4.10 Interaction 交互 - Pop Switch 开关

Swipe, rotate or pinch a layer between any two positions, rotations or scales, with added bouncy animations from Pop Animation.
Use the Touch button on a layer to quickly add interactions.
在任意两个位置之间划动、旋转或捏旋转或捏一个图层,和 Pop Animation模块一起用添加弹性动画。

4.10 Interaction 交互 - Pop Switch 开关_第1张图片


Enable 启用
A boolean that is true when the gesture is enabled.

Layer 图层
The layer to capture gestures from.

Gesture 手势
The gesture to detect. The options:

  1. Swipe X
  2. Swipe Y
  3. Pinch Scale
  4. Pinch Rotate
  5. Pinch X
  6. Pinch Y
  1. X轴向滑动
  2. Y轴向滑动
  3. 捏住缩放
  4. 捏住旋转
  5. 捏X轴向
  6. 捏Y轴向

Start Value 开始值
A number that represents the default position, scale or rotation of the layer.

End Value 结束值
A number that represents the second position, scale or rotation of the layer that the gesture should animate towards.

Flip 翻转
A pulse that flips the state of the switch (from on to off, or vice versa), which will also animate the value to the corresponding number.
翻转Start Value开始值和End Value 结束值。

Turn On 打开
A pulse that turns the switch on, which will also animate the value to the end value. If the switch is already on, the pulse has no effect.

Turn Off 关闭
A pulse that turns the switch off, which will also animate the value to the start value. If the switch is already off, the pulse has no effect.

Bounciness 弹性
A number that represents the bounciness of the animation.

Speed 速度
A number that represents the speed of the animation.


Value 值
A number that represents the current position, rotation or scale. Connect to the position X, position Y, rotation Z, or scale of the layer.
表示当前位置、角度或比例的数字。连接到层的Position X、PositionY、Rotation Z或Scale。

Progress 进度
A progress value that represents the animation progress between the start and end values. See Animation Basics for more information.

On/Off 开/关
A boolean that is true either: - when the current position, rotation or scale of the gesture is closer to the end value than the start value. - when the switch is flipped, turned on, or turned off with a pulse.

  • 当手势的当前位置、旋转或比例接近起始值时。
  • 当开关有翻转,打开,或关闭的操作。

Related Examples 案例

Instagram Notifications
Switch between notifications with animation.

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