Born a Crime C7: 2017-10-08

Chapter 7: Fufi

Born a Crime C7: 2017-10-08_第1张图片


That experience shaped what I've felt about relationships for the rest of my life: You do not own the thing that you love


        "I wasn't exactly devastated about the cats " 第一只宠物猫的惨死,Trevor并未十分悲伤,因与其相处不长感情不深,换而言之,自己并未觉得这只猫属于自己,没有占有就算真的失去了也未有所感伤。Fufi,一只呆萌斑点狗,Trevor挚爱。可能出于狗之乐,Fufi白日不甘寂寞每日去其他人家中串门被别人收养,晚上回来。Trevor发现后,大哭大闹十分伤心,还让妈妈陪演“Fufi争夺战”,自觉"No one has ever betrayed me more than Fufi"。并未真正失去却如此伤心,对Fufi感情愈深愈怕失去,便愈希望为己所有,也便产生所谓的Fufi的背叛。狗是狗,人是人,并不因为爱狗,它便属于你。试想,如若Trevor未明白“我们所爱之物并不为自己所有”之理,他最后还能享受圈养Fufi的快乐吗?






I wasn't exactly devastated about the cats

feeling extremely shocked and sad:极为悲痛的

同义: upset, anguished, dismayed

例句:She was left feeling totally devastated.

仿写:For her husband leaving, she didn't have any devastated feeling.

This woman's Maltese poodle had been impregnated by the bull terrier from next door, a strange mix.

impregnated 受孕,想说发现还有“充满;灌注”

to make a substance spread completely through something, or to spreadcompletely through something:

✏️ impregnate with something

The mats have to be impregnated with disinfectant.

例句:The professor Dorsey is always impregnating his students with creative mind

It never occurred to us that she could actually scale a five-foot wall

scale v. (formal) to climb to the top of something very high and steep

例句:the first woman to scale the worldʼs five highest peaks

✏️ scale the heights 登顶,

例句: (figurative) He has scaled the heights of his profession

后文出现:...upscale establishments


upscale something to make something better, bigger or more powerful

adj. 高档的,高收入的;v.改善,升挡

例句:The pilot project will begin in three areas and then be upscaled to the entire state.

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