外刊精读周计划 5.10 Wed 精读笔记

5.10 W1 - Wed 神句神词组



1.On various occasions she has persuaded me to do things for her, just as she has enlisted thousands of others.


2.WhywouldI give up a Saturdayon the basis of watching a clip of a similar conference a year earlier?


3.There is no danger of ever laying it on too thick. There is no level at which flattery stops working, according to a study by Jennifer Chatman of the University of California, Berkeley.

夸得天花乱坠也不要紧。加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的珍妮弗·查特曼的一项研究表明(Jennifer Chatman),多大的恭维都会有效。

4.In addition to being flattering, the perfect please has to make you feel not only wanted, but also needed. I read the email and said yes at once. I knew how manipulative it was, but I could not help myself.


5.Andrather than ask if I had enjoyed it,it would have been better to attest how much they hadenjoyed having me.


6.If only you wouldjoin our panel on xxx. We have a lot of clever but worthy people talking, and we need your genius to liven it up. Please say yes.


7.Thank you forbringing the evening to lifeand foryour scorching wit and sense. You are our own Tina Fey.



1.go on at length又说了一大堆

2.cut to the chase开门见山

3.butter people up拍人家马屁

4.singularly ungratifying差强人意的

5.get sb to do sth/make sb do


6.run into sb碰见/遇上某人

7.incline to do sth想要做某事

8.too vague to be convincing太模棱两可,没有信服力

9.be done with doing sth做完了某事

10.rattle on絮絮叨叨

11.fail to do its job失灵,无效

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