Play to win

Play to win_第1张图片

We all like playing. Sports are all games. We are creators of them! We design them for fun. How about working? We design work for what?

Is life serious? My point is that if u think it is , it is!

Life includes 3 parts: work, sleep, and rest. Work just takes up 1/3rd. Can it influence the another 2/3rd?It should not!

Work can be games :cooperation game, life game, adventure game,etc. It can be a service to provide platforms for others to play in.

If life is a game , we can get a sense of freedom. We can repeat it over and over again! When we fail in games, we will fight again until to win. Wining a life is just winning a game! when  we face games, we are glad to play. why not be glad to play in life?

When we play games, we play with machines or other people.  We find pleasure in them. We study games strategies for winning. We have good inner state to face challenges. When we are tired, just stop and have a rest. Then we play again!

These days I find life is long run. But I can divide it into several shorts runs . Between short runs are intervals for rest.

So just like a speaker in TEDex says, Play with people together , if tired, have a rest .She calls P.O.D. P =play. O=others.D=Downtime,it means rest. Rest gives us energy to embrace another cycle.

P.O.D is just sort of sense of value. So does 'Play to win'.


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