Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 external builder

Fabric 2.0 除了原有的 docker builder 之外新增了 external builder ,一个 external builder 的实现提供 detectbuildreleaserun 可执行命令。

  • detect :接受两个参数source dirmetadata dir,用于探测客户端提交的 chaincode 是否可用此 builder 处理
  • build :接受两个参数source dirmetadata dirbuild dir,从源码构建出目标文件并放入build dir
  • release :可选命令,接受两个参数 build dirrelease dir
  • run :接受两个参数build dirlaunch dir,运行 chaincodelaunch dir 目录下有 chaincode.json 包含运行需要的参数。

External Builder Build 过程

ContainerRouter Detector Builder Cmd Build CachedBuild (Instance, error) (Instance, error) opt [ Instance not nil ] detect Detect runCommand Start Wait exit code error detect result builder opt [ detect ok ] loop [ iterator builders ] nil Build runCommand Start Wait exit code error error Release runCommand Start Wait exit code error error (Instance, error) opt [ builder not nil ] (nil, error) ContainerRouter Detector Builder Cmd


这里只实践 external builder build 部分

Fabric v2.0.1
go version go1.13.7 darwin/amd64

1. 准备工作

可使用 Fabric 2.0 debug 环境准备 脚本快速搭建,手动步骤如下:

  1. 创建临时目录
    export TMP=/tmp/fabric
    mkdir -p $TMP
  2. Builder准备,复制 externalbuilders 到 $TMP
  3. Chaincode 准备,复制 chaincode 到 $TMP下
  4. 配置文件准备,复制 sampleconfig 下的文件到 $TMP 下,不是sampleconfig本身是其下内容
  5. peer 可执行程序,编译或下载 peer$TMP/bin
  6. 修改 peer 配置(即 core.yaml
    	# Path on the file system where peer will store data (eg ledger). This
    	# location must be access control protected to prevent unintended
    	# modification that might corrupt the peer operations.
        fileSystemPath: production/peer
        # Endpoint of the vm management system.  For docker can be one of the following in general
    	# unix:///var/run/docker.sock
        # http://localhost:2375
    	# https://localhost:2376
        # List of directories to treat as external builders and launchers for
    	# chaincode. The external builder detection processing will iterate over the
    	# builders in the order specified below.
    	- path: /tmp/fabric/externalbuilders/golang
      	  name: external-golang
      	  - GOPROXY
      	  - GOCACHE
      	  - GOPATH
  7. 设置配置文件路径
  8. 完整目录结构如下
    ├── bin
    │   └── peer
    ├── configtx.yaml
    ├── core.yaml
    ├── externalbuilders
    │   ├── binary
    │   │   └── bin
    │   │       ├── build
    │   │       ├── detect
    │   │       ├── release
    │   │       └── run
    │   └── golang
    │       └── bin
    │           ├── build
    │           ├── detect
    │           ├── release
    │           └── run
    ├── module
    │   ├── go.mod
    │   ├── go.sum
    │   └── main.go
    ├── msp
    │   ├── admincerts
    │   │   └── admincert.pem
    │   ├── cacerts
    │   │   └── cacert.pem
    │   ├── config.yaml
    │   ├── keystore
    │   │   └── key.pem
    │   ├── signcerts
    │   │   └── peer.pem
    │   ├── tlscacerts
    │   │   └── tlsroot.pem
    │   └── tlsintermediatecerts
    │       └── tlsintermediate.pem
    └── orderer.yaml

2. 打包 Chaincode

-p :链码路径
-l :链码实现语言
--label :链码标签元信息,值 golang-external 请参考 detect 脚本
args[0] :./chaincode.tgz,打包输出文件

bin/peer lifecycle chaincode package --label golang-external -p ./module/ -l golang ./chaincode.tgz

