Day 49 英国首相无礼行为遭群嘲

A photo(picture) of Boris Johnson(美国版的特朗普) sticking(putting, 随意的放) his foot on a table during talks in Paris with the French president triggered(扣动扳机,引发,引起) unflattering comments(负面评论) on social media. 

But users on both sides of the Channel(英吉利海峡) who called the UK prime minister's actions insulting(不得体unflattering) might have been jumping to conclusions(太过草率,过早下结论).

A video appears to show Mr Johnson was responding to a joke by his host.

trigger 引发  cause/prompt 

flatter   过奖了

i am flattered.

That dress really flatters your figure.     那个裙子太显你的身材

unflattering comments.      引发负面评论

insulting     无礼的,有冒犯性的

We should hear his explanation before jumping to conclusions that he is to blame.


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