SpringDataJpa简介:Spring Data JPA是Spring Data家族的一员,可以轻松实现基于JPA的存储库。该模块处理对基于JPA的数据访问层的增强支持。这使得构建使用数据访问技术的Spring应用程序变得更加容易。
在相当长的一段时间内,实现应用程序的数据访问层一直很麻烦。必须编写太多样板代码来执行简单查询以及执行分页和审计。Spring Data JPA旨在通过减少实际需要的工作量来显著改善数据访问层的实现。作为开发人员,你编写repository接口,包括自定义查询器方法,Spring将自动提供实现。
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<description>SpringBoot2.x 集成 SpringDataJpa 基于Kotlindescription>
<goals> <goal>compilegoal> goals>
<goals> <goal>test-compilegoal> goals>
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://
username: root
password: root
database: mysql
#控制台是否显示sql语句 true:显示 false:不显示
show-sql: true
#是否根据实体类(@Entity注解的类)自动建表,true:是 false:否,默认为false
generate-ddl: true
ddl-auto: update
database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
package com.rtxtitanv.model
import javax.persistence.*
* @name com.rtxtitanv.model.User
* @description 用户实体类
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/17 16:40
* @version v1.0.0
@Entity //声明实体类
@Table(name = "user") //建立实体类与表的映射关系
data class User(@Id //声明该实例域为主键
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "id")
var id: Long? = null,
@Column(name = "uid", length = 64, unique = true, nullable = false)
var uid: String? = null,
@Column(name = "user_name", length = 16, unique = true, nullable = false)
var userName: String? = null,
@Column(name = "pass_word", length = 16, nullable = false)
var passWord: String? = null,
@Column(name = "nick_name", length = 16)
var nickName: String? = null,
@Column(name = "age")
var age: Int? = null,
@Column(name = "email", unique = true, nullable = false)
var email: String? = null,
@Column(name = "tel", unique = true, nullable = false)
var tel: String? = null,
@Column(name = "reg_time", nullable = false)
var regTime: String? = null,
var addr: String? = null)
@Column(name = "user_type")
var type: UserType? = null
@EntityScan(basePackages = ["包含实体类的包路径"])
@EntityScan(basePackages = ["包含实体类的包路径1", "包含实体类的包路径2", ..., "包含实体类的包路径n"])
package com.rtxtitanv.repository
import com.rtxtitanv.model.User
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaSpecificationExecutor
* @name com.rtxtitanv.repository.UserRepository
* @description UserRepository接口用于操作用户表,JpaRepository<实体类类型, 主键类型>:用于完成基本CRUD操作
* JpaSpecificationExecutor<实体类类型>:用于复杂查询
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/17 16:54
* @version v1.0.0
interface UserRepository : JpaRepository<User, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User>
Hibernate: create table user (id bigint not null auto_increment, age integer, email varchar(255) not null, nick_name varchar(16), pass_word varchar(16) not null, reg_time varchar(255) not null, tel varchar(255) not null, uid varchar(64) not null, user_name varchar(16) not null, primary key (id)) engine=InnoDB
Hibernate: alter table user drop index UK_ob8kqyqqgmefl0aco34akdtpe
Hibernate: alter table user add constraint UK_ob8kqyqqgmefl0aco34akdtpe unique (email)
Hibernate: alter table user drop index UK_nbfia2ok6c7at4i0er6uyskkx
Hibernate: alter table user add constraint UK_nbfia2ok6c7at4i0er6uyskkx unique (tel)
Hibernate: alter table user drop index UK_a7hlm8sj8kmijx6ucp7wfyt31
Hibernate: alter table user add constraint UK_a7hlm8sj8kmijx6ucp7wfyt31 unique (uid)
Hibernate: alter table user drop index UK_lqjrcobrh9jc8wpcar64q1bfh
Hibernate: alter table user add constraint UK_lqjrcobrh9jc8wpcar64q1bfh unique (user_name)
package com.rtxtitanv
import com.rtxtitanv.repository.UserRepository
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner
* @name com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest
* @description SpringDataJpa单元测试类
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/17 17:49
* @version v1.0.0
@SpringBootTest(classes = [JpaApplication::class])
class JpaTest {
private lateinit var userRepository: UserRepository
private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JpaTest::class.java)
* 保存5条测试数据,一次插入一条数据
* 使用方法 S save(S var1)
* 实体中主键不存在时保存记录
fun saveTest() {
val date = Date()
val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
val formattedDate = dateFormat.format(date)
userRepository.save(User(null, "296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3", "qwer123", "123456", "aaa", 24,
"[email protected]", "13915176512", formattedDate, "beijing"))
userRepository.save(User(null, "e6c133e338bb4b7c857be76104986acb", "asd6666", "qw23ss", "asc", 18,
"[email protected]", "15736226963", formattedDate, "tianjin"))
userRepository.save(User(null, "179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95", "tgh3er2", "11111", "r123er", 22,
"[email protected]", "18956929863", formattedDate, "hangzhou"))
userRepository.save(User(null, "dddfa7b84b194ea5a62393ef8f211710", "erfgyhn", "567809a.", "rw23ed", 27,
"[email protected]", "16389562477", formattedDate, "shanghai"))
userRepository.save(User(null, "7fc652d011e8448e99aee948f1af9187", "rty7ui81", "a2ef56.a", "asc", 18,
"[email protected]", "15966358996", formattedDate, "nanjing"))
2020-01-21 13:19:57.112 INFO 15264 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 保存5条测试数据开始
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2020-01-21 13:19:57.194 INFO 15264 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 保存5条测试数据结束
* 批量保存5条测试数据 后台执行时仍是一条一条插入
* 使用方法 List saveAll(Iterable var1)
* 实体中主键不存在时保存记录
fun saveInBatchTest() {
val date = Date()
val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
val formattedDate = dateFormat.format(date)
val user1 = User(null, "8960a15b37d0552aa84483e24fc57b80", "23erg", "2234rf", "aaa", 15,
"[email protected]", "16895635789", formattedDate, "beijing")
val user2 = User(null, "cc0106b175a6572e8d2967b3dd563193", "63serf", "2ww5t", "w323rrt", 36,
"[email protected]", "15766958245", formattedDate, "suzhou")
val user3 = User(null, "7669890a99c1581483edf72fa48d702c", "2w4r", "3345tt", "aaa", 24,
"[email protected]", "19725689756", formattedDate, "wuhan")
val user4 = User(null, "9a512c6ffe01565abb619e1199002603", "12er", "134rty", "aa23e54", 23,
"[email protected]", "13858963144", formattedDate, "jinan")
val user5 = User(null, "f7e05429074b5db9a85d623377475ced", "yu2sd", "1w0978", "asc", 31,
"[email protected]", "18741569832", formattedDate, "xian")
val list = listOf(user1, user2, user3, user4, user5)
2020-01-21 13:24:05.731 INFO 16116 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 批量保存5条测试数据开始
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into user (age, email, nick_name, pass_word, reg_time, tel, uid, user_name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2020-01-21 13:24:05.797 INFO 16116 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 批量保存5条测试数据结束
* 查询所有记录
* 使用方法 List findAll();
fun findAllTest() {
val userList = userRepository.findAll()
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 13:26:51.826 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 查询所有开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=1, uid=296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3, userName=qwer123, passWord=123456, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=13915176512, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=2, uid=e6c133e338bb4b7c857be76104986acb, userName=asd6666, passWord=qw23ss, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15736226963, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=11111, nickName=r123er, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=4, uid=dddfa7b84b194ea5a62393ef8f211710, userName=erfgyhn, passWord=567809a., nickName=rw23ed, age=27, [email protected], tel=16389562477, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=5, uid=7fc652d011e8448e99aee948f1af9187, userName=rty7ui81, passWord=a2ef56.a, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15966358996, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=6, uid=8960a15b37d0552aa84483e24fc57b80, userName=23erg, passWord=2234rf, nickName=aaa, age=15, [email protected], tel=16895635789, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=7, uid=cc0106b175a6572e8d2967b3dd563193, userName=63serf, passWord=2ww5t, nickName=w323rrt, age=36, [email protected], tel=15766958245, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=8, uid=7669890a99c1581483edf72fa48d702c, userName=2w4r, passWord=3345tt, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=19725689756, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=9, uid=9a512c6ffe01565abb619e1199002603, userName=12er, passWord=134rty, nickName=aa23e54, age=23, [email protected], tel=13858963144, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=10, uid=f7e05429074b5db9a85d623377475ced, userName=yu2sd, passWord=1w0978, nickName=asc, age=31, [email protected], tel=18741569832, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:26:51.874 INFO 11740 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 查询所有结束
* 查询所有记录并排序
