



public interface ChangeEventQueueMetrics {

    int totalCapacity();

    int remainingCapacity();
  • ChangeEventQueueMetrics接口定义了totalCapacity、remainingCapacity方法



public class ChangeEventQueue implements ChangeEventQueueMetrics {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChangeEventQueue.class);

    private final Duration pollInterval;
    private final int maxBatchSize;
    private final int maxQueueSize;
    private final BlockingQueue queue;
    private final Metronome metronome;
    private final Supplier loggingContextSupplier;

    private volatile RuntimeException producerException;

    private ChangeEventQueue(Duration pollInterval, int maxQueueSize, int maxBatchSize, Supplier loggingContextSupplier) {
        this.pollInterval = pollInterval;
        this.maxBatchSize = maxBatchSize;
        this.maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize;
        this.queue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(maxQueueSize);
        this.metronome = Metronome.sleeper(pollInterval, Clock.SYSTEM);
        this.loggingContextSupplier = loggingContextSupplier;

    public static class Builder {

        private Duration pollInterval;
        private int maxQueueSize;
        private int maxBatchSize;
        private Supplier loggingContextSupplier;

        public Builder pollInterval(Duration pollInterval) {
            this.pollInterval = pollInterval;
            return this;

        public Builder maxQueueSize(int maxQueueSize) {
            this.maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize;
            return this;

        public Builder maxBatchSize(int maxBatchSize) {
            this.maxBatchSize = maxBatchSize;
            return this;

        public Builder loggingContextSupplier(Supplier loggingContextSupplier) {
            this.loggingContextSupplier = loggingContextSupplier;
            return this;

        public ChangeEventQueue build() {
            return new ChangeEventQueue(pollInterval, maxQueueSize, maxBatchSize, loggingContextSupplier);

     * Enqueues a record so that it can be obtained via {@link #poll()}. This method
     * will block if the queue is full.
     * @param record
     *            the record to be enqueued
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             if this thread has been interrupted
    public void enqueue(T record) throws InterruptedException {
        if (record == null) {

        // The calling thread has been interrupted, let's abort
        if (Thread.interrupted()) {
            throw new InterruptedException();

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Enqueuing source record '{}'", record);

        // this will also raise an InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted while waiting for space in the queue

     * Returns the next batch of elements from this queue. May be empty in case no
     * elements have arrived in the maximum waiting time.
     * @throws InterruptedException
     *             if this thread has been interrupted while waiting for more
     *             elements to arrive
    public List poll() throws InterruptedException {
        LoggingContext.PreviousContext previousContext = loggingContextSupplier.get();

        try {
            LOGGER.debug("polling records...");
            List records = new ArrayList<>();
            final Timer timeout = Threads.timer(Clock.SYSTEM, Temporals.max(pollInterval, ConfigurationDefaults.RETURN_CONTROL_INTERVAL));
            while (!timeout.expired() && queue.drainTo(records, maxBatchSize) == 0) {

                LOGGER.debug("no records available yet, sleeping a bit...");
                // no records yet, so wait a bit
                LOGGER.debug("checking for more records...");
            return records;
        finally {

    public void producerException(final RuntimeException producerException) {
        this.producerException = producerException;

    private void throwProducerExceptionIfPresent() {
        if (producerException != null) {
            throw producerException;

    public int totalCapacity() {
        return maxQueueSize;

    public int remainingCapacity() {
        return queue.remainingCapacity();
  • ChangeEventQueue实现了ChangeEventQueueMetrics接口,其构造器创建了BlockingQueue、Metronome,并接收了loggingContextSupplier;其enqueue方法执行queue.put(record);其poll方法先通过loggingContextSupplier.get()获取previousContext,之后创建timeout,并while循环执行queue.drainTo(records, maxBatchSize)及metronome.pause(),直到timeout.expired()或者queue.drainTo(records, maxBatchSize) == 0为false,最后执行previousContext.restore();其totalCapacity返回maxQueueSize;其remainingCapacity返回queue.remainingCapacity()



public class Threads {


    public static interface TimeSince {
         * Reset the elapsed time to 0.
        void reset();

         * Get the time that has elapsed since the last call to {@link #reset() reset}.
         * @return the number of milliseconds
        long elapsedTime();

    public static interface Timer {

         * @return true if current time is greater than start time plus requested time period
        boolean expired();

        Duration remaining();

    public static Timer timer(Clock clock, Duration time) {
        final TimeSince start = timeSince(clock);

        return new Timer() {

            public boolean expired() {
                return start.elapsedTime() > time.toMillis();

            public Duration remaining() {
                return time.minus(start.elapsedTime(), ChronoUnit.MILLIS);

    public static TimeSince timeSince(Clock clock) {
        return new TimeSince() {
            private long lastTimeInMillis;

            public void reset() {
                lastTimeInMillis = clock.currentTimeInMillis();

            public long elapsedTime() {
                long elapsed = clock.currentTimeInMillis() - lastTimeInMillis;
                return elapsed <= 0L ? 0L : elapsed;


  • Threads定义了Timer接口,该接口定义了expired、remaining方法;timer方法先通过timeSince创建TimeSince,然后创建一个匿名Timer



public class LoggingContext {

     * The key for the connector type MDC property.
    public static final String CONNECTOR_TYPE = "dbz.connectorType";
     * The key for the connector logical name MDC property.
    public static final String CONNECTOR_NAME = "dbz.connectorName";
     * The key for the connector context name MDC property.
    public static final String CONNECTOR_CONTEXT = "dbz.connectorContext";

    private LoggingContext() {

     * A snapshot of an MDC context that can be {@link #restore()}.
    public static final class PreviousContext {
        private static final Map EMPTY_CONTEXT = Collections.emptyMap();
        private final Map context;

        protected PreviousContext() {
            Map context = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();
            this.context = context != null ? context : EMPTY_CONTEXT;

         * Restore this logging context.
        public void restore() {


  • LoggingContext定义了PreviousContext,其构造器使用MDC.getCopyOfContextMap()拷贝的当前的MDC,其restore方法把之前拷贝的MDC数据再次设置到MDC中



public interface Metronome {

    public void pause() throws InterruptedException;

    public static Metronome sleeper(Duration period, Clock timeSystem) {
        long periodInMillis = period.toMillis();
        return new Metronome() {
            private long next = timeSystem.currentTimeInMillis() + periodInMillis;

            public void pause() throws InterruptedException {
                for (;;) {
                    final long now = timeSystem.currentTimeInMillis();
                    if (next <= now) {
                    Thread.sleep(next - now);
                next = next + periodInMillis;

            public String toString() {
                return "Metronome (sleep for " + periodInMillis + " ms)";


  • Metronome接口定义了pause方法;它提供了sleeper静态方法用于创建匿名的Metronome实现类,该实现类的pause方法通过Thread.sleep来实现pause


ChangeEventQueue实现了ChangeEventQueueMetrics接口,其构造器创建了BlockingQueue、Metronome,并接收了loggingContextSupplier;其enqueue方法执行queue.put(record);其poll方法先通过loggingContextSupplier.get()获取previousContext,之后创建timeout,并while循环执行queue.drainTo(records, maxBatchSize)及metronome.pause(),直到timeout.expired()或者queue.drainTo(records, maxBatchSize) == 0为false,最后执行previousContext.restore();其totalCapacity返回maxQueueSize;其remainingCapacity返回queue.remainingCapacity()

