Day2 (pdf--page13-25)

Part 1  What We Learned:





章节最后,John休假回家在海边遇到两个女孩,并在命运的安排下无法自制地冲进她们遇到的麻烦中……文字在这里停滞了,却让人无限遐想 —— 我猜他会纵深一跃,为女孩捡回她的包;我猜这两个女孩中一定有一个就是Savannah……至此,他奔向的是一段如前言中描述的刻骨铭心的爱情。


Part 2  Q&A

1. What did John's father do after they had a fight? Did it work?

John’s father was at a loss as to what to do, he tried the only way he knew—talked about coins and continued to cook their breakfasts and dinners. But it didn’t work, because it’s not what John really needed.

2. What are the evidences of John's rebellion?

He began to cut classes and smoke and was suspended for fighting on three occasions. Then he gave up sports, too. During his senior year, his rebellion reached a high point. His grades had been slipping for two years, and he was often drunk outside and came back late. He hadn’t even applied to junior college.

3. Why did John join the army?

Because he didn’t want to spend the same pointless evening pretending that everything in his life was okay. He wanted to change his living conditions, created a life as someone new.

4. What changes did John make after joining the army?

John made a lot of changes in the army:

He learned to take responsibility; he quit smoking and curbed drinking; he got promotion and acknowledged his own leadership; he started reading and fitness; he was not a big fan of social anymore. Above all, he came to understand his father and improved the relationship between them.

5. What's the army life like? Did John enjoy it?

The army life was boring, dangerous and even deadly.

John didn’t enjoy it, but the experience changed his life forever.

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