* 使用方法 List findAll(Sort var1)
fun findAllAndSortTest() {
val sort = Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, "age")
val userList = userRepository.findAll(sort)
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 13:29:10.706 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 查询所有并按年龄降序排序开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ order by user0_.age desc
2020-01-21 13:29:10.751 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=7, uid=cc0106b175a6572e8d2967b3dd563193, userName=63serf, passWord=2ww5t, nickName=w323rrt, age=36, [email protected], tel=15766958245, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.751 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=10, uid=f7e05429074b5db9a85d623377475ced, userName=yu2sd, passWord=1w0978, nickName=asc, age=31, [email protected], tel=18741569832, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.751 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=4, uid=dddfa7b84b194ea5a62393ef8f211710, userName=erfgyhn, passWord=567809a., nickName=rw23ed, age=27, [email protected], tel=16389562477, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.751 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=1, uid=296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3, userName=qwer123, passWord=123456, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=13915176512, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.752 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=8, uid=7669890a99c1581483edf72fa48d702c, userName=2w4r, passWord=3345tt, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=19725689756, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.752 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=9, uid=9a512c6ffe01565abb619e1199002603, userName=12er, passWord=134rty, nickName=aa23e54, age=23, [email protected], tel=13858963144, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.752 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=11111, nickName=r123er, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.752 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=2, uid=e6c133e338bb4b7c857be76104986acb, userName=asd6666, passWord=qw23ss, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15736226963, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.752 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=5, uid=7fc652d011e8448e99aee948f1af9187, userName=rty7ui81, passWord=a2ef56.a, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15966358996, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.752 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=6, uid=8960a15b37d0552aa84483e24fc57b80, userName=23erg, passWord=2234rf, nickName=aaa, age=15, [email protected], tel=16895635789, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:29:10.752 INFO 7252 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 查询所有并按年龄降序排序结束
* 分页查询所有记录
* 使用方法 Page findAll(Pageable var1)
fun findAllAndPageTest() {
val sort = Sort.by(Sort.Direction.ASC, "age")
val pageable: Pageable = PageRequest.of(2, 3, sort)
val page = userRepository.findAll(pageable)
if (page.isEmpty) {
} else {
logger.info("总条数:" + page.totalElements)
logger.info("总页数:" + page.totalPages)
val userList = page.content
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 13:31:15.469 INFO 9288 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 分页查询所有开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ order by user0_.age asc limit ?, ?
Hibernate: select count(user0_.id) as col_0_0_ from user user0_
2020-01-21 13:31:15.529 INFO 9288 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 总条数:10
2020-01-21 13:31:15.529 INFO 9288 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 总页数:4
2020-01-21 13:31:15.529 INFO 9288 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=8, uid=7669890a99c1581483edf72fa48d702c, userName=2w4r, passWord=3345tt, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=19725689756, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:31:15.529 INFO 9288 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=4, uid=dddfa7b84b194ea5a62393ef8f211710, userName=erfgyhn, passWord=567809a., nickName=rw23ed, age=27, [email protected], tel=16389562477, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:31:15.529 INFO 9288 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=10, uid=f7e05429074b5db9a85d623377475ced, userName=yu2sd, passWord=1w0978, nickName=asc, age=31, [email protected], tel=18741569832, regTime=2020-01-21 13:24:05, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:31:15.529 INFO 9288 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 分页查询所有结束
* 根据id查询
* 使用方法 Optional findById(ID var1)
fun findByIdTest() {
val userOptional = userRepository.findById(1L)
if (!userOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val user = userOptional.get()
val userInfo = user.toString()
2020-01-21 13:33:22.520 INFO 7100 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 根据id查询开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_0_, user0_.age as age2_5_0_, user0_.email as email3_5_0_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_0_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_0_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_0_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_0_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_0_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.id=?
2020-01-21 13:33:22.567 INFO 7100 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=1, uid=296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3, userName=qwer123, passWord=123456, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=13915176512, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:33:22.567 INFO 7100 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 根据id查询结束
* 根据id批量查询
* 使用方法 List findAllById(Iterable var1)
fun findInBatchByIdTest() {
val ids = listOf(1L, 3L, 5L)
val userList = userRepository.findAllById(ids)
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 13:35:09.092 INFO 14216 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 根据id批量查询开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where user0_.id in (? , ? , ?)
2020-01-21 13:35:09.146 INFO 14216 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=1, uid=296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3, userName=qwer123, passWord=123456, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=13915176512, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:35:09.146 INFO 14216 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=11111, nickName=r123er, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:35:09.146 INFO 14216 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=5, uid=7fc652d011e8448e99aee948f1af9187, userName=rty7ui81, passWord=a2ef56.a, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15966358996, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 13:35:09.146 INFO 14216 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 根据id批量查询结束
* 修改单条记录
* 使用方法 S save(S var1)
* 当实体中主键存在时先根据主键查询再根据主键更新
fun updateOneTest() {
val userOptional = userRepository.findById(3L)
if (!userOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val user = userOptional.get()
logger.info("修改前的记录: $user")
user.nickName = "6wer23a"
user.passWord = "123123"
logger.info("修改后的记录: " + userRepository.findById(3L).get().toString())
2020-01-21 14:25:21.986 INFO 9352 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 修改前的记录: User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=11111, nickName=r123er, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:25:21.986 INFO 9352 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 修改一条用户记录开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_0_, user0_.age as age2_5_0_, user0_.email as email3_5_0_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_0_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_0_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_0_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_0_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_0_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.id=?
Hibernate: update user set age=?, email=?, nick_name=?, pass_word=?, reg_time=?, tel=?, uid=?, user_name=? where id=?
2020-01-21 14:25:22.013 INFO 9352 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 修改一条用户记录结束
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_0_, user0_.age as age2_5_0_, user0_.email as email3_5_0_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_0_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_0_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_0_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_0_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_0_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.id=?
