CET6-预测-5 Translation

Keywords: 可持续发展


可持续发展是一种注重长远发展的经济增长模式,它指既满足当代人的需求,又能确保满足后代人发展的需求,是科学发展观(Scientific Outlook on Development)的基本要求之一。
可持续的 development is a sort of economic growth pattern laying emphasis on long-term development. It refers to ensuring to satisfy the needs for both contemporary and people of later generations to develop, which is one of the basic requests of Scientific Outlook on Development.
As an economic growth model with emphasis on the long-term development, sustainable development refers to such a development that not only meets the needs of the present generation, but also ensures that the developmental needs of future generations can be met. It is one of fundamental requirements of Scientific Outlook on Development.

注重:介词短语with emphasis on
可持续发展:sustainable development
此外,表示“持续的”有时可用sustainable的同根词sustained,如get sth. done in one sustained effort(一鼓作气); make a sustained effort(不懈努力)
确保:ensure, make sure

In another word, it means that economy, society, resource and the environment protection develop 协调地 to 达到 aims to grow the economy meanwhile the resources and environment that human beings live on are well protected, such as air, 淡 water, sea, land and forest.
In other words, it means coordinating development of economy, society, resources and environmental protection so as to not only reach the goal of economic development but also protect the environment and natural resources such as the atmosphere, fresh water, ocean, land and forest which human beings rely on for survival.

协调:coordinate, harmonize, bring into line

中国是一个人均资源(per capita resources)相对贫乏的国家,实现社会可持续性发展是关乎中国子孙后代的头等大事。
China is a country lacking for per capita resources, for whose people achieving society 持续的 development is the most important thing.
As China is a country relatively poor in per capita resources, the sustainable development of society is a significant issue of top priority for China's coming generations.

头等大事:a matter of prime importance, a major event, a significant issue of top priority

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