SASS Document
arguments with default value:
@mixin mode($color:#333,$height:20px){ color:$color; height:$height; } .class4{ @include mode(#fff,10px); } /*--------get below---------*/ .class4 { color: #fff; height: 10px; }
using explicit keyword arguments:
.class4{ @include mode($height:10px); } /*------get below--------*/ .class4 { color: #333; height: 10px; }
For, Lists:
$mylist:5px 10px 20px; @for $i from 1 to length($mylist){ .class7--#{$i}{ height:#{nth($mylist,$i)}; } } @for $i from 1 through length($mylist){ .class8--#{$i}{ height:#{nth($mylist,$i)}; } } .class6{ border-width:nth($mylist,1); } /*-------get below--------*/ .class7--1 { height: 5px; } .class7--2 { height: 10px; } .class8--1 { height: 5px; } .class8--2 { height: 10px; } .class8--3 { height: 20px; } .class6 { border-width: 5px; } /* @for $i from $a to $b ----------------->[$a, $b) */ /* @for $i from $a through $b ------------>[$a, $b] */ /* @for $i from 0 to length($mylist) ------>wrong, Lists start from 1, not 0 */ /* get the first item of $mylist: nth($mylist,1); */
lists functions: length($list), nth($list, $n), set-nth($list, $n, $value), append(), index()......
Lists, Variable Arguments
/*----all below are lits--------*/ $mymargin: 10px 15px 0 0; $myfont-face: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; $mylist: 1px 2px, 3px 4px;//a two-item list containing the list 1px 2px and the list 5px 6px.
lists as unknown number of arguments:
@mixin colors($text, $background, $border:#111) { color: $text; background-color: $background; border-color: $border; } $value-map: (text: #00ff00, background: #0000ff, border: #ff0000); .secondary { @include colors($value-map...); } $values: #ff0000 #00ff00; .primary { @include colors($values...); } /*-----------get below------------*/ .secondary { color: #00ff00; background-color: #0000ff; border-color: #ff0000; } .primary { color: #ff0000; background-color: #00ff00; border-color: #111; } /*-------not right:@include colors($values);--------*/
@mixin mapF($map){ .#{map-get($map,name)}{ color:map-get($map,color); height:map-get($map,height); } } $mycolor:#333; $mymap:( name:class5, color:$mycolor, height:20px ); @include mapF($mymap); /*-------get below-------*/ .class5 { color: #333; height: 20px; }
maps functions: map-get, map-merge, map-remove......
my own exercise:
@import "./themes/blue";
@import "resizable-base";
@import "resizable-mixin";
@include new-resizable($resizable-bar,$resizable-dragger);
@mixin resizable-hover-bar{ background: #002D72; box-shadow: 0 0 7px #00BDF2 }; $resizable-bar:( name: by-resizable-handle-bar, column-bar-width: 6, row-bar-height: 6 ); $resizable-dragger:( name: by-resizable-handle-dragger, column-dragger-width: 11, column-dragger-height: 30, row-dragger-width: 30, row-dragger-height: 11 );
.by-resizable{ position: relative; .by-resizable-handle{ position:absolute; } }
@import "sass-list-maps"; @mixin new-resizable($bar,$dragger) { $barName: map-get($bar,name); $CbarW: map-get($bar,column-bar-width); $RbarH: map-get($bar,row-bar-height); $draggerName: map-get($dragger,name); $CdraggerW: map-get($dragger,column-dragger-width); $CdraggerH: map-get($dragger,column-dragger-height); $RdraggerW: map-get($dragger,row-dragger-width); $RdraggerH: map-get($dragger,row-dragger-height); .by-resizable{ .by-resizable-handle-e,.by-resizable-handle-w{ cursor: ew-resize; width: #{$CbarW}px; height: 100%; top: 0; } .by-resizable-handle-e{ right: #{-$CbarW/2}px; } .by-resizable-handle-e .#{$barName},.by-resizable-handle-w .#{$barName}{ width: 1px; height: 100%; position: absolute; left: #{$CbarW/2}px; } .by-resizable-handle-e .#{$draggerName},.by-resizable-handle-w .#{$draggerName}{ display: none; width: #{$CdraggerW}px; height: #{$CdraggerH}px; top: 50%; left: #{-$CbarW/2}px;; margin-top: #{-$CdraggerH/2}px; position: absolute; cursor: pointer; cursor: -webkit-grab; } .by-resizable-handle:hover .by-resizable-handle-bar { @include resizable-hover-bar } ......
} }