2020-01-21 14:25:22.016 INFO 9352 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 修改后的记录: User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=123123, nickName=6wer23a, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
* 批量修改
* 使用方法 List saveAll(Iterable var1)
* 当实体中主键存在时先根据主键查询再根据主键更新
fun updateInBatchTest() {
val ids = listOf(1L, 3L, 5L)
val userList = userRepository.findAllById(ids)
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
userList.forEach { user -> user.passWord = "666666" }
userRepository.findAllById(ids).forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 14:28:54.628 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 修改前的记录
2020-01-21 14:28:54.628 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=1, uid=296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3, userName=qwer123, passWord=123456, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=13915176512, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:28:54.628 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=123123, nickName=6wer23a, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:28:54.628 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=5, uid=7fc652d011e8448e99aee948f1af9187, userName=rty7ui81, passWord=a2ef56.a, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15966358996, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:28:54.628 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ------------分割线-------------
2020-01-21 14:28:54.628 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 批量修改开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_0_, user0_.age as age2_5_0_, user0_.email as email3_5_0_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_0_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_0_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_0_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_0_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_0_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.id=?
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_0_, user0_.age as age2_5_0_, user0_.email as email3_5_0_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_0_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_0_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_0_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_0_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_0_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.id=?
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_0_, user0_.age as age2_5_0_, user0_.email as email3_5_0_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_0_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_0_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_0_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_0_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_0_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.id=?
Hibernate: update user set age=?, email=?, nick_name=?, pass_word=?, reg_time=?, tel=?, uid=?, user_name=? where id=?
Hibernate: update user set age=?, email=?, nick_name=?, pass_word=?, reg_time=?, tel=?, uid=?, user_name=? where id=?
Hibernate: update user set age=?, email=?, nick_name=?, pass_word=?, reg_time=?, tel=?, uid=?, user_name=? where id=?
2020-01-21 14:28:54.671 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 批量修改结束
2020-01-21 14:28:54.671 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 修改后的记录
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where user0_.id in (? , ? , ?)
2020-01-21 14:28:54.674 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=1, uid=296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3, userName=qwer123, passWord=666666, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=13915176512, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:28:54.674 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=666666, nickName=6wer23a, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:28:54.674 INFO 11172 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=5, uid=7fc652d011e8448e99aee948f1af9187, userName=rty7ui81, passWord=666666, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15966358996, regTime=2020-01-21 13:19:57, addr=null)
* 根据id删除
* 使用方法 void deleteById(ID var1)
fun deleteByIdTest() {
2020-01-21 14:32:12.407 INFO 16280 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 根据id删除开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_0_, user0_.age as age2_5_0_, user0_.email as email3_5_0_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_0_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_0_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_0_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_0_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_0_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.id=?
Hibernate: delete from user where id=?
2020-01-21 14:32:12.472 INFO 16280 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 根据id删除结束
* 删除单条记录
* 使用方法 void delete(T var1)
fun deleteOneTest() {
val userOptional = userRepository.findById(1L)
if (!userOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val user = userOptional.get()
2020-01-21 14:34:17.555 INFO 8076 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 删除一条用户记录开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_0_, user0_.age as age2_5_0_, user0_.email as email3_5_0_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_0_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_0_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_0_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_0_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_0_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.id=?
Hibernate: delete from user where id=?
2020-01-21 14:34:17.584 INFO 8076 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 删除一条用户记录结束
* 批量删除
* 使用方法 void deleteInBatch(Iterable var1)
* 后台执行时生成一条sql语句删除
fun deleteInBatch() {
val ids = listOf(2L, 4L, 5L, 7L)
val userList = userRepository.findAllById(ids)
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
2020-01-21 14:36:05.403 INFO 13428 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 批量删除开始
Hibernate: delete from user where id=? or id=? or id=? or id=?
2020-01-21 14:36:05.417 INFO 13428 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 批量删除结束
* 删除所有记录
* 使用方法 void deleteAllInBatch()
* 后台执行时生成一条sql语句删除
fun deleteAllTest() {
2020-01-21 14:39:05.422 INFO 5844 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 删除所有开始
Hibernate: delete from user
2020-01-21 14:39:05.451 INFO 5844 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 删除所有结束
* 方法命名规则之按昵称查询
* @param nickName 呢称 ? = null 这里表示声明参数为Nullable,即该参数允许为null且不显式传参时该参数默认为null
* @return 查询结果集
fun findByNickName(nickName: String? = null): List<User>
* 方法命名规则之按昵称查询
fun findByNickNameTest() {
val userList = userRepository.findByNickName("aaa")
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 14:56:28.385 INFO 9764 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则查询之按昵称查询开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where user0_.nick_name=?
2020-01-21 14:56:28.447 INFO 9764 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=1, uid=296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3, userName=qwer123, passWord=123456, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=13915176512, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:43, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:56:28.447 INFO 9764 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=6, uid=8960a15b37d0552aa84483e24fc57b80, userName=23erg, passWord=2234rf, nickName=aaa, age=15, [email protected], tel=16895635789, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:54, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:56:28.447 INFO 9764 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=8, uid=7669890a99c1581483edf72fa48d702c, userName=2w4r, passWord=3345tt, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=19725689756, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:54, addr=null)
2020-01-21 14:56:28.447 INFO 9764 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则查询之按昵称查询结束
* 方法命名规则之按昵称和年龄查询
* @param nickName 昵称
* @param age 年龄
* @return 查询结果集
fun findByNickNameAndAge(nickName: String? = null, age: Int? = null): List<User>
* 方法命名规则之按昵称和年龄查询
fun findByNickNameAndAgeTest() {
val userList = userRepository.findByNickNameAndAge("asc", 18)
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 15:04:55.767 INFO 9812 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按昵称和年龄查询开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where user0_.nick_name=? and user0_.age=?
2020-01-21 15:04:55.830 INFO 9812 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=2, uid=e6c133e338bb4b7c857be76104986acb, userName=asd6666, passWord=qw23ss, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15736226963, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:43, addr=null)
2020-01-21 15:04:55.831 INFO 9812 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=5, uid=7fc652d011e8448e99aee948f1af9187, userName=rty7ui81, passWord=a2ef56.a, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15966358996, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:43, addr=null)
2020-01-21 15:04:55.831 INFO 9812 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按昵称和年龄查询结束
* 方法命名规则之按昵称模糊查询
* @param nickName 昵称
* @return 查询结果集
fun findByNickNameLike(nickName: String): List<User>
* 方法命名规则之按昵称模糊查询
fun findByNickNameLikeTest() {
val userList = userRepository.findByNickNameLike("%23%")
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 15:28:29.185 INFO 832 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按昵称模糊查询开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where user0_.nick_name like ? escape ?
