStanzaTo() != null) ? packet.getStanzaTo().getBareJID() : null; // Checking if this is a packet TO the owner of the session if (session.isUserId(id)) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { log.log(Level.FINEST, "Message 'to' this user, packet: {0}, for session: {1}", new Object[] { packet, session }); } if (packet.getStanzaFrom() != null && session.isUserId(packet.getStanzaFrom().getBareJID())) { JID connectionId = session.getConnectionId(); if (connectionId.equals(packet.getPacketFrom())) { results.offer(packet.copyElementOnly()); // this would cause message packet to be stored in offline storage and will not // send recipient-unavailable error but it will behave the same as a message to // unavailable resources from other sessions or servers return; } } // Yes this is message to 'this' client List conns = new ArrayList (5); // This is where and how we set the address of the component // which should rceive the result packet for the final delivery // to the end-user. In most cases this is a c2s or Bosh component // which keep the user connection. String resource = packet.getStanzaTo().getResource(); if (resource == null) { // If the message is sent to BareJID then the message is delivered to // all resources conns.addAll(getConnectionsForMessageDelivery(session)); } else { // Otherwise only to the given resource or sent back as error. XMPPResourceConnection con = session.getParentSession().getResourceForResource( resource); if (con != null) { conns.add(con); } } // MessageCarbons: message cloned to all resources? why? it should be copied only // to resources with non negative priority!! if (conns.size() > 0) { for (XMPPResourceConnection con : conns) { Packet result = packet.copyElementOnly(); result.setPacketTo(con.getConnectionId()); // In most cases this might be skept, however if there is a // problem during packet delivery an error might be sent back result.setPacketFrom(packet.getTo()); // Don't forget to add the packet to the results queue or it // will be lost. results.offer(result); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { log.log(Level.FINEST, "Delivering message, packet: {0}, to session: {1}", new Object[] { packet, con }); } } } else { // if there are no user connections we should process packet // the same as with missing session (i.e. should be stored if // has type 'chat' processOfflineUser( packet, results ); } return; } // end of else // Remember to cut the resource part off before comparing JIDs id = (packet.getStanzaFrom() != null) ? packet.getStanzaFrom().getBareJID() : null; // Checking if this is maybe packet FROM the client if (session.isUserId(id)) { // This is a packet FROM this client, the simplest action is // to forward it to is't destination: // Simple clone the XML element and.... // ... putting it to results queue is enough results.offer(packet.copyElementOnly()); return; } // Can we really reach this place here? // Yes, some packets don't even have from or to address. // The best example is IQ packet which is usually a request to // the server for some data. Such packets may not have any addresses // And they usually require more complex processing // This is how you check whether this is a packet FROM the user // who is owner of the session: JID jid = packet.getFrom(); // This test is in most cases equal to checking getElemFrom() if (session.getConnectionId().equals(jid)) { // Do some packet specific processing here, but we are dealing // with messages here which normally need just forwarding Element el_result = packet.getElement().clone(); // If we are here it means FROM address was missing from the // packet, it is a place to set it here: el_result.setAttribute("from", session.getJID().toString()); Packet result = Packet.packetInstance(el_result, session.getJID(), packet .getStanzaTo()); // ... putting it to results queue is enough results.offer(result); } } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) { log.log(Level.FINE, "NotAuthorizedException for packet: " + packet + " for session: " + session, e); results.offer(Authorization.NOT_AUTHORIZED.getResponseMessage(packet, "You must authorize session first.", true)); } // end of try-catch }
检查stanzaTo与session匹配通过后,根据session拿到接收方所有的连接(可能多端登陆),然后Packet result = packet.copyElementOnly()生成新的packet(原packet丢弃了),并将packetTo设置为接收方连接的ConnectionId(例如:c2s@llooper/,通过addOutPacket()方法塞到out_queue队列。
此时packet:packetFrom = sess-man@llooper,packetTo =c2s@llooper/。
8、 组件 c2s@llooper 从queue中取出packet,分发到目的地
public void processPacket(final Packet packet) { ... if (packet.isCommand() && (packet.getCommand() != Command.OTHER)) { ... } else { // 把packet 发送给客户端 if (!writePacketToSocket(packet)) { ... } } // end of else }
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