Peak 刻意练习/读书笔记14

Peak 刻意练习/读书笔记14_第1张图片






This study goes a long way toward explaining the apparent contradicion between teh earlier studies , which had found that IQ was linked with greater chess skill in young players but not in adult tournament players and not in masters and grandmasters.





In the long run it is the ones who practice more who prevail, not the  ones who had some initial advantage in intelligence or some other talent.

While people with certain innate characteristics---IQ,in the case of chess study ---may have an advantage when first learning a skill, that advantage gets smaller over time , and eventually the amount and the quality of practice take on a much larger role in determining how skilled a person becomes.











Hard work beats a talent when the talent fails to work hard.






But since we know that practice is the single most important factors in determining a person's ultimate acheievment in a given domain, it makes sense that if genes do play a role, their role would play out through shaping how likely a person is to engage in deliberate pracice or how effective that practice is likely to be .Seeing it in this way puts genetic differences in a completely different light.








While innate characteristics may influence performance among those who are just learning a new skill or ability , the degree and the effectiveness of training plays a more significant role in determining who excels among those who have worked to develop a skill. This is because, ultimately, the body's and the brain's natural ability to adapt in the face of challenges outweighs any genetic differences that may, in the beginning ,give some people an advantage. So I believe that it's much more important to understand how and why particular types of practice lead to improvement than it is to go looking for genetic differences between people.



1.deep-seated deep-'rootedˌdeep-'seated adj.[usually before noun]

 (of feelings and beliefs 感情和信仰) very fixed and strong; difficult to change or to destroy 根深蒂固的;强烈的;坚定的:

It is one of the most enduring and deep-seated of all beliefs about human nature----that natural talent plays a major role in determining abliity.

deep-seated desire

2.track down v.ˌ to find sb / sth after searching in several different places搜寻到;跟踪找到;追查到


...I set out to track down the details in order to understand how such a feat might have been possible.

»The police have so far failed to track down the attacker.

3.set out to    to begin a job, task, etc. with a particular aim or goal (怀着目标)开始工作,展开任务:

...I set out to track down the details in order to understand how such a feat might have been possible.

»She set out to break the world record.

»They succeeded in what they set out to do.

4.packed  adj.1. extremely full of people 异常拥挤的;挤满人的


...the venue was a packed concert hall or outdoor space ....

»The restaurant was packed.

»The show played to packed houses(= large audiences).

2.~ with sth|~ -packedcontaining a lot of a particular thing 有大量…的;…极多的:

»The book is packed with information.

»an information-packed book

3. tightly ~ pressed closely together 紧密地压在一起:

»The birds'nests are lined with tightly packed leaves.

4.[not before noun](informal) having put everything you need into cases, boxes, etc. before you go somewhere 收拾好行李:

»I'm all packed and ready to go.


noun(pl.-ies) a young person who is unusually intelligent or skilful for their age(年轻的)天才,奇才,精英;神童:

»a child / an infant prodigy

»a musical prodigy


6.resort to  v.resort to sth

 to make use of sth, especially sth bad, as a means of achieving sth, often because there is no other possible solution 诉诸;求助于;依靠

....we can explain how Mozart could have developed his abilities at such a young age without resorting to some sort of exceptional innate talent.

【SYN】have recourse to:

»They felt obliged to resort to violence.

▪ [+-ing]»Wemay have to resort to using untrained staff.

7.hitch  to 把…钩(或拴、系)在…上If you hitch something to something else, you hook it or fasten it there.

Leopold had given up his own caree by that time and had hitched his success to that of his son.

Last night we hitched the horse to the cart and moved here.

8.flip  n.1.[C]a small quick hit with a part of the body that causes sth to turn over轻抛;捻掷:

But what about the flip side of prodigies?

on the flip side, of course, the children who get more attention and praise form their teachers.

»The whole thing was decided on the flip of a coin.

9.breeze through  • to do sth successfully and easily 轻易通过;轻松完成:

....the same people who did so well in the beginning will continue to breeze through later on.

»He breezed through the tests.

10.smooth the path /way• to make it easier for sb / sth to develop or make progress铺平道路:

These lucky people , we imagine , were born with innate talents that smooth the way and lead them to excel.

»These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.

11.excel verb(-ll-)1.[V]~(in / at sth / at doing sth)to be very good at doing sth擅长;善于;突出:

These lucky people , we imagine , were born with innate talents that smooth the way and lead them to excel.

»She has always excelled in foreign languages.

»The team excels at turning defence into attack.

»As a child he excelled at music and art.

2.[VN]~ yourself(BrE)to do extremely well and even better than you usually do 胜过平时:

»Rick's cooking was always good but this time he really excelled himself.

12.carry a tune 唱歌不走调

....the ones who can't carry a tune right away are told they should try someting other than music....

I can't carry a tune. I don't want to embarrass myself or him.

13.taper off  • to become gradually less in number, amount, degree, etc.(数量、程度等)逐渐减少:

The advantage among hockey players does seem to taper off somewhat once the players make it into the major leagues.

»The number of applicants for teaching posts has tapered off.


◘ˌtaper sth∽off

• to make sth become gradually less in number, amount, degree, etc.使(数目等)逐渐减少;降低…程度:

»They are gradually tapering off production of the older models.

14.nefarious  adj.• (formal)criminal; immoral罪恶的;不道德的:

There is nothing nefarious going on here, but teh results can be incredibly damaging.

»nefarious activities

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