2020-01-21 15:28:29.246 INFO 832 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=11111, nickName=r123er, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:43, addr=null)
2020-01-21 15:28:29.246 INFO 832 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=4, uid=dddfa7b84b194ea5a62393ef8f211710, userName=erfgyhn, passWord=567809a., nickName=rw23ed, age=27, [email protected], tel=16389562477, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:43, addr=null)
2020-01-21 15:28:29.246 INFO 832 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=7, uid=cc0106b175a6572e8d2967b3dd563193, userName=63serf, passWord=2ww5t, nickName=w323rrt, age=36, [email protected], tel=15766958245, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:54, addr=null)
2020-01-21 15:28:29.246 INFO 832 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=9, uid=9a512c6ffe01565abb619e1199002603, userName=12er, passWord=134rty, nickName=aa23e54, age=23, [email protected], tel=13858963144, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:54, addr=null)
2020-01-21 15:28:29.246 INFO 832 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按昵称模糊查询结束
* 方法命名规则之按年龄条件统计
* @param age 年龄
* @return 小于等于给定年龄的记录总数
fun countByAgeLessThanEqual(age: Int): Long
* 方法命名规则之按年龄条件统计
fun countByAgeLessThanEqualTest() {
val count = userRepository.countByAgeLessThanEqual(24)
logger.info("年龄不超过24岁的用户总数: $count")
2020-01-21 15:33:31.698 INFO 5404 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按年龄条件统计开始
Hibernate: select count(user0_.id) as col_0_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.age<=?
2020-01-21 15:33:31.747 INFO 5404 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 年龄不超过24岁的用户总数: 7
2020-01-21 15:33:31.748 INFO 5404 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按年龄条件统计结束
package com.rtxtitanv.projections
* @name com.rtxtitanv.projections.NameOnly
* @description 只查询name的projections
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/17 17:07
* @version v1.0.0
interface NameOnly {
fun getUserName(): String? //? 这里表示声明返回值为Nullable,即返回值允许为null
fun getNickName(): String?
* 方法命名规则之按邮箱模糊查询名称并按年龄排序
* 只查询用户名和昵称
* @param email 邮箱
* @return List 名称列表(projections接口NameOnly只包含用户名和昵称)
fun findByEmailContainingOrderByAgeAsc(email: String): List<NameOnly>
* 方法命名规则之按邮箱模糊查询名称并按年龄升序
fun findByEmailContainingOrderByAgeTest() {
val nameOnly = userRepository.findByEmailContainingOrderByAgeAsc("er")
if (nameOnly.isEmpty()) {
} else {
nameOnly.forEach { name -> logger.info("userName: " + name.getUserName() + ", nickName: " + name.getNickName()) }
2020-01-21 15:39:13.307 INFO 13364 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按邮箱模糊查询名称并按年龄升序开始
Hibernate: select user0_.user_name as col_0_0_, user0_.nick_name as col_1_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.email like ? escape ? order by user0_.age asc
2020-01-21 15:39:13.366 INFO 13364 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: 12er, nickName: aa23e54
2020-01-21 15:39:13.366 INFO 13364 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: qwer123, nickName: aaa
2020-01-21 15:39:13.366 INFO 13364 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: 2w4r, nickName: aaa
2020-01-21 15:39:13.367 INFO 13364 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: yu2sd, nickName: asc
2020-01-21 15:39:13.367 INFO 13364 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: 63serf, nickName: w323rrt
2020-01-21 15:39:13.367 INFO 13364 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按邮箱模糊查询名称并按年龄升序结束
* 方法命名规则之限制查询
* @return 查询结果
fun findFirstByOrderByAgeAsc(): User?
fun findTopByOrderByAgeAsc(): User?
fun queryFirst10ByNickName(nickName: String, pageable: Pageable): Page<User>
fun findFirst10ByNickName(nickName: String, sort: Sort): List<User>
fun findTop10ByNickName(nickName: String, pageable: Pageable): Page<User>
* 方法命名规则之限制查询
fun findFirstByOrderByAgeAscTest() {
val user = userRepository.findFirstByOrderByAgeAsc()
if (user == null) {
} else {
val userInfo = user.toString()
2020-01-21 15:57:14.749 INFO 15612 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之限制查询开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ order by user0_.age asc limit ?
2020-01-21 15:57:14.802 INFO 15612 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=6, uid=8960a15b37d0552aa84483e24fc57b80, userName=23erg, passWord=2234rf, nickName=aaa, age=15, [email protected], tel=16895635789, regTime=2020-01-21 14:45:54, addr=null)
2020-01-21 15:57:14.802 INFO 15612 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之限制查询结束
* 方法命名规则之按昵称(忽略大小写)删除
* @param nickName 昵称
* @return 删除的记录数
@Transactional(rollbackFor = [Exception::class])
fun deleteByNickNameIgnoreCase(nickName: String? = null): Int
* 方法命名规则之按昵称(忽略大小写)删除
fun deleteByNickNameIgnoreCaseTest() {
val result = userRepository.deleteByNickNameIgnoreCase("AAa")
logger.info("总共删除了$result" + "条记录")
2020-01-21 16:10:59.640 INFO 8652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按昵称删除开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where upper(user0_.nick_name)=upper(?)
Hibernate: delete from user where id=?
Hibernate: delete from user where id=?
Hibernate: delete from user where id=?
2020-01-21 16:10:59.720 INFO 8652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 总共删除了3条记录
2020-01-21 16:10:59.720 INFO 8652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按昵称删除结束
* 方法命名规则之按年龄批量删除
* @param ages 年龄列表
* @return 删除的记录数
@Transactional(rollbackFor = [Exception::class])
fun deleteByAgeIn(ages: List<Int>): Int
* 方法命名规则之按年龄批量删除
fun deleteByAgeInTest() {
val ages = listOf(18, 23, 30)
val result = userRepository.deleteByAgeIn(ages)
logger.info("总共删除了$result 条记录")
2020-01-21 16:14:46.204 INFO 14856 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按年龄批量删除开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where user0_.age in (? , ? , ?)
Hibernate: delete from user where id=?
Hibernate: delete from user where id=?
Hibernate: delete from user where id=?
