Stand-up comedy 单人喜剧,单人脱口秀
The performer is commonly known as a comic, stand-up comic, stand-up comedian, or simply a stand-up.
以独角戏方式进行,通常是由喜剧演员一个人,直接站在观众面前,以搞笑方式面对观众,使观众发笑, 多以语言笑话为主。表演进行方式类似于中国传统的单口相声或日本传统的落语。
sit through 耐着性子看完(或听完)
Pink Floyd
word of advice:建议如下
have issues
1:to have problems that make one unhappy and difficult to deal with
e.g. She has serious anger issues
2: to have reasons for disliking someone or something ,to disagree with or disapprove of someone or something
e.g.I have some issues with his behavior.
bang v.重击
club n.球棒
mastodon n.<古生>乳齿象
over the head
1.To a position higher than another's 地位高于某人
2. beyond one's understanding or competence 超出理解范围之内
bang other woman
bang other woman over the head with a club
非常冷的一个双关语,把洞穴人用棍子打晕人拖走的行为和bang other woman的现代俚语结合在一起。
catch up with 赶上
catch up with 其他用法
When people catch up with sb who has done sth wrong, they succeed in finding them in order to arrest or punish them.
The law caught up with him yesterday.
Although he subsequently became a successful businessman, his criminal past caught up with him.
in here, anyone who... stands erect.
erect这里也是个pun, 另外的意思...就不必多说了...
through 在这里词性为adj, 常与 with 连用
~ (with sth / sb)
1. to show that you have finished using sth
Are you through with that newspaper?
to have ended a relationship with sb
Todd and I are through. 托德和我吹了。
slow sb down使某人慢下来
ball it up 揉成纸团
fluff v 拍松,抖松
ammunition n.<喻> "炮弹"
(指抨击别人的材料 手段或依据等)
e.g.The letter gave her all the ammunition she needed.
千层面 lasagna
thigh master
stomp on one’s heart
At first people used to say "duh" which means
no kidding! or 'that was pretty self-evident, and you're stupid'.
but for a little while, it turned into "doy" which has the same meaning. it just sounds stupid.
Examples of Doy:
A: hey, this ice is cold.
B: Doy, genius!
A: are you at home right now?
B: Doy! Can't you hear my parents yelling in the background?
A: do you have a cat?
B: Doy! Can't you see all the fur stuck to my coat?
To put sth in perspective :
to consider it rationally, in proper proportions to other events
the pregnancy announcement could be a reminder that pillows are a trivial matter. This would readjust Mon’s perspective on the importance of things.
fit into 有适应、协调的意思
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