SCAU 数字电路 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 复习


Binary 二进制 Octal 八进制 Hexadecimal 十六进制

Number representation in radix r
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r: radix (基数)
ri: weight of digit di(权重)
dp-1: Most Significant Digit (MSD)
d-n: Least Significant Digit (LSD)

Binary Addition and Subtraction
里面有cout 和 cin 一般是指加法的进位,out是出去的,in进去的。bout 和 bin 则是减法的。

Number System Conversion
Binary to Octal/Hexadecimal
Partition the binary number into groups of three/four bits, starting at binary point and
integer part: going left
Fractional part: going right
Both the lefthand and righthand sides can be padded with ‘0’ if necessary
Each group corresponds to a single octal/hexadecimal digit.
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Signed-Magnitude Representation (原码)SMR
The MSB position is 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.

One’s Complement Representation (反码)OCR
Positive number: same as the positive SM numbers
Negative numbers: complement each bit of the SM of corresponding positive number including the sign bit
There are two representations of zero as well.
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Two’s Complement Representation (补码)TCRPositive number:same as its SMR and OCR.Negative number:add “1” to the one’s complement of the number. Only one representation to “0”.


Addition/Subtraction in TCR

If the signs of the addends are the same but the sign of the sum is different, there is addition overflow.
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Sign Extension
Two’s-complement number X:
(X)n-bit -----> (X)m-bit
Case 1: n > m. Discard the leftmost bits when they are the same as the sign bit.
Case 2: n < m. Append the sign bit to the left of X.
Exercise: (1011)two’s = (11111011)two’s

Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers
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Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD, 8421)
例如0101 0110 代表86 每四位代表一个数字
2421 Code
A weighted code. (21, 22, 21, 20)
Self-complementing code for 9s’ complement.
就是以中心为轴,然后上下加起来,你会发现都为1111 (对9的自补码)

Excess-3 Code
Self-complementing code for 9s’ complement.
The corresponding BCD code plus 00112.
Follow a standard binary counting sequence.
Not weighted.

Gray Code
Only one bit changes between each pair of successive code words.
Reduce the chance of making mistakes via coding.

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Gray code 的生成方法
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ch 3

Logic Functions and Gates

AND (与门)
Function: Output 1 if and only if all of its inputs are 1 (输入有0,输出为0).
Expression: Z=A AND B; Z=A·B; Z=AB
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OR (或门)
Function: Output 1 if and only if at least one of its inputs is 1 (输入有1,输出为1)
Expression: Z=A OR B; Z=A+B
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NOT (非门, 反相器)
Function: Output a value that is opposite to the input value (输出对输入取反)
Expression: Z=NOT A; Z=A’; Z= Ā
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CMOS Logic
Positive logic (正逻辑) and Negative logic (负逻辑)
Positive logic: assigning 0 to low and 1 to high
Negative logic: assigning 1 to low and 0 to high

Logic Family:
Bipolar junction transistor circuits: TTL, ECL
MOS transistor circuits: NMOS, PMOS, CMOS
CMOS is the most commonly used logic family.

MOS Transistors
Principle: The gate voltage creates an electric field that enhances or retards the flow of current between source and drain.
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CMOS Static Electrical Behavior

1.Logic Levels and Noise Margins (逻辑电平和噪声容限)
VILmax: when the range of input voltage is between ground and VILmax, recognized as the low by input.
VIHmin: when the range of input voltage is between Vcc and VIHmin, recognized as the high by input.
VOLmax: when output in the low state, Vout: 0~VOLmax.
VOHmin: when output in the high state, Vout: VOHmin~Vcc.

2.Propagation delay (传输延迟): tp
tpHL: the time required for the output to change from HIGH to LOW caused by input change.
tpLH: the time required for the output to change from LOW to HIGH caused by input change.
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3.Power consumption (功耗)
When output is not changing, the power consumption --> static power dissipation is very low.
When output experiences transitions, the power consumption --> dynamic power dissipation is high, and the transition frequency is the primary reason.

ch 4

Combinational logic circuit
Outputs depend only on its current inputs, e.g. 1-bit addition.
No feedback loops.

Sequential logic circuit
Outputs depend on the current inputs and current states.
With feedback loops.

