

Canonical的首席运营官,开源的传道者Matt Asay写到:









PHP and Perl Crashing the Enterprise

PHP and Perl Crashing the Enterprise
Posted by: Eugene Ciurana on ?? 18, 2010 DIGG
PHP, Perl, and other scripting languages are making dramatic inroads in the enterprise, standing side-by-side with traditional technologies like .Net and Java. Is your enterprise willing and ready for adoption?

Canonical's Chief Operating Officer and open source evangelist Matt Asay writes:

    While dynamic programming languages like PHP and Python dominate Web engineering, the signs that they are breaking Java and .Net's hold on the enterprise are less clear. Forrester recently reported that PHP claims the highest instance of open source use within enterprises, at 57 percent penetration. But it's also the case that the bulk of enterprise software spending goes to Java and .Net-based software.

    Who is winning?

    Perhaps both are.

Matt goes on to provide an insightful analysis of how these technologies are being adopted in the modern enterprise, and what it means to all of us. 


