迪克斯特拉(Dijkstras)算法,适用于加权图(weighted graph),找出的是总权重最小的路径。
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
def dijkstra(graph, startIndex, path, cost, max):
path[i] 表示vi节点的前继节点索引,一直追溯到起点。
cost[i] 表示vi节点的花费
lenth = len(graph)
v = [0] * lenth
# 初始化 path,cost,V, 获得start节点同相邻节点的 权重情况
for i in range(lenth):
if i == startIndex:
v[startIndex] = 1
cost[i] = graph[startIndex][i] # 获得了第一行的链接权重
path[i] = (startIndex if (cost[i] < max) else -1)
print v, cost, path
for i in range(1, lenth):
minCost = max
curNode = -1
# for 获取最小权值的节点
for w in range(lenth):
if v[w] == 0 and cost[w] < minCost:
minCost = cost[w]
curNode = w
print("curNode: ", curNode)
# 不可通行的节点,跳出循环
if curNode == -1: break
v[curNode] = 1
print "v: ",v
# 更新其他节点的权值(距离)和路径
for w in range(lenth):
# v[w] == 0 当前节点尚未遍历,
# cost 总是维护了一个 从start 到其他点的最小距离,所以 Q(a=>c) 可与 Q(a=>b) + Q(b=>c) 比较
if v[w] == 0 and (graph[curNode][w] + cost[curNode] < cost[w]):
print "======> 更新 w: ", w , " graph[curNode][w]:", graph[curNode][w], \
" cost[curNode]:", cost[curNode], " || cost[w]:" , cost[w]
cost[w] = graph[curNode][w] + cost[curNode] # 更新权值
path[w] = curNode # 更新路径
return path, cost
def show_graph(graph):
for idx in graph:
print idx
if __name__ == '__main__':
max = 2147483647
graph = [
[max, max, 10, max, 30, 100],
[max, max, 5, max, max, max],
[max, max, max, 50, max, max],
[max, max, max, max, max, 10],
[max, max, max, 20, max, 60],
[max, max, max, max, max, max],
path = [0] * 6
cost = [0] * 6
path, cost = dijkstra(graph, 0, path, cost, max)
print "path :", path
print "cost :", cost
1. cost 总是维护了一个 从start 到其他点的最小距离,