Switching Algebra: Axiom (公理)
(A1) if X≠1, then X=0;
(A1’) if X≠0, then X=1
(A2) if X=0, then X’=1;
(A2’) if X=1, then X’=0
(A3) 0·0=0 (A3’) 1+1=1
(A4) 1·1=1 (A4’) 0+0=0
(A5) 0·1=1·0=0 (A5’) 0+1=1+0=1

(T1 T1’) 0-1律: X+0=X; X· 1=X
(T2 T2’): X+1=1; X· 0=0
(T6 T6’) 交换律: X+Y=Y+X; X·Y=Y·X
(T7 T7’) 结合律: (X+Y)+Z=X+(Y+Z); (X· Y)· Z=X·(Y· Z)
(T8 T8’) 分配律: X· (Y+Z)=XY+XZ; “multiply out for SOP form”
X+YZ=(X+Y)· (X+Z); “add out for POS form”

(T3 T3’) 重叠律: X+X=X X· X=X
(T4) 还原律: (X’)’=X
(T5 T5’) 互补律: X+X’=1; X· X’=0
(T9 T9’) 吸收律: X+XY=X; X· (X+Y)=X;
X+X’Y=X+Y; X(X’+Y)=XY

(T10 T10’) 合并律: XY+XY’=X; (X+Y)· (X+Y’)=X
(T11 T11’) 包含律: XY+X’Z+YZ=XY+X’Z
(X+Y)· (X’+Z)· (Y+Z)=(X+Y)· (X’+Z)

Switching Algebra: Regulation (规则)
Duality (对偶规则)
A Boolean equation remains valid if we take the dual of the expressions on both sides of the equal sign.
F1=F2 <—> F1D=F2D (两逻辑式相等,则其对偶式也相等)
The dual of an algebraic expression is obtained by OR<—>AND, 0<—>1.

Generalized Demorgan’s theorem (反演规则)
Given a logic expression F, its complement can be obtained by taking the dual of the logic expression and complementing each variable.
[F(x1,x2,…,xn)]’ = FD(x1’, x2’,…,xn’)

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Standard Representations of Logic Functions
Canonical sum (标准和) : the sum of the minterms that produces a 1 output in truth table.

Canonical product (标准积) : product of the maxterms that produces a 0 output in truth table.

For a logic function, it can be expressed by canonical sum or by canonical product. The number list of each belongs to two complement sets.
∑ and ∏ with same list are complement of each other.互补
There are 6 descriptions for a combinational logic circuit.

Combinational Circuit Minimization
Algebra Method (代数法)
Apply axioms, theorems and regulations of switching algebra directly on logic expressions.
No limitation on the number of variables.
Not easy to accomplish by computer.

Karnaugh Maps (卡诺图)
A pictorial form of truth table.
n-variable K-Map: a map with 2n square cell; each cell corresponding to a minterm and its output value in truth table.
Adjacent logically (逻辑相邻): minterms differ in only one variable.
When 2n minterms are adjacent logically, the sum of these minterms can be simplified to a single product term after removal of the n different variables.
Make adjacent cells in K-Map differ in only one variable, and turn “adjacent logically” into “adjacent positionally”.

Don’t Care (无关项)
Some input combinations are forbidden (约束项).
The outputs don’t matter when some input combinations occur (任意项).

Don’t circle “d” alone.
Cover those “d” which can make the circle as large as possible.

Timing Hazards (定时冒险)
Circuit delay:
The transient behavior of a combinational logic circuit may differ from what is predicted by a steady-state analysis.
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Static-1 Hazards (静态-1冒险)
A circuit’s output may produce a 0 glitch when it should remain 1 based on a static analysis.
How to judge?
In expression: F=X+X’ can appear finally.
In K-Map: Two circles are “tangent”.
Add circles to cover those “tangent” minterms in K-Map.

