Step1: 直线检测。OpenCV提供了一个检测直线的函数HoughLinesP(),关于此函数的API介绍,可以参考HoughLinesP。此步骤主要程序如下:
Mat imgOrigion = imread(IMAGE_PATH);
Mat imgScale;
float scaleFactor = COLSLIMIT / imgOrigion.cols;
resize(imgOrigion, imgScale, Size(imgOrigion.cols * scaleFactor, imgOrigion.rows * scaleFactor)); // reduce image size to speed up calculation
Mat imgGray;
cvtColor(imgScale, imgGray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); // gray scale
Mat imgCanny;
Canny(imgGray, imgCanny, 100, 200); // use canny operator to detect contour
imshow("Contour detection", imgCanny);
std::vector lineAll;
HoughLinesP(imgCanny, lineAll, 1, CV_PI / 180, 30, 50, 4);
// draw all lines detected
Mat imgAllLines;
for (int i = 0, steps = lineAll.size(); i < steps; i++)
line(imgAllLines, Point(lineAll[i][0], lineAll[i][1]), Point(lineAll[i][2], lineAll[i][3]), Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3, 8);
imshow("All lines detected", imgAllLines);
上图为使用Canny算子检测出的边缘。PCB板上驳杂分布的原件使得算法检测出了丰富的轮廓信息。对此轮廓图进行直线检测,结果如下图所示,除了PCB的边缘直线被检测出来, 算法还误检出了很多的直线。因此,下一步算法的目的就是提取边缘直线,滤出PCB板内的误检直线。
std::list linesList;
for (std::vector ::iterator itor = lineAll.begin(); itor != lineAll.end(); ++itor)
std::vector lineFiltered;
for (std::list ::iterator itorOuter = linesList.begin(); itorOuter != linesList.end();)
for (std::list ::iterator itorInner = linesList.begin(); itorInner != linesList.end(); ++itorInner)
if (abs(angleOfLines(*itorOuter, *itorInner) - 90) < 1)
// take out the current two perpendicular lines to reduce the size of linesList
itorInner = linesList.erase(itorInner);
itorOuter = linesList.erase(itorOuter);
if (itorInner == --linesList.end())
if (linesList.size() > 2)
itorOuter = linesList.erase(itorOuter); // erase current element when there is no other line perpendicular to it.
itorOuter = linesList.end();
Mat imgLinesFiltered;
// draw lines after filtering
for (int i = 0, steps = lineFiltered.size(); i < steps; i++)
line(imgLinesFiltered, Point(lineFiltered[i][0], lineFiltered[i][1]), Point(lineFiltered[i][2], lineFiltered[i][3]), Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3, 8);
imshow("Lines after filtering", imgLinesFiltered);
* @brief calculate the angle of two lines by using vector angle formula: cos(thea) = (a*b) / (|a||b|)
* @param line1
* @param line2
* @return result ranges from 0 to pi
double angleOfLines(const cv::Vec4i& line1, const cv::Vec4i& line2)
double moduleLine1 = sqrt(pow(line1[0] - line1[2], 2) + pow(line1[1] - line1[3], 2));
double moduleLine2 = sqrt(pow(line2[0] - line2[2], 2) + pow(line2[1] - line2[3], 2));
double dotProduct = (line1[2] - line1[0])*(line2[2] - line2[0]) + (line1[3] - line1[1])*(line2[3] - line2[1]);
return acos(dotProduct / moduleLine1 / moduleLine2) * 180 / CV_PI;
滤波后的直线簇中可能会存在与边缘直线相平行的直线,因此通过对std::vector lineFiltered进行四次排序,提取出最靠图像边界的直线。排序规则即为分别对线段中点坐标x,y的值升序降序排列。注意,在图像坐标系中,原点是图像的最左上角。
double correctAngle = 0.0; // average tilt angle of PCB
if (lineFiltered.size() > 0)
// find edge lines of PCB
std::vector lineEdge;
sort(lineFiltered.begin(), lineFiltered.end(), getMinMidX); // get the line at the far left of the image
sort(lineFiltered.begin(), lineFiltered.end(), getMaxMidX); // get the line at the far right of the image
sort(lineFiltered.begin(), lineFiltered.end(), getMinMidY); // get the line at the top of the image
sort(lineFiltered.begin(), lineFiltered.end(), getMaxMidY); // get the line at the buttom of the image
Mat imgLinesEdge;
// draw lines after filtering
for (int i = 0, steps = lineEdge.size(); i < steps; i++)
line(imgLinesEdge, Point(lineEdge[i][0], lineEdge[i][1]), Point(lineEdge[i][2], lineEdge[i][3]), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3, 8);
imshow("PCB edge lines", imgLinesEdge);
for (int i = 0, step = lineEdge.size(); i < step; i++) // calcualte averge tilt angle of PCB edge lines
correctAngle += angleForCorrect(lineEdge[i]);
correctAngle /= lineEdge.size();
* @brief comparison function for sort, sort vector from small to large accodoring to x of the midpoint of each element
* @param line1
* @param line2
* @return
bool getMinMidX(const cv::Vec4i& line1, const cv::Vec4i& line2)
return (line1[0] + line1[2]) < (line2[0] + line2[2]); // Although middle point compared, there is no need to divide 2
* @brief comparison function for sort, sort vector from large to small accodoring to x of the midpoint of each element
* @param line1
* @param line2
* @return
bool getMaxMidX(const cv::Vec4i& line1, const cv::Vec4i& line2)
return (line1[0] + line1[2]) > (line2[0] + line2[2]);
* @brief comparison function for sort, sort vector from small to large accodoring to y of the midpoint of each element
* @param line1
* @param line2
* @return
bool getMinMidY(const cv::Vec4i& line1, const cv::Vec4i& line2)
return (line1[1] + line1[3]) < (line2[1] + line2[3]);
* @brief comparison function for sort, sort vector from large to small accodoring to y of the midpoint of each element
* @param line1
* @param line2
* @return
bool getMaxMidY(const cv::Vec4i& line1, const cv::Vec4i& line2)
return (line1[1] + line1[3]) > (line2[1] + line2[3]);
* @brief rotation angle in degrees for correcting tilt
* @param line: for cv::Vec4i& line, [0] is always smaller than [2]
* @return The symbol of the result represnts the direction of rotation to correct tilt.
* Positive values mean counter-clockwise rotation (the coordinate origin is assumed to be the top-left corner).
double angleForCorrect(const cv::Vec4i& line)
Vec4i unitXVector(0, 0, 1, 0);
double angle = angleOfLines(unitXVector, line); // here angle belongs to [0, pi/2]
// @attention: the increment direction of X and Y axis of OpenCV is different from usual rectangular coordinate system. The origin point is in the upper left corner of the image
if (angle < 45)
// consider in the horizontal direction
if (line[1] > line[3])
angle = -angle;
// consider in the vertical direction
if (line[1] > line[3])
angle = 90 - angle;
angle = angle - 90;
return angle;
* @brief rotate iamge according to angle
* @param src
* @param dst
* @param angle: rotation angle in degrees. Positive values mean counter-clockwise rotation (the
coordinate origin is assumed to be the top-left corner).
void rotateIamge(cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, double angle)
cv::Point2f center(src.cols / 2, src.rows / 2);
cv::Mat rot = getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1);
cv::Rect box = RotatedRect(center, src.size(), angle).boundingRect(); // get circumscribed rectangle
cv::warpAffine(src, dst, rot, box.size());