2020-01-21 16:14:46.287 INFO 14856 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 总共删除了3 条记录
2020-01-21 16:14:46.287 INFO 14856 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 方法命名规则之按年龄批量删除结束
Keyword | Sample | JPQL snippet |
And | findByLastnameAndFirstname | … where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2 |
Or | findByLastnameOrFirstname | … where x.lastname = ?1 or x.firstname = ?2 |
Is, Equals | findByFirstname,findByFirstnameIs,findByFirstnameEquals | … where x.firstname = ?1 |
Between | findByStartDateBetween | … where x.startDate between ?1 and ?2 |
LessThan | findByAgeLessThan | … where x.age < ?1 |
LessThanEqual | findByAgeLessThanEqual | … where x.age <= ?1 |
GreaterThan | findByAgeGreaterThan | … where x.age > ?1 |
GreaterThanEqual | findByAgeGreaterThanEqual | … where x.age >= ?1 |
After | findByStartDateAfter | … where x.startDate > ?1 |
Before | findByStartDateBefore | … where x.startDate < ?1 |
IsNull, Null | findByAge(Is)Null | … where x.age is null |
IsNotNull, NotNull | findByAge(Is)NotNull | … where x.age not null |
Like | findByFirstnameLike | … where x.firstname like ?1 |
NotLike | findByFirstnameNotLike | … where x.firstname not like ?1 |
StartingWith | findByFirstnameStartingWith | … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with appended %) |
EndingWith | findByFirstnameEndingWith | … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with prepended %) |
Containing | findByFirstnameContaining | … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound wrapped in %) |
OrderBy | findByAgeOrderByLastnameDesc | … where x.age = ?1 order by x.lastname desc |
Not | findByLastnameNot | … where x.lastname <> ?1 |
In | findByAgeIn(Collection ages) | … where x.age in ?1 |
NotIn | findByAgeNotIn(Collection ages) | … where x.age not in ?1 |
True | findByActiveTrue() | … where x.active = true |
False | findByActiveFalse() | … where x.active = false |
IgnoreCase | findByFirstnameIgnoreCase | … where UPPER(x.firstame) = UPPER(?1 |
SpringDataJPA 2.2.3.RELEASE 官方文档
* 使用sql语句插入一条记录
* @param uid uid
* @param userName 用户名
* @param passWord 密码
* @param nickName 昵称
* @param age 年龄
* @param email 邮箱
* @param tel 手机
* @param regTime 注册时间
* @return 返回1表示插入成功
@Query(value = "insert into user(uid,user_name,pass_word,nick_name,age,email,tel,reg_time)" +
" values(?1,?2,?3,?4,?5,?6,?7,?8)", nativeQuery = true)
@Transactional(rollbackFor = [Exception::class])
fun insertUser(uid: String? = null, userName: String? = null, passWord: String? = null, nickName: String? = null, age: Int? = null, email: String? = null, tel: String? = null, regTime: String? = null): Int
* 使用sql语句插入一条记录
fun insertUserTest() {
val result = userRepository.insertUser("f0ff89db-aa72-55dc-aaba-e1ec11fa2fec", "dfgyytvb2", "123456", "rty235", 18, "[email protected]", "1256698463", "2020-01-02 11:51:16")
if (result == 1) {
} else {
2020-01-21 16:23:34.765 INFO 2736 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : sql插入一条记录开始
Hibernate: insert into user(uid,user_name,pass_word,nick_name,age,email,tel,reg_time) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
2020-01-21 16:23:34.818 INFO 2736 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : sql插入一条记录结束
2020-01-21 16:23:34.818 INFO 2736 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 插入成功
* 使用JPQL语句按年龄批量查询名称并排序
* 只查询用户名和昵称
* @param ageList 年龄列表
* @param sort 排序参数
* @return List 名称列表(projections接口NameOnly只包含用户名和昵称)
//:为占位符,#{#Object} SpEL表达式将对象传递进sql语句
@Query("select u.userName as userName, u.nickName as nickName from User u where u.age in :#{#ageList}")
fun findNameByAgeIn(ageList: List<Int>? = null, sort: Sort? = null): List<NameOnly>
* 使用JPQL语句按年龄批量查询名称并排序
fun findNameByAgeInTest() {
val sort = Sort.by("userName").descending()
val ages = listOf(18, 24, 27)
val names = userRepository.findNameByAgeIn(ages, sort)
if (names.isEmpty()) {
} else {
names.forEach { name -> logger.info("userName: " + name.getUserName() + ", nickName: " + name.getNickName()) }
2020-01-21 16:38:54.067 INFO 3348 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : JPQL按年龄批量查询名称并按用户名降序开始
Hibernate: select user0_.user_name as col_0_0_, user0_.nick_name as col_1_0_ from user user0_ where user0_.age in (? , ? , ?) order by col_0_0_ desc
2020-01-21 16:38:54.132 INFO 3348 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: rty7ui81, nickName: asc
2020-01-21 16:38:54.132 INFO 3348 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: qwer123, nickName: aaa
2020-01-21 16:38:54.132 INFO 3348 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: erfgyhn, nickName: rw23ed
2020-01-21 16:38:54.132 INFO 3348 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: asd6666, nickName: asc
2020-01-21 16:38:54.132 INFO 3348 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: 2w4r, nickName: aaa
2020-01-21 16:38:54.132 INFO 3348 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : JPQL按年龄批量查询名称并按用户名降序结束
* 使用sql语句按用户名和昵称模糊分页查询名称
* 只查询用户名和昵称
* @param nickName 昵称
* @param userName 用户名
* @param pageable 分页参数
* @return List 名称列表(projections接口NameOnly只包含用户名和昵称)
@Query(value = "select u.nick_name as nickName, u.user_name as userName from user u where u.nick_name like %:nickname% and u.user_name like %:username%",
countQuery = "select count(u.nick_name) from user u where u.nick_name like %:nickname% and u.user_name like %:username%", nativeQuery = true)
fun findNameByNickNameAndUserNameLike(@Param("nickname") nickName: String? = null, @Param("username") userName: String? = null, pageable: Pageable? = null): Page<NameOnly>
* 使用sql语句按用户名和昵称模糊分页查询名称
fun findNameByNickNameAndUserNameLikeTest() {
val pageable: Pageable = PageRequest.of(1, 2)
val names = userRepository.findNameByNickNameAndUserNameLike("a", "r", pageable)
if (names.isEmpty) {
} else {
logger.info("总条数: ${names.totalElements}")
logger.info("总页数: ${names.totalPages}")
names.content.forEach { name -> logger.info("userName: " + name.getUserName() + ", nickName: " + name.getNickName()) }
2020-01-21 16:52:44.015 INFO 14680 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : sql语句按用户名和昵称模糊分页查询名称开始
Hibernate: select u.nick_name as nickName, u.user_name as userName from user u where u.nick_name like ? and u.user_name like ? limit ?, ?
Hibernate: select count(u.nick_name) from user u where u.nick_name like ? and u.user_name like ?
2020-01-21 16:52:44.099 INFO 14680 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 总条数: 5
2020-01-21 16:52:44.099 INFO 14680 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 总页数: 3
2020-01-21 16:52:44.100 INFO 14680 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: 23erg, nickName: aaa
2020-01-21 16:52:44.100 INFO 14680 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : userName: 2w4r, nickName: aaa
2020-01-21 16:52:44.100 INFO 14680 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : sql语句按用户名和昵称模糊分页查询名称结束
* 使用JPQL语句根据年龄更新昵称
* @param nickName 昵称
* @param age 年龄
* @return 更新的记录数
@Query("update User u set u.nickName = ?1 where u.age = ?2")
@Transactional(rollbackFor = [Exception::class])
fun updateUserNameByAge(nickName: String? = null, age: Int? = null): Int
* 使用JPQL语句根据年龄更新昵称
fun updateUserNameByAgeTest() {
val result = userRepository.updateUserNameByAge("nickname-01", 18)
logger.info("更新了$result" + "条记录")
2020-01-21 17:00:53.012 INFO 13564 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : JPQL根据年龄更新昵称开始
Hibernate: update user set nick_name=? where age=?
2020-01-21 17:00:53.050 INFO 13564 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 更新了2条记录
2020-01-21 17:00:53.051 INFO 13564 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : JPQL根据年龄更新昵称结束
* 使用sql语句更新单条记录
* @param user 用户对象
* @return
@Query(value = "update user u set u.uid = :#{#user.uid}, u.user_name = :#{#user.userName}," +
" u.pass_word = :#{#user.passWord}, u.nick_name = :#{#user.nickName}," +
" u.email = :#{#user.email}, u.age = :#{#user.age}," +
" u.tel = :#{#user.tel}, u.reg_time = :#{#user.regTime} where u.id = :#{#user.id}", nativeQuery = true)
@Transactional(rollbackFor = [Exception::class])
fun updateUser(@Param("user") user: User): Int
* 使用sql语句更新单条记录
fun updateUserTest() {
val userOptional = userRepository.findById(1L)
if (!userOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val user = userOptional.get()
user.passWord = "6543215622"
user.nickName = "ava33"
2020-01-21 17:09:44.563 INFO 10764 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : sql语句更新单条记录开始
Hibernate: update user u set u.uid = ?, u.user_name = ?, u.pass_word = ?, u.nick_name = ?, u.email = ?, u.age = ?, u.tel = ?, u.reg_time = ? where u.id = ?