Static-0 Hazards(静态-0冒险)
Be treated “duality” with static-1 hazards.
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ch 6

Several Structures
Parity circuits(奇偶校验电路)

Active Levels
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Multiple-input, multiple-output combinational logic circuit
For n-bit input combinations, get the m-bit output combinations with one-to-one mapping when the enables are asserted (n

Binary decoders (二进制译码器)
Input: n-bit binary code
Output: 2n-bit,for each input combination, only one of 2n is asserted (1-out-of-2n)

Such as 2 to 4 binary decoder

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MSI: Dual 2-4 binary decoder 74×139
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其中1G和2G是EN端 1A1B 2A2B则是输入端,分别代表两个数

3-8 binary decoder
3-8 binary decoder truth table
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MSI:3-8 binary decoder 74x138
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Design 4-16 decoder using 74x138
N2N1N0 are inputs of two 74x138,N3 is Enable
N3=0, U1 Enable, decode 0~7
N3=1, U2 Enable, decode 8~15
EN_L is Enable of 4-to-16 decoder
5-to-32 Decoder
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Applications of Binary Decoder
Binary decoder can be used as minterm or maxterm generator.
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F = ∑X,Y,Z(0,1,4,6,7)
F = ∑A,B,C,D,E(1,3,5,7,19,21,23)
= A’B’C’D’E + A’B’C’DE + A’B’CD’E + A’B’CDE
= B’E(A’C’D’ + A’C’D + A’CD’ + A’CD + AC’D + ACD’ + ACD)
= B’E(m0 + m1 + m2 + m3 + m5 + m6 + m7)

BCD Decoder (BCD 译码器)
Inputs: 4-bit BCD code
Outputs: 1-out-of-10
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这里的truth table我看了很久,后来才发现,原来其abcdefg的含义居然是代表的位置
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Binary Encoder
8-3 Binary Encoder
A 2n-to-n encoder can be built from n 2n-1-input OR gates. Bit i of the input code is connected to OR gate j if bit j in the binary representation of i is 1
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Priority Encoders (优先级编码器)
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EI_L: Enable Input
EO_L: Enable Output, is asserted when EI_L is asserted and no inputs are asserted.
GS_L: Group Selection, is asserted when EI_L is asserted and at least one input is asserted.

Multiplexers (多路复用器MUX)
MUX uses the control inputs to select one of the data inputs and connects it to the output terminal.
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Inputs:n sources; b-bit per source; s-bit select, n =2s; Enable.
Outputs:one of n sources (b-bit)

MUX-DEMUX Application
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8-input, 1-bit MUX
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74x157: 2-input, 4-bit MUX
74x153: 4-input, 2-bit MUX
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Expanding Multiplexers
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Implement the Combinational Circuits
Base: Y=∑miDi

Demultiplexer (多路分配器, DEMUX)
A binary decoder with enable can be used as a DEMUX.
The decoder’s enable input is the data input.
就是说binary decoder可以用作DEMUX
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A circuit that compares two binary words and indicates whether they are equal.
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Iterative Comparator (迭代比较器)
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Ripple from the leftmost to the rightmost module.
Use EQi to keep track of whether all of the bit-pairs have been equal so far.

Magnitude Comparators (数值比较器)
Inputs:1-bit binary number A, B
Outputs:YA>B, YA=B, YA SCAU 数字电路 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 复习_第40张图片

MSI: 74x682 (8-bit 数值比较器)
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MSI: 74x85 (4-bit 数值比较器)
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A 12-bit comparator using 74x85s
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Adders (加法器)
1-bit Half Adder
1-bit Full Adder
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Ripple Adders (逐位(串行)进位加法器)
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Carry-lookahead Adders (先行进位加法器)
gi=xiyi pi=xi+yi

A 16-bit group-ripple adder
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Application: Full Subtractor from Full Adder
Truth table of the 1-bit Full Subtractor
X, Y are n-bit unsigned binary numbers
Addition: S = X + Y
Subtraction: D = X - Y
= X+ (Two’s Complement of Y)
= X+ (One’s Complement of Y) + 1
= X+ Y’+ 1
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Combinational logic circuit
Outputs depend only on its current inputs
No feedback loops
Sequential logic circuit
Outputs depend on the current inputs and the past inputs (past inputs → current states)
Contain state memory (状态存储器).
A state memory can store one bit of information.

