Building a Process Model-Creating Your Own Catalogue

| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
| View Submenu(查看子菜单)| |

| Icons and Names(图标和名称)–同时显示目录图标和其名称。Icons Only(仅图标)–仅显示目录图标。Names Only(仅名称)–仅显示图标名列表。 |
|Icon Submenu(图标子菜单) ||
|Change Icon(更改图标)–将选中的图标进行替换。Edit Icon(编辑图标)–更改选定图标的外观。|
|Catalogue Submenu(目录子菜单) ||
可通过选择Layout(布局)菜单,Grid Settings(网格设置)子菜单访问如下所示的网格设置窗口。其用于定义模型构建窗口中网格指南的出现和使用。要更改任何设置请参照以下步骤:

Building a Process Model-Creating Your Own Catalogue_第1张图片


Show Grid(显示网格) 打开或关闭模型构建器窗口中的网格。
Snap to Grid(网格对齐) 打开或关闭网格对齐功能。
Snap to Center(中心对齐) 打开或关闭网格中心对齐功能。
Spacing—Width(宽度间距) 输入或编辑窗口中水平网格线之间的距离(像素)。
Spacing—Height(高度间距) 输入或编辑窗口中垂直网格线之间的距离(像素)。
Guidelines(指南) 输入或编辑模型准则边缘偏移量(像素)
OK Button(OK按钮) 接受此窗口所做的一些修改。
Cancel Button(取消按钮) 取消当前的操作,且不保存任何信息。

View Submenu
Icons and Names – Display both the catalogue icons and their names.
Icons Only – Display only the catalogue icons.
Names Only – Display only a list of icon names.
Icon Submenu
Change Icon – Replace the selected icon with another.
Edit Icon – Change the appearance of the selected icon.
Catalogue Submenu
New – Create a new catalogue window.
Open… – Open a previously created catalogue window.
Close – Close the active catalogue window.
Creating Your Own Catalogue
You can create custom catalogues in the graphical model builder and use them to keep customized blocks for reuse in other models. The process to create your own catalogue is as follows:

  1. Click the right mouse button when the cursor is over the catalogue window.
    2.Select Catalogue from the menu.
    3.Select New from the Catalogue menu.
    When the new catalogue window appears, you can drag elements into it from a model window by pressing the Alt key.
    Using Grid Settings
    Use the Grid Settings window shown below, accessed by selecting the Layout Menu and then the Grid Settings submenu, to define the appearance and use of the grid and guidelines in the model builder windows. To change any of the following settings:
  2. Click in the field and add or edit the information.
  3. Click the OK button to accept the information and close the dialogue.
    Grid Settings Window Fields and Buttons
    Show Grid Toggle the grid in the model builder window on or off.
    Snap to Grid Toggle snap to grid feature on or off.
    Snap to Center Toggle snap to center of grid feature on or off.
    Spacing—Width Enter or edit the space between the horizontal grid marks in the window (in pixels).
    Spacing—Height Enter or edit the space between the vertical grid marks in the window (in pixels).
    Guidelines Enter or edit the offset from the edge for the model guidelines (in pixels).
    OK Button Accept any changes made in this window.
    Cancel Button Cancel the current operation without saving any information.
    Customizing the Graphical Model Builder Window
    The appearance of the GMB can be customized by moving panels and toolbars to new locations and/or by resizing windows and panels.


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