2020-01-21 17:09:44.620 INFO 10764 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : sql语句更新单条记录结束
* 使用JPQL语句根据id批量删除
* @param ids
* @return 删除记录数
//#{#entityName} 默认为实体类的名称,如果使用了@Entity(name = "xxx")来注解实体类
@Query("delete from #{#entityName} u where u.id in ?1")
@Transactional(rollbackFor = [Exception::class])
fun deleteInBacthById(ids: List<Long>? = null): Int
* 使用JPQL语句根据id批量删除
fun deleteInBacthByIdTest() {
val ids = listOf(1L, 3L, 6L, 9L)
val result = userRepository.deleteInBacthById(ids)
logger.info("总共删除了$result" + "条记录")
2020-01-21 17:14:17.711 INFO 1456 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 使用JPQL语句根据id批量删除开始
Hibernate: delete from user where id in (? , ? , ? , ?)
2020-01-21 17:14:17.770 INFO 1456 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 总共删除了4条记录
2020-01-21 17:14:17.770 INFO 1456 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 使用JPQL语句根据id批量删除结束
public interface JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> {
Optional<T> findOne(@Nullable Specification<T> var1);
List<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> var1);
Page<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> var1, Pageable var2);
List<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> var1, Sort var2);
long count(@Nullable Specification<T> var1);
* JpaSpecificationExecutor单条件查询测试
fun findByOneConditionTest() {
* root:查询的根对象,可以通过get方法获取实体属性
* criteriaQuery:代表一个顶层查询对象,可以构建自定义查询,包含select、where、orderBy、groupBy等
* criteriaBuilder:查询条件构造器
val userList = userRepository.findAll { root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder ->
//user_name = "qwer123"
val predicate1 = criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get<String>("userName"), "qwer123")
//email like %er%
val predicate2 = criteriaBuilder.like(root.get<String>("email"), "%er%")
//age between 15 and 25
val predicate3 = criteriaBuilder.between(root.get<Int>("age"), 15, 25)
//age >= 18
val predicate4 = criteriaBuilder.ge(root.get<Int>("age"), 18)
//age <= 25
val predicate5 = criteriaBuilder.le(root.get<Int>("age"), 25)
//从lambda表达式中返回一个值 等价于 return@findAll predicate1
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
控制台打印的日志及自动生成的sql语句(以age <= 25为例)如下:
2020-01-21 17:17:58.191 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 单条件查询测试开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where user0_.age<=25
2020-01-21 17:17:58.243 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=1, uid=296ebeb46acd49aca54f0d5a5a1257c3, userName=qwer123, passWord=123456, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=13915176512, regTime=2020-01-21 17:17:25, addr=null)
2020-01-21 17:17:58.243 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=2, uid=e6c133e338bb4b7c857be76104986acb, userName=asd6666, passWord=qw23ss, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15736226963, regTime=2020-01-21 17:17:25, addr=null)
2020-01-21 17:17:58.243 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=3, uid=179a91c205f84416b39347d714516c95, userName=tgh3er2, passWord=11111, nickName=r123er, age=22, [email protected], tel=18956929863, regTime=2020-01-21 17:17:25, addr=null)
2020-01-21 17:17:58.243 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=5, uid=7fc652d011e8448e99aee948f1af9187, userName=rty7ui81, passWord=a2ef56.a, nickName=asc, age=18, [email protected], tel=15966358996, regTime=2020-01-21 17:17:25, addr=null)
2020-01-21 17:17:58.243 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=6, uid=8960a15b37d0552aa84483e24fc57b80, userName=23erg, passWord=2234rf, nickName=aaa, age=15, [email protected], tel=16895635789, regTime=2020-01-21 17:17:33, addr=null)
2020-01-21 17:17:58.243 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=8, uid=7669890a99c1581483edf72fa48d702c, userName=2w4r, passWord=3345tt, nickName=aaa, age=24, [email protected], tel=19725689756, regTime=2020-01-21 17:17:33, addr=null)
2020-01-21 17:17:58.243 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : User(id=9, uid=9a512c6ffe01565abb619e1199002603, userName=12er, passWord=134rty, nickName=aa23e54, age=23, [email protected], tel=13858963144, regTime=2020-01-21 17:17:33, addr=null)
2020-01-21 17:17:58.243 INFO 8296 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 单条件查询测试结束
package com.rtxtitanv.model.query
* @name com.rtxtitanv.model.query.UserQuery
* @description 封装用户查询条件类
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/17 23:55
* @version v1.0.0
data class UserQuery(var idQuery: Long? = null,
var userNameQuery: String? = null,
var nickNameQuery: String? = null,
var passWordQuery: String? = null,
var emailQuery: String? = null,
var telQuery: String? = null,
var minAgeQuery: Int? = null,
var maxAgeQuery: Int? = null,
var idsQuery: List<Long>? = null,
var agesQuery: List<Int>? = null)
* JpaSpecificationExecutor动态拼接多条件查询测试
* 拼接方式1:每个条件均为and连接
* 实际开发中可以根据实际的动态条件灵活处理
fun findByConditionsTest() {
// val userQuery : UserQuery? = null
val userQuery = UserQuery()
val ids = listOf(1L, 2L, 5L)
val ages = listOf(18, 24)
userQuery.userNameQuery = "r"
userQuery.nickNameQuery = "a"
userQuery.minAgeQuery = null
userQuery.maxAgeQuery = 25
userQuery.idQuery = null
userQuery.telQuery = "135"
userQuery.emailQuery = "rt"
userQuery.passWordQuery = "123"
userQuery.idsQuery = ids
userQuery.agesQuery = ages
val userList = userRepository.findAll { root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder ->
//如果userQuery为空或者userQuery所有属性均为空会自动生成where 1 = 1
val predicate = criteriaBuilder.conjunction()
if (userQuery != null) {
if (userQuery.idQuery != null) {
//notEqual查询 !!:非空断言运算符,将任何值转换为非空类型,若该值为空则抛出异常
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.notEqual(root.get<Long>("id"), userQuery.idQuery!!))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.userNameQuery)) {
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.like(root.get<String>("userName"), "%${userQuery.userNameQuery}%"))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.nickNameQuery)) {
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.notLike(root.get<String>("nickName"), "%${userQuery.nickNameQuery}%"))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.passWordQuery)) {
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get<String>("passWord"), userQuery.passWordQuery))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.emailQuery)) {
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.notEqual(root.get<String>("email"), userQuery.emailQuery))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.telQuery)) {
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.like(root.get<String>("tel"), "%${userQuery.telQuery}"))
if (userQuery.minAgeQuery != null && userQuery.maxAgeQuery != null) {
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.between(root.get<Int>("age"), userQuery.minAgeQuery!!, userQuery.maxAgeQuery!!))