3. 启动 peer

测试过程中未能正确找到 GOCACHE,原因暂不明。 启动 peer 时手动设置一个。

GOCACHE=$(go env GOCACHE) bin/peer node start
2020-03-12 14:31:25.024 CST [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Starting peer:
 Version: 2.0.1
 Commit SHA: 1cfa5da98
 Go version: go1.13.7
 OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
  Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger
  Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric
  Docker Namespace: hyperledger
2020-03-12 14:31:25.024 CST [peer] getLocalAddress -> INFO 002 Auto-detected peer address:
2020-03-12 14:31:25.024 CST [peer] getLocalAddress -> INFO 003 Host is , falling back to auto-detected address:
2020-03-12 14:31:25.091 CST [gossip.service] New -> INFO 004 Initialize gossip with endpoint
2020-03-12 14:31:25.092 CST [gossip.gossip] New -> INFO 005 Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: , InternalEndpoint:, PKI-ID: 0d46737a45894d123895671221dbaddf8480fb0364f404be3aed491df442945f, Metadata:
2020-03-12 14:31:25.092 CST [gossip.gossip] New -> WARN 006 External endpoint is empty, peer will not be accessible outside of its organization
2020-03-12 14:31:25.092 CST [gossip.gossip] start -> INFO 007 Gossip instance started
2020-03-12 14:31:25.094 CST [ledgermgmt] NewLedgerMgr -> INFO 008 Initializing LedgerMgr
2020-03-12 14:31:25.240 CST [leveldbhelper] openDBAndCheckFormat -> INFO 009 DB is empty Setting db format as 2.0
2020-03-12 14:31:25.252 CST [fsblkstorage] NewProvider -> INFO 00a Creating new file ledger directory at /Users/dian/tmp/fabric/production/peer/ledgersData/chains/chains
2020-03-12 14:31:25.341 CST [leveldbhelper] openDBAndCheckFormat -> INFO 00b DB is empty Setting db format as 2.0
2020-03-12 14:31:25.504 CST [leveldbhelper] openDBAndCheckFormat -> INFO 00c DB is empty Setting db format as 2.0
2020-03-12 14:31:25.516 CST [ledgermgmt] NewLedgerMgr -> INFO 00d Initialized LedgerMgr
2020-03-12 14:31:25.518 CST [lifecycle] InitializeLocalChaincodes -> INFO 00e Initialized lifecycle cache with 0 already installed chaincodes
2020-03-12 14:31:25.519 CST [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00f Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname:
2020-03-12 14:31:25.519 CST [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 010 Exit with ccEndpoint:
2020-03-12 14:31:25.519 CST [nodeCmd] createChaincodeServer -> WARN 011 peer.chaincodeListenAddress is not set, using
2020-03-12 14:31:25.523 CST [sccapi] DeploySysCC -> INFO 012 deploying system chaincode 'lscc'
2020-03-12 14:31:25.523 CST [sccapi] DeploySysCC -> INFO 013 deploying system chaincode 'cscc'
2020-03-12 14:31:25.523 CST [sccapi] DeploySysCC -> INFO 014 deploying system chaincode 'qscc'
2020-03-12 14:31:25.524 CST [sccapi] DeploySysCC -> INFO 015 deploying system chaincode '_lifecycle'
2020-03-12 14:31:25.524 CST [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 016 Deployed system chaincodes
2020-03-12 14:31:25.524 CST [discovery] NewService -> INFO 017 Created with config TLS: false, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000
2020-03-12 14:31:25.524 CST [nodeCmd] registerDiscoveryService -> INFO 018 Discovery service activated
2020-03-12 14:31:25.524 CST [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 019 Starting peer with ID=[jdoe], network ID=[dev], address=[]
2020-03-12 14:31:25.524 CST [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01a Started peer with ID=[jdoe], network ID=[dev], address=[]
2020-03-12 14:31:25.524 CST [kvledger] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 01b Loading prereset height from path [/Users/dian/tmp/fabric/production/peer/ledgersData/chains]
2020-03-12 14:31:25.524 CST [fsblkstorage] preResetHtFiles -> INFO 01c No active channels passed

4. Install Chaincode

开启一个新终端,设置 FABRIC_CFG_PATH 为前面创建的临时目录。

--peerAddressespeer RPC 接口地址
./chaincode.tgz 是第2步打包的 chaincode

export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=/tmp/fabric
bin/peer lifecycle chaincode install --peerAddresses ./chaincode.tgz
2020-03-12 14:42:21.533 CST [cli.lifecycle.chaincode] submitInstallProposal -> INFO 001 Installed remotely: response:
2020-03-12 14:42:21.533 CST [cli.lifecycle.chaincode] submitInstallProposal -> INFO 002 Chaincode code package identifier: golang-external:14893d10c6c01ce892588e83ecc0fb911a0de131d51a4d23547056775840f495

peer 服务端输出如下:

2020-03-12 14:42:20.380 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 01d { command=detect
2020-03-12 14:42:20.380 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 01e   "path": "module", command=detect
2020-03-12 14:42:20.380 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 01f   "type": "golang", command=detect
2020-03-12 14:42:20.380 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 020   "label": "golang-external" command=detect
2020-03-12 14:42:20.380 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 021 } command=detect
2020-03-12 14:42:20.402 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 022 { command=build
2020-03-12 14:42:20.402 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 023   "path": "module", command=build
2020-03-12 14:42:20.402 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 024   "type": "golang", command=build
2020-03-12 14:42:20.402 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 025   "label": "golang-external" command=build
2020-03-12 14:42:20.402 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 026 } command=build
2020-03-12 14:42:20.572 CST [chaincode.externalbuilder.external-golang] waitForExit -> INFO 027 module command=build
2020-03-12 14:42:21.532 CST [lifecycle] InstallChaincode -> INFO 028 Successfully installed chaincode with package ID 'golang-external:14893d10c6c01ce892588e83ecc0fb911a0de131d51a4d23547056775840f495'
2020-03-12 14:42:21.532 CST [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 029 finished chaincode: _lifecycle duration: 1167ms channel= txID=40ba5ea9
2020-03-12 14:42:21.532 CST [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 02a unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=1.167976475s

构建完成 externalbuilder/builds 目录内容如下:

└── golang-external-14893d10c6c01ce892588e83ecc0fb911a0de131d51a4d23547056775840f495
    ├── bld
    │   └── chaincode
    ├── build-info.json
    └── release
