

  1. 超市已经关门了
    ——Jeff,I'm going to the supermarket.Do yo want to come with me?
    ——I think the supermarket is closed now.
    ——Oh,When does it close?
    ——It close at 7:00 on Sundays.
    ——That's too bad.
    ——Don't worry,we can go tomorrow morning.It opens at 8:00.
    ——Alright.What do you want to do now?
    ——Lets take a walk for a half an hour.My sister will get here at about 8:30 PM and then we can all go out to dinner.
    ——Where does she live?
    ——She lives in San Francisco.
    ——How long has she lived there?
    ——I think she's lived there for about 10 years.
    ——That's a long time.Where did she live before that?
    ——San Diego.

  2. 你有孩子吗?
    ——Charles,do you have any children?
    ——How may children do you have?
    ——I have two kids.A boy and a girl.
    ——What are their names?
    ——Jack and Stephanie.
    ——How old are they?
    ——Stephanie is 18 and Jack is 24.
    ——Are they in school?
    ——Stephanie is.She goes to college in Washington and Jack works in Florida.
    ——What does Stephanie study?
    ——She studies English.
    ——is she here now?
    ——No,she's at school.

  3. 帮助发音
    ——Wiliame,do you like studying English?
    ——I like studying English,and I can read well,but speaking can be difficult.
    ——It's not that bad.If you talk to your American firends every day,you'll learn quickly.
    ——Can I ask you a question?
    ——Sure,what do you want to know?
    ——I have my book from class here.How do you say this word?
    ——Sorry,I don't understand.What does that mean?
    ——A laptop is a type of computer that you can carry with you.Do you understand?
    ——Yes,I think so.Can you say it again?
    ——Laptop.Did I pronounce that correctly?
    ——Yes,that's right.That's very good.
    ——Thanks.And this word?How do you pronounce this?
    ——That word is pronounced kitchen.
    ——Thanks so much.You're a good teacher.

  4. 我的钱包丢了

  5. 工作中的电话

  6. 家庭旅行

  7. 我已经去购物啦

  8. 你喜欢什么样的音乐

  9. 去图书馆

  10. 你的父母住在哪里?

  11. 你能帮我找一些东西吗?

  12. 付晚餐钱

  13. 买机票

  14. 整理东西

  15. 在餐馆里

  16. 我需要洗衣服

  17. 找一个便利店

  18. 地理和方向

  19. 我在酒店吃过了

  20. 去看电影

  21. 食物的味道很好

  22. 帮一个朋友搬家

  23. 拜访一个家庭

  24. 看旅行照片

  25. 订鲜花

  26. 留言

  27. 谈论天气

  28. 做计划

  29. 会见一个朋友

  30. 我是一个学生

  31. 准备考试

  32. 你收到我的留言了吗?

  33. 跟医生预约

  34. 信件

  35. 我感冒了

  36. 邀请吃正餐

  37. 去把哪儿的路发过来

  38. 差劲的电话信号

  39. 去健身房

  40. 车祸

  41. 去看病

  42. 预定酒店

  43. 我改变主意啦

  44. 你想玩游戏吗?

  45. 生日礼物

  46. 进酒店办理登记手续

  47. 发邮包

  48. 我有过敏史

  49. 乔希在一家软件公司工作

  50. 听音乐

  51. 做出租车

  52. 我们没有迷路

  53. 帮我找找我的钱包

  54. 拍照

  55. 我把你的计算器摔掉了

  56. 我给你带来一个苹果

  57. 我岳母明天过了拜访

  58. 吉姆取消了会议

  59. 比尔被炒鱿鱼了

  60. 担心做手术

  61. 一个浪漫的故事

  62. 担心爸爸

  63. 我长胖了

  64. 我送你去上班

  65. 外面在下雪

  66. 错过的电话

  67. 为朋友购物

  68. 你是学什么专业的?

  69. 新公寓

  70. 你找到女朋友了吗?

  71. 电脑问题

  72. 你知道怎么去市中心吗?

  73. 你今天看新闻了吗?

  74. 你最喜欢的运动是什么?

  75. 做网页

  76. 让你来开车你介意吗?

  77. 你的英语真好

  78. 礼物

  79. 选举

  80. 图书俱乐

