You’ve got a string a1,a2,…,an, consisting of zeros and ones.
Let’s call a sequence of consecutive elements ai,ai + 1,…, aj (1≤ i≤ j≤ n) a substring of string a.
You can apply the following operations any number of times:
Choose some substring of string a (for example, you can choose entire string) and reverse it, paying x coins for it (for example, «0101101» → «0111001»);
Choose some substring of string a (for example, you can choose entire string or just one symbol) and replace each symbol to the opposite one (zeros are replaced by ones, and ones — by zeros), paying y coins for it (for example, «0101101» → «0110001»).
You can apply these operations in any order. It is allowed to apply the operations multiple times to the same substring.
What is the minimum number of coins you need to spend to get a string consisting only of ones?
。。。懒得弄格式了凑合看吧 我好随便
1 #include2 const int N=3e5+10; 3 char a[N]; 4 using namespace std; 5 int main(){ 6 int n,x,y; 7 cin>>n>>x>>y>>a+1; 8 long long cnt=0ll; 9 a[0]='1'; 10 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 11 if(a[i]=='0'&&a[i-1]=='1') 12 cnt++; 13 if(cnt==0)cout<<0; 14 else cout<<(cnt-1)*min(x,y)+y; 15 }