algebra: ['ældʒɪbrə] n. 代数学
geometry: [dʒɪ'ɑmətri] n. 几何学
nigh:adv. 几乎;在附近地
nitwit:a silly person
tuition:teaching, especially in small groups〔尤指对小组的〕教学,讲课
smallish:fairly small
nosey: another spelling of nosy; always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people’s private affairs
peer:to look very carefully at something, especially because you are having difficulty seeing it〔尤指因看起来费劲而〕盯着看,凝视
raffle ticket:奖券
resolute:/'rezəluːt,ˋrɛzə͵lut/ adj. doing something in a very determined way because you have very strong beliefs, aims etc
briskly :轻快地,活泼地
rapturous: ['ræptʃərəs] expressing great happiness or admiration – used especially in news reports rapturous reception/welcome热烈欢迎
ratty:informal becoming annoyed quickly or easily;ratty about sth; ratty at sth
juggle:1.[I,T] to keep three or more objects moving through the air by throwing and catching them very quickly;2. [I,T] to try to fit two or more jobs, activities etc into your life, especially with difficulty
daft:silly; be daft about sth = to be extremely interested in something
intrigue: /ɪn'triːɡ,ɪnˋtrig/ v.[T] if something intrigues you, it interests you a lot because it seems strange or mysterious
smug:showing too much satisfaction with your own cleverness or success – used to show disapproval 自满的,自鸣得意的,沾沾自喜的〔含贬义〕
suet: ['suɪt] 〔动物腰部的〕板油,硬脂肪油〔在英国用于烹调〕
cast:[T] literary to make light or a shadow appear somewhere投射〔光或影〕
sloppy:expressing feelings of love too strongly and in a silly way 痴情得可笑的,肉麻的
bosomy: /ˈbʊzəmi,ˋb u zəmɪ/ adj.胸部丰满的,乳房发达的
craggy:1.a mountain that is craggy is very steep and covered in rough rocks; 2. having a face with many deep lines on it
mansion: ['mænʃən] a very large house
butler:the main male servant of a house
delinquent: /dɪ'lɪŋkwənt,dɪˋlɪŋkwənt/ adj. 违法的人〔尤指青少年〕;不良青少年
despise:to dislike and have a low opinion of someone or something鄙视,看不起,藐视
seek out:If you seek out someone or something or seek them out, you keep looking for them until you find them. seek-sought-sought
stuck up:傲慢的,自大的
seek permission:seek one's permission, seek permission of sbb,seek permission from sb获得允许
appeal to:对…有吸引力
be given to do:沉溺于
walk up:沿...走 walk up the path
butting in:插嘴;打扰
hold with:to support; approve of 支持; 赞成
bury (oneself) in:埋头于(研究、读书等) bury ['bɛri]
spend up:用尽;花光 She spends her life up in her room buried in some silly book.
finish up:以...结束
slave away:埋头苦干 To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office.
in the flesh:本人,亲自
burst in:闯入,闯进来
there is no point in:....是没有意义的There is no point in beating yourself up because something didn’t go the way you planned. There is no point in you sitting in class doing nothing.
I have a word with you. 我有话对你说
bluestocking: ['bluːstɒkɪŋ] n.女学者,女学究,女才子,卖弄学问的女性
18世纪中叶,伦敦的一些上游阶层的知识女性逐渐不满足于日常聚会时的玩牌聊天等空洞消遣,模仿法国的沙龙,开创了一种以文学讨论为焦点的社交聚会。1750年,伦敦贵妇伊丽莎白·蒙塔古夫人(Elizabeth Montagu)在自家府邸设立了第一个文艺沙龙。该聚会一反当时的社会风气,既不玩牌,也不闲聊,而是开展各种读书、文学讨论活动,并经常邀请一些文学家、学者参与。并且,该沙龙还有一点与当时上流社会聚会不同,对服装没有严格要求,其成员经常穿着日常休闲衣服而非礼服前来聚会。
有一回,蒙塔古夫人邀请一名当时还不太出名的园艺师兼翻译家本杰明·斯蒂林弗林特(Benjamin Stillingfleet)参加沙龙。本杰明家境贫寒,买不起出席上流聚会所需礼服和黑色长袜,因此婉言拒绝。但蒙塔古夫人告诉本杰明,他可以穿着日常衣服和普通蓝色长袜出席。因此,本杰明便穿着日常衣服和蓝色长袜出席沙龙,并成为了沙龙的常客。
伦敦的这种文艺沙龙反映了当时女性群体和普通人对文学活动的热情参与。但当时的欧洲人和中国人一样,相信“女子无才便是德”,各种学术机构和教育机构并不对女性和普通民众开放。当时的一些保守人士,认为一帮女人和穿蓝色长袜的平民高谈阔论高雅的文学是对文学的亵渎,因此对沙龙冷言冷语,大加讽刺。他们给穿蓝色长袜出席聚会的本杰明起了个绰号“蓝色长袜”(bluestocking),将这种沙龙称为“蓝袜社”(bluestocking club)。后来,bluestocking从本杰明的绰号扩展称为对参加蓝袜社的知识女性的蔑称,讽刺她们附庸风雅、卖弄学问。英国伟大的浪漫主义使人拜伦就在其名著《唐·璜》中,对bluestocking大肆调侃,主人公唐·璜的母亲伊内就被他塑造成了一位bluestocking的典型。当然,在历史上,并非所有学者都对bluestocking抱有歧视,有不少人都对bluestocking对于推动女性文学运动的作用给予了很高评价。