[root@Real6410 /zhangbin]# ./x264-0605-dynamic
x264 [error]: No input file. Run x264 --help for a list of options.
[root@Real6410 /zhangbin]# ./x264-0605-dynamic --help
x264 core:115
Syntax: x264 [options] -o outfile infile
Infile can be raw (in which case resolution is required),
or YUV4MPEG (*.y4m),
or Avisynth if compiled with support (no).
or libav* formats if compiled with lavf support (no) or ffms support (no).
Outfile type is selected by filename:
.264 -> Raw bytestream
.mkv -> Matroska
.flv -> Flash Video
.mp4 -> MP4 if compiled with GPAC support (no)
Output bit depth: 8 (configured at compile time)
-h, --help List basic options
--longhelp List more options
--fullhelp List all options
Example usage:
Constant quality mode:
x264 --crf 24 -o
Two-pass with a bitrate of 1000kbps:
x264 --pass 1 --bitrate 1000 -o
x264 --pass 2 --bitrate 1000 -o
x264 --qp 0 -o
Maximum PSNR at the cost of speed and visual quality:
x264 --preset placebo --tune psnr -o
Constant bitrate at 1000kbps with a 2 second-buffer:
x264 --vbv-bufsize 2000 --bitrate 1000 -o
Overrides all settings.
- baseline,main,high,high10
Overridden by user settings.
- ultrafast,superfast,veryfast,faster,fast
- medium,slow,slower,veryslow,placebo
or situation
Overridden by user settings.
Multiple tunings are separated by commas.
Only one psy tuning can be used at a time.
- psy tunings: film,animation,grain,
- other tunings: fastdecode,zerolatency
Frame-type options:
-I, --keyint
--tff Enable interlaced mode (top field first)
--bff Enable interlaced mode (bottom field first)
- none, 22, 32, 64, double, triple, euro (requ
ires cfr input)
-B, --bitrate
-p, --pass
- 1: First pass, creates stats file
- 2: Last pass, does not overwrite stats file
-o, --output
--sar width:height Specify Sample Aspect Ratio
--quiet Quiet Mode
--vf, --video-filter
input file
Filter options may be specified in
Available filters:
[root@Real6410 /zhangbin]# cd ..
[root@Real6410 /]# ls
bin etc linuxrc proc sys usr zhangbin
dev lib mnt sbin tmp var
[root@Real6410 /]# cd /mnt
[root@Real6410 /mnt]# ls
SD-1 ZB mtd0 mtd1 nfs sdcard udisk
[root@Real6410 /mnt]# cd ZB
[root@Real6410 ZB]# ls
command.sh x264-0605-dynamic x264-no-asm x264-with-asm
test.264 x264-07-sumsang x264-no-asm-2
test.yuv x264-2007 x264-official
[root@Real6410 ZB]# ./command.sh x264-0605-dynamic
mycommand is x264-0605-dynamic /n
help :/n
yuv to 264 /nyuv [info]: 320x240p 0:0 @ 25/1 fps (cfr)
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: none!
x264 [info]: profile Constrained Baseline, level 1.3
x264 [info]: frame I:1 Avg QP:22.40 size: 6510
x264 [info]: frame P:9 Avg QP:27.67 size: 602
x264 [info]: mb I I16..4: 29.7% 0.0% 70.3%
x264 [info]: mb P I16..4: 0.6% 0.0% 0.2% P16..4: 25.2% 13.2% 2.6% 0.0% 0
.0% skip:58.2%
x264 [info]: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 62.7% 64.2% 29.3% inter: 7.4% 8.2% 0.1%
x264 [info]: i16 v,h,dc,p: 32% 32% 29% 7%
x264 [info]: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 25% 23% 13% 7% 7% 6% 8% 6% 6%
x264 [info]: i8c dc,h,v,p: 43% 31% 15% 11%
x264 [info]: ref P L0: 90.8% 7.3% 1.9%
x264 [info]: kb/s:238.50
encoded 10 frames, 2.16 fps, 238.50 kb/s
[root@Real6410 ZB]#