} else if (userQuery.minAgeQuery != null) {
//>=查询 gt为>
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.ge(root.get<Int>("age"), userQuery.minAgeQuery!!))
} else if (userQuery.maxAgeQuery != null) {
//<=查询 lt为<
predicate.expressions.add(criteriaBuilder.le(root.get<Int>("age"), userQuery.maxAgeQuery!!))
if (userQuery.idsQuery != null && !userQuery.idsQuery!!.isEmpty()) {
//in 批量查询 `in`:in在Kotlin为关键字用反引号转义
if (userQuery.agesQuery != null && !userQuery.agesQuery!!.isEmpty()) {
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
2020-01-21 17:24:35.784 INFO 6896 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 动态拼接多条件查询测试开始
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where user0_.id<>3 and (user0_.user_name like ?) and (user0_.nick_name not like ?) and user0_.pass_word=? and user0_.email<>? and (user0_.tel like ?) and (user0_.age between 18 and 27) and (user0_.id in (1 , 2 , 5)) and (user0_.age in (18 , 24))
2020-01-21 17:24:35.834 INFO 6896 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 查询不到满足条件的数据
2020-01-21 17:24:35.834 INFO 6896 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 动态拼接多条件查询测试结束
查询条件为空时生成where 1=1
Hibernate: select user0_.id as id1_5_, user0_.age as age2_5_, user0_.email as email3_5_, user0_.nick_name as nick_nam4_5_, user0_.pass_word as pass_wor5_5_, user0_.reg_time as reg_time6_5_, user0_.tel as tel7_5_, user0_.uid as uid8_5_, user0_.user_name as user_nam9_5_ from user user0_ where 1=1
* JpaSpecificationExecutor动态拼接多条件查询测试
* 拼接方式2:与方式1效果相同
fun findByConditionsTest2() {
// val userQuery : UserQuery? = null
val userQuery = UserQuery()
val ids = listOf(1L, 2L, 5L)
val ages = listOf(18, 24)
userQuery.userNameQuery = "r"
userQuery.nickNameQuery = "a"
userQuery.minAgeQuery = null
userQuery.maxAgeQuery = 25
userQuery.idQuery = 6L
userQuery.telQuery = "135"
userQuery.emailQuery = "rt"
userQuery.passWordQuery = "123"
userQuery.idsQuery = ids
userQuery.agesQuery = ages
val userList = userRepository.findAll { root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder ->
//sql语句会自动生成where 1 = 1
val predicates = mutableListOf(criteriaBuilder.conjunction())
if (userQuery != null) {
if (userQuery.idQuery != null) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.notEqual(root.get<Long>("id"), userQuery.idQuery!!))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.userNameQuery)) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.like(root.get<String>("userName"), "%${userQuery.userNameQuery}%"))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.nickNameQuery)) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.notLike(root.get<String>("nickName"), "%${userQuery.nickNameQuery}%"))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.passWordQuery)) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get<String>("passWord"), userQuery.passWordQuery))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.emailQuery)) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.notEqual(root.get<String>("email"), userQuery.emailQuery))
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(userQuery.telQuery)) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.like(root.get<String>("tel"), "%${userQuery.telQuery}"))
if (userQuery.minAgeQuery != null && userQuery.maxAgeQuery != null) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.between(root.get<Int>("age"), userQuery.minAgeQuery!!, userQuery.maxAgeQuery!!))
} else if (userQuery.minAgeQuery != null) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.ge(root.get<Int>("age"), userQuery.minAgeQuery!!))
} else if (userQuery.maxAgeQuery != null) {
predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.le(root.get<Int>("age"), userQuery.maxAgeQuery!!))
if (userQuery.idsQuery != null && !userQuery.idsQuery!!.isEmpty()) {
if (userQuery.agesQuery != null && !userQuery.agesQuery!!.isEmpty()) {
* Predicate and(Predicate... var1):and连接查询条件,可传入Predicate[] and连接数组内所有条件
* Predicate or(Predicate... var1):or连接查询条件,可传入Predicate[] or连接数组内所有条件
* 此处所有条件均为and连接,如果有更复杂的条件连接,比如:
* where ((a=? and b=? and c=?) or (e=? and f=?) or g=?) and x=? and y=?
* 先and连接abc、ef,再or连接abc、ef和g作为一个条件z,再and连接xyz
if (userList.isEmpty()) {
} else {
userList.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
* 多条件排序分页查询
fun findByConditionsPageAndSortTest() {
//定义排序规则 先按age降序,再按tel升序,再按id降序
val orderAge = Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.DESC, "age")
val orderTel = Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.ASC, "tel")
val orderId = Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.DESC, "id")
val sort = Sort.by(orderAge, orderTel, orderId)
val pageNum = 3
val pageSize = 3
val pageable: Pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNum - 1, pageSize, sort)
val page = userRepository.findAll({ root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder ->
}, pageable)
if (page.isEmpty) {
} else {
page.content.forEach { user -> logger.info(user.toString()) }
order by user0_.age desc, user0_.tel asc, user0_.id desc limit ?, ?
package com.rtxtitanv.model
import javax.persistence.*
* @name com.rtxtitanv.model.Account
* @description 账户实体类 OneToMany 一对多的一方
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/20 21:08
* @version v1.0.0
@Table(name = "account")
class Account(@Id
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "account_id")
var accountId: Long? = null,
@Column(name = "account_name", unique = true, nullable = false)
var accountName: String? = null,
@Column(name = "account_password", nullable = false)
var accountPassword: String? = null,
@Column(name = "account_alias")
var accountAlias: String? = null,
@Column(name = "account_addr")
var accountAddr: String? = null,
@Column(name = "account_tel", unique = true, nullable = false)
var accountTel: String? = null,
@Column(name = "account_rank", nullable = false)
var accountRank: Long? = null,
@Column(name = "ccount_location", nullable = false)
var accountLocation: String? = null,
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "account", //引用在多方实体类中一方实体类对象名称,一方放弃维护外键关系
// CascadeType为级联设置:操作一个对象同时操作它的关联对象
cascade = [CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REMOVE],
fetch = FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval = true)
var orders: MutableSet<Order> = HashSet()) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "Account{" +
"accountId=$accountId" +
", accountName='$accountName'" +
", accountPassword='$accountPassword'" +
", accountAlias='$accountAlias'" +
", accountAddr='$accountAddr'" +
", accountTel='$accountTel'" +
", accountRank=$accountRank" +
", accountLocation='$accountLocation'" +
package com.rtxtitanv.model
import javax.persistence.*
* @name com.rtxtitanv.model.Order
* @description 订单实体类 ManyToOne 一对多的多方
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/20 21:08
* @version v1.0.0
@Table(name = "orders") //注意表名不能为order,自动建表时会报错
class Order(@Id
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "orders_id")
var orderId: Long? = null,
@Column(name = "orders_name", nullable = false)
var orderName: String? = null,
@Column(name = "orders_description")
var orderDescription: String? = null,
@Column(name = "orders_status", nullable = false)
var orderStatus: String? = null,
@Column(name = "orders_total_price", nullable = false)
var orderTotalPrice: String? = null,
@Column(name = "orders_item_count", nullable = false)
