Everything I Never Told You 笔记7


1. Their mother’s absence gnawed at them quietly, a dull and spreading hurt.”


这个词的本意是咬;啃;啮;If people or animals gnaw something or gnaw at it, they bite it repeatedly. 想想啃猪啼的动作,是不是得使劲反复在一个地方啃,比较烦,所以这个词的比喻意是If a feeling or thought gnaws at you, it causes you to keep worrying. 让你一直不得安心,一直让你烦心, 折磨

说说我的烦心事,The window rails of my neighborhood downstairs gnawed at me.

2. One morning in early June, when Lydia nodded off during a commercial break, he tiptoed toward the front door.

nod off (尤指不打算入睡时)打瞌睡,打盹;If younod off, you fall asleep, especially when you had not intended to.

He was nodding off to sleep in the sofa, holding his iPad, when I got up at midnight.

3. He would remember only the anger itself, which smoldered as if it had always been there.

smolder: 怒、仇恨等)郁积,憋在心里;If a feeling such as anger or hatred smolders inside you, you continue to feel it but do not show it.

I smoldered during the meeting with my boss yesterday.



1. Under the heel of Lydia’s shoe, a wad of bubble gum stuck her to the concrete like glue.

a wad of gum: 一团口香糖

Everything I Never Told You 笔记7_第1张图片

这个量词我不会用,只会用a piece of gum,但这个意思表达可能是一块包装完好的口香糖,a wad of gum 就很清楚得知道它的状态。

2. ...there was nothing in the bag but a quart of milk, two jars of Jif, and a loaf of bread.


3. A trickle of syrupy spit nearly choked him, and he spat the half-chewed candy into the grass.

嘴里吃着糖,唾液变成粘粘的混着糖浆的状态,所以这里用了trickle 这个量词

4.  ...he would never again think of astronauts, of space, without recoiling, as if shielding his eyes from shards of glass.

shards of glass: 玻璃碎片, shards of china:陶瓷碎片

Everything I Never Told You 笔记7_第2张图片







Marilyn离家,饱受分离之痛,但心里的医生梦支撑着她。但是怀孕的身体变化,导致了一场意外受伤,不得不去医院急诊。她碰到女医生为她手术,与James 重聚回家后,完全变了。她把自己的梦想延续到女儿Lydia身上,女儿会成为另一个自己,成为一个女医生。她不再为家人精心准备早餐,饮食,把全部经历放在了女儿的学业上。




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