AWS S3 三个常用的客户端软件使用方式Cloudberry, CyberDuck, S3Fox

CloudBerry S3 Explorer Freeware

Support OS: Microsoft Windows

1.   File -> Amazon S3 Account

AWS S3 三个常用的客户端软件使用方式Cloudberry, CyberDuck, S3Fox_第1张图片

2.  Add -> Enter Username/Access Key/SecretKey -> OK

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3. Source -> select your username -> address bar: enter BucketName (i.e. Abcd) -> click Star to add to favorite

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4.  To download or upload files just drag-n-drop the file to the specific folder you need between Source My Computer and Source Your S3 account folder

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Cyberduck S3

Support OS: Mac and Windows

Download from:

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And settings as below:

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S3Fox (Firefox Plugin)

Support OS: All

Navigate to  on Firefox

Click on “Allow”

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Then you will be getting this error below:

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Just ignore it and close this pop up window out

Then go to “Add-Ons”

AWS S3 三个常用的客户端软件使用方式Cloudberry, CyberDuck, S3Fox_第9张图片

Search “S3fox” as keyword

Then to install this add-on, after that, restart the Firefoxto make it effect


By now, you have get S3Fox add-on installed successfully,but we still need some actions a little bit

Just go to customized page of Firefox

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Move the S3Fox to the toolbar

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The Toolbar next to the Address Bar

Right now, you are all set for S3Fox. Ready for use now

Click on “S3Fox”

AWS S3 三个常用的客户端软件使用方式Cloudberry, CyberDuck, S3Fox_第12张图片

Click on “Manage Accounts” to edit your account

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If would pop up for Access Denied error message, just ignore it, it's a bug of the app.

Then go to the bucket you are granted, bucket name should start with /

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