Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 September 24

Opening Doors Within 敞开内心之门 September 24_第1张图片

【作者】Eileen Caddy



These are crucial times and each soul is needed in its rightful place. It is like a vast jigsaw puzzle being put together there is a right place for every tiny piece. Are you in your rightful place? Only you will know. Do you feel you blend in perfectly with the whole and that you do not create any jarring or discordant note, Peace, harmony and tranquillity must be within you to stabilise you and bring you into alignment with what is about to take place. Therefore it is necessary to be still and find that peace within so that nothing and no one can disturb. Be like an anchor, strong and steady, so that no storm without can affect you or shift you from your rightful place. Hold fast and know that all is very, very well and that all is proceeding according to My perfect plan. Let not your heart be troubled, but put your whole trust, faith and security in Me.





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