cef 不更新编译

1,安装"Debugging Tools for Windows“

Control Panel → Programs → Programs and Features → Select the “Windows Software Development Kit” → Change → Change → Check “Debugging Tools For Windows” → Change. Or, you can download the standalone SDK installer and use it to install the Debugging Tools.

2,gn gen out\Default   

gn gen --ide=vs --filters=//chrome;//third_party/WebKit/*;//gpu/*. --no-deps out\Default

输入参数:(gn args out/Default) or on the gn gen command line (gn gen out/Default --args="is_component_build = true is_debug = true")


ERROR at //cef/BUILD.gn:140:1: Assertion failed.


可以键入命令输入编译参数: gn args out/Default 在弹出的编辑notepad里面加入一行: 

enable_print_preview = false
enable_widevine = true
clang_use_chrome_plugins = false

这个文件保存在 out/Default/args.gn


  • is_component_build = true - this uses more, smaller DLLs, and incremental linking.
  • enable_nacl = false - this disables Native Client which is usually not needed for local builds.
  • target_cpu = "x86" - x86 builds are slightly faster than x64 builds and support incremental linking for more targets. Note that if you set this but don‘t’ set enable_nacl = false then build times may get worse.
  • blink_symbol_level = 0 - turn off source-level debugging for blink to reduce build times, appropriate if you don't plan to debug blink.
    • # Build arguments go here.
      # See "gn args  --list" for available build arguments.
      enable_print_preview = false
      enable_widevine = true
      clang_use_chrome_plugins = false
      is_component_build = true
      enable_nacl = false 
      target_cpu = "x86" 


    • ../../base/win/windows_version.cc(26,2):  error: Creators Update SDK (10.0.15063.468) required.
    • 安装windows sdk 

    • 这个原因是因为新版的win10 sdk改变了目录结构,使得编译软件无法找到必要的处理程序。解决办法如下:

      • 进入C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin,将arm、armx64、x64、x86文件夹备份并删除,
      • 将10.0.15063.0文件夹中的arm、armx64、x64、x86文件夹拖出。
      • 再次运行ninja -C out.gn/x64.release
      • https://developer.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/downloads/ windows sdk下载。
      • //chrome_elf/BUILD.gn:10:1: Can't load input file.
        src/build.gn remove //cef

        chrome_elf 移除 cef有关


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