Triggering effects when a container is resized

The following example uses a resizeEffect effect along with a Resize tween effect (<mx:Resize />) to create a smooth tween effect whenever the panel is resized
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--  -->
< mx:Application  xmlns:mx =""
="white" >

< mx:Script >
            private function sizePanel(w:uint, h:uint):void {
                panel.width = w;
                panel.height = h;
</ mx:Script >

< mx:Resize  id ="resize"   />

< mx:ApplicationControlBar  dock ="true" >
< mx:Button  label ="160x160"
="sizePanel(160, 160);"   />
< mx:Button  label ="240x160"
="sizePanel(240, 160);"   />
< mx:Button  label ="160x240"
="sizePanel(160, 240);"   />
< mx:Button  label ="320x240"
="sizePanel(320, 240);"   />

< mx:Spacer  width ="100%"   />

< mx:Label  text ="w:{panel.width}, h:{panel.height}"   />
</ mx:ApplicationControlBar >

< mx:Panel  id ="panel"
="{resize}" >
< mx:Accordion  id ="accordion"
="100%" >
< mx:VBox  label ="Shipping Information"   />
< mx:VBox  label ="Billing Information"   />
</ mx:Accordion >
< mx:ControlBar  id ="cb" >
< mx:Button  />
</ mx:ControlBar >
</ mx:Panel >

</ mx:Application >
