Fits~ Overview –FIR Fit Parameters Subtab

Model Type(模型类型):单击任一单元格时,此下拉列表框打开。它显示了此单元格模型简化的所有可用模型类型。
Step Responses(阶跃响应):FIR阶跃响应,简化的模型阶跃响应,FIR置信区间(如果选择了显示置信复选框)
• Cell Resizing(单元格调整):调整模型图单元格大小。若要调整大小,请将鼠标移到行或列标题的分隔线上。 当显示双箭头光标时,单击鼠标左键,然后拖放到所需的大小。所有单元格的大小相同。
• Change Line Colors(更改线条颜色):通过单击FIR或PAR的小矩形(图例)更改线条颜色。将打开你可以选择的调色板。

Fits~ Overview –FIR Fit Parameters Subtab_第1张图片

• Change Model Order(更改模型阶数):选择不同的参数模型类型。这将立即重新计算参数并更新简化的参数模型的阶跃响应图。 在下面的示例中,请参见从一阶更改为二阶的参数近似变化。

Fits~ Overview –FIR Fit Parameters Subtab_第2张图片

• Scrolling through Models(滚动模型):对所设置的大小,若一个窗口不能容纳所有的模型; 可滚动浏览所有模型图。
• Model Plot Grid and Axis(模型图网格和轴):根据模型图单元格的大小,模型图网格,轴刻度线和Y轴值将动态显示或隐藏。可使用绘图工具栏网格按钮打开或关闭网格选项。

FIR Fit参数子选项卡
这个子选项卡显示了简化为FIR模型后的参数结果中的模型参数。你可以通过设置每个模型参数的上限和下限,为此窗口上的参数设置约束。注意这些限制仅直接影响到简化的F2P模型。 然而,当按下Initialize Parametric(初始化参数)按钮时,此处设置的限制与最佳拟合参数值将一起传递到Parametric Fit(参数拟合)选项卡。
F2P限制的一个常见用途是强制模型拟合到已知增益。例如,操作变量设定点与其实际值之间的增益应为1。然而,根据数据集,FIR拟合的增益结果可能大于或小于1。将F2P模型的增益高低限都设置为1将确保增益为1,且这些限制将被传递到Parametric Fit(参数拟合)。

Fits~ Overview –FIR Fit Parameters Subtab_第3张图片

Ramp: Confirms the output is a ramp variable.
Contents of each cell
Model Type: This drop down list box opens when any cell is clicked. It displays all available model types for model reduction for this cell.
Step Responses: FIR step response, reduced model step response, FIR confidence bands (if Show Confidence checkbox is selected)
Some of the options available on this window:
• Cell Resizing: Resize the model plot cells. To resize, move the mouse over the divider on either the row or column headers. When you get the double arrowed cursor, click the left mouse button and drag and release to the size you want. All cells will be the same size.
**• Change Line Colors: **Change line colors by clicking on the little rectangles (legend) for FIR or PAR. This opens the color palette from which you can select.
• Change Model Order: Selects a different parametric model type. This immediately recomputes the parameters and updates the step response plot for the reduced parametric model. In the example below, see the parametric approximation change if you go from 1st order to 2nd Order.
**• Scrolling through Models: **If, for the set sizing, all the models do not fit on the window; scroll through all the model plots.
• Model Plot Grid and Axis: The model plot grids, axes tick-marks and Y-axis values are shown or hidden dynamically depending on the size of the model plot cells. Turn the grid option on or off using the Plots toolbar grid button.

FIR Fit Parameters Subtab
This subtab displays the model parameters of the parametric results of the FIR model reduction. You can set constraints on parameters on this window by setting the high and low limits for each model parameter. Note that these limits only directly affect the F2P model reduction. However, the limits set here are passed along with the best-fit parameter values to the Parametric Fit tab when the Initialize Parametric button is pressed.
One common use of the F2P limits is to force the model fits to a known gain. For example, the gain between a manipulated variable setpoint and its actual value should be 1. However, depending on the dataset, the results of the FIR fit may result in a gain greater than or less than 1. Setting the limits of the F2P model gain to 1 for both the high and low will ensure the gain gets set to one and that the limits are initially carried through to the Parametric Fit.


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