导语:在疫情期间的各大新闻中,我们总能听到ECMO这个词,它一次次地将生命从死神手里夺回来。那么这个在疫情中发挥了巨大作用的ECMO,是如何屡屡创造奇迹的? 21世纪英文报重磅出品:疫情科普视频系列《TEENS战“疫”语言点》!美国主持人 Laura 小姐姐带你揭秘重症监护室终极武器——“ECMO”,赶紧点开视频,跟上 TEENS 一起来为自己充电吧!
Hello, everyone. I’m your host, Laura. Today, we will talk about a powerful weapon our medical workers are using to fight against the novel coronavirus.
You may have heard about ECMO on the news recently. ECMO is short for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. It is a treatment that adds oxygen to a patient’s blood and pumps it through the body.
The ECMO machine is connected to a patient through plastic tubes. These tubes are then placed in large veins. The machine pumps blood from the patient’s body to an artificial lung that adds oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. The treated blood is then pumped back into the patient. It basically replaces the functions of the person’s heart and lungs.
ECMO is used when usual treatments are not working. Although it does not cure heart or lung disease, it could provide precious time for the patient’s body to heal.
When a patient is put on ECMO, the patient is put on life support. Life support refers to different treatments used to keep someone alive when they are very ill. For example, you could say, “He was put on life support because he got too sick.” or “She was taken off life support because she got better.”
According to a report from Xinhua, the use of ECMO saved a patient in Wuhan suffering from pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus. The patient was in critical condition after being transferred to Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University on Jan 17. The ECMO treatment he received greatly improved his lungs’ functions.
As the Chinese government puts forward further measures to improve patient admission and survival rates, advanced technologies like ECMO will definitely help in our fight against the novel coronavirus.
That’s all for today’s episode of TEENS’ ANTI-VIRUS LANGUAGE TIPS. Thanks for watching and see you next time.