State memory: The state memory is a set of n flip-flops that store the current state of the machine, and has 2n distinct states.
Next-state logic: as a function of the current state and input.
Next state = F(current state, input)
Output logic: as a function of the current state and input.
Output = G(current state, input)

Sequential circuits are sometimes called Finite-State Machine (有限状态机)
Clocked synchronous state machine(时钟同步状态机):the circuit is controlled by a clock signal.

Clocked synchronous state machine
Mealy (米里机): A sequential circuit whose outputs depends on both states and inputs.
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Moore (摩尔机): A sequential circuit whose outputs depends on the states alone.
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Bistable Device (双稳态元件)
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Latches and Flip-Flops (锁存器与触发器)
Both are bistable device, and can serve as state memory.
Latch(锁存器): can change its outputs at any time when its enable is asserted.
Flip-Flop(触发器): samples its inputs and changes its outputs at each tick of the clock.

S-R Latch
S: SET (置位) 就是置位为1
R: RESET (复位) 就是复位为0
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就是当S为1的时候S起作用 R为1的时候R起作用
when S=0, R=0, If current state Q=QN’, hold the last state.

Characteristic Equation
Q* = S + R’·Q under SR=0

Minimum Pulse Width (最小脉冲宽度)
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Propagation delay:the time it takes for a transition on an input signal to produce a transition on an output signal.
The latch may go into the metastable state if a pulse shorter than the tpw(min).

S’-R’ Latch
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Q* = S + R’·Q under SR=0

S-R Latch with Enable
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D Latch
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C asserted:transparent
C negated:hold last value
Characteristic equation:Q* = D

Timing Diagram
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Edge-triggered D Flip-Flop (边沿触发式D触发器)
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D Latch – Level Enable (电平有效)
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D-FF with PR and CLR
perset 就是吧Q重置为1 , clear就是把Q重置为0
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Edge-Triggered D FF with Enable
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Edge-Triggered J-K Flip-Flop (边沿J-K触发器)
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T Flip-Flop
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Implementation of T’ FF
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Implementation of T FF
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Clocked Synchronous State-Machine Analysis
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1.1: write the excitation equation from the logic diagram
1.2: write the transition equation
1.3: write the output equation
2.1: create transition/output table
2.2: create state/output table
3: Draw state diagram/Timing diagram

Clocked Synchronous State-Machine Design
Steps: Determine inputs, outputs.

  1. Draw state diagram (or create state/output table)
  2. State minimization (状态化简)
  3. State assignment (状态编码)
  4. Create transition/output table (转移/输出表)
  5. Create excitation/output table (激励/输出表)
    if using D-FF, equal to transition/output table
    if using JK-FF or T-FF, through application table (应用表)
  6. Write excitation equation, output equation
  7. Check the unused states if present (自启动问题)
  8. Draw logic diagram


  1. 注意分析是moore machine还是mealy machine(moore machine和输入没有关系,只和状态有关系)
  2. 分析好有几个状态,判断需要几个触发器
  3. 分析好由现在这个状态到下一个状态是啥子 注意好无关项的处理,可以用于化简,别憨憨写长的一匹
  4. 通过truth table 分别写出各个Q*的表达式子,用K-map
  5. 注意这是啥触发器,别看错辽
  6. 有偏离状态---》主循环的电路就是具有自启动能力。
  7. JK触发器就是要记得求J和K,通过配对和找一找来写
  8. JK虽然麻烦,然是画出来的电路图很nice,D触发器找关系很舒服,画图恶心。

Design a “1111” sequence detector (序列检测器)
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State Minimization
The state diagram in the first step may not be minimum and may contain redundant states.
The number of FFs depends on that of states.
It is necessary to minimize the state diagram to reduce the number of FFs and gates.
Reduce redundant states from the original state diagram, to get a minimized diagram.
If for each input sequence, states S1 and S2 share exactly the same next state, we say S1 and S2 are equivalent, denoted by (S1, S2), or states S1 and S2 are an equivalent pair.
The input sequence here could be of arbitrary length and combination.
Transferability: (S1, S2), (S2, S3) --》 (S1, S2, S3)

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例如From the comparison we get 5 maximum ECs, i.e. {A, E}, {B, F}, {C}, {D} and {G}. Then we have the final state diagram as follows.