var orderItemCount: Int? = null,
@Column(name = "orders_addr", nullable = false)
var orderAddr: String? = null,
//FetchType.EAGER 立即加载
@ManyToOne(cascade = [CascadeType.PERSIST], fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "orders_account_id", nullable = false)
var account: Account? = null) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "Order{" +
"orderId=$orderId" +
", orderName='$orderName'" +
", orderDescription='$orderDescription'" +
", orderStatus='$orderStatus'" +
", orderTotalPrice='$orderTotalPrice'" +
", orderItemCount=$orderItemCount" +
", orderAddr='$orderAddr'" +
package com.rtxtitanv.repository
import com.rtxtitanv.model.Account
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaSpecificationExecutor
* @name com.rtxtitanv.repository.AccountRepository
* @description AccountRepository接口用于操作account表
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/20 22:30
* @version v1.0.0
interface AccountRepository : JpaRepository<Account, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Account>
package com.rtxtitanv.repository
import com.rtxtitanv.model.Order
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaSpecificationExecutor
* @name com.rtxtitanv.repository.OrderRepository
* @description OrderRepository接口用于操作orders表
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/20 22:32
* @version v1.0.0
interface OrderRepository : JpaRepository<Order, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Order>
private lateinit var accountRepository: AccountRepository
private lateinit var orderRepository: OrderRepository
at com.rtxtitanv.model.Account.hashCode(Account.kt)
at com.rtxtitanv.model.Order.hashCode(Order.kt)
at java.util.AbstractSet.hashCode(AbstractSet.java:126)
at com.rtxtitanv.model.Account.hashCode(Account.kt)
at com.rtxtitanv.model.Order.hashCode(Order.kt)
at java.util.AbstractSet.hashCode(AbstractSet.java:126)
* 多表关联一对多保存
@Transactional //开启事务支持
@Rollback(false) //设置不回滚
fun oneToManySaveTest() {
val account = Account()
account.accountName = "rtx_titan_v"
account.accountPassword = "123456"
account.accountAlias = "cdf_dv"
account.accountRank = 7L
account.accountTel = "13313313311"
account.accountLocation = "china"
account.accountAddr = "北京西城区"
val order1 = Order()
val order2 = Order()
val order3 = Order()
order1.orderName = "索尼ps5次世代游戏主机"
order1.orderDescription = "索尼ps5,无索不玩"
order1.orderStatus = "等待卖家发货"
order1.orderTotalPrice = "5000"
order1.orderItemCount = 1
order1.orderAddr = "北京西城区"
order2.orderName = "XBox Edit 2代"
order2.orderDescription = "微软精英2代,无线蓝牙手柄国"
order2.orderStatus = "卖家已发货"
order2.orderTotalPrice = "1390"
order2.orderItemCount = 1
order2.orderAddr = "北京西城区"
order3.orderName = "XBox Edit 3代"
order3.orderDescription = "微软精英3代,无线蓝牙手柄国行"
order3.orderStatus = "卖家已发货"
order3.orderTotalPrice = "1390"
order3.orderItemCount = 1
order3.orderAddr = "北京西城区"
order1.account = account
order2.account = account
order3.account = account
2020-01-21 21:19:12.256 INFO 9724 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 保存开始
Hibernate: insert into account (account_addr, account_alias, ccount_location, account_name, account_password, account_rank, account_tel) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into orders (orders_account_id, orders_addr, orders_description, orders_item_count, orders_name, orders_status, orders_total_price) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into orders (orders_account_id, orders_addr, orders_description, orders_item_count, orders_name, orders_status, orders_total_price) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into orders (orders_account_id, orders_addr, orders_description, orders_item_count, orders_name, orders_status, orders_total_price) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2020-01-21 21:19:12.313 INFO 9724 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 保存结束
* 多表关联一对多查询
fun oneToManyFindTest() {
val accountOptional = accountRepository.findById(1L)
if (!accountOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val account = accountOptional.get()
val accountInf = account.toString()
account.orders.forEach { order -> logger.info(order.toString()) }
val orderOptional = orderRepository.findById(1L)
if (!orderOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val order = orderOptional.get()
val orderInfo = order.toString()
val accountInfo = order.account.toString()
Hibernate: select account0_.account_id as account_1_0_0_, account0_.account_addr as account_2_0_0_, account0_.account_alias as account_3_0_0_, account0_.ccount_location as ccount_l4_0_0_, account0_.account_name as account_5_0_0_, account0_.account_password as account_6_0_0_, account0_.account_rank as account_7_0_0_, account0_.account_tel as account_8_0_0_ from account account0_ where account0_.account_id=?
2020-01-21 21:21:30.675 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ----------------账户信息----------------
2020-01-21 21:21:30.675 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Account{accountId=1, accountName='rtx_titan_v', accountPassword='123456', accountAlias='cdf_dv', accountAddr='北京西城区', accountTel='13313313311', accountRank=7, accountLocation='china'}
2020-01-21 21:21:30.675 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ----------------订单信息----------------
Hibernate: select orders0_.orders_account_id as orders_a8_2_0_, orders0_.orders_id as orders_i1_2_0_, orders0_.orders_id as orders_i1_2_1_, orders0_.orders_account_id as orders_a8_2_1_, orders0_.orders_addr as orders_a2_2_1_, orders0_.orders_description as orders_d3_2_1_, orders0_.orders_item_count as orders_i4_2_1_, orders0_.orders_name as orders_n5_2_1_, orders0_.orders_status as orders_s6_2_1_, orders0_.orders_total_price as orders_t7_2_1_ from orders orders0_ where orders0_.orders_account_id=?
2020-01-21 21:21:30.682 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Order{orderId=1, orderName='XBox Edit 2代', orderDescription='微软精英2代,无线蓝牙手柄国', orderStatus='卖家已发货', orderTotalPrice='1390', orderItemCount=1, orderAddr='北京西城区'}
2020-01-21 21:21:30.682 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Order{orderId=3, orderName='XBox Edit 3代', orderDescription='微软精英3代,无线蓝牙手柄国行', orderStatus='卖家已发货', orderTotalPrice='1390', orderItemCount=1, orderAddr='北京西城区'}
2020-01-21 21:21:30.682 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Order{orderId=2, orderName='索尼ps5次世代游戏主机', orderDescription='索尼ps5,无索不玩', orderStatus='等待卖家发货', orderTotalPrice='5000', orderItemCount=1, orderAddr='北京西城区'}
2020-01-21 21:21:30.683 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ----------------订单信息----------------
2020-01-21 21:21:30.683 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Order{orderId=1, orderName='XBox Edit 2代', orderDescription='微软精英2代,无线蓝牙手柄国', orderStatus='卖家已发货', orderTotalPrice='1390', orderItemCount=1, orderAddr='北京西城区'}
2020-01-21 21:21:30.683 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ----------------账户信息----------------
2020-01-21 21:21:30.683 INFO 11180 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Account{accountId=1, accountName='rtx_titan_v', accountPassword='123456', accountAlias='cdf_dv', accountAddr='北京西城区', accountTel='13313313311', accountRank=7, accountLocation='china'}
* 多表关联一对多更新
fun oneToManyUpdateTest() {
val accountOpt = accountRepository.findById(1L)
if (!accountOpt.isPresent) {
} else {
accountOpt.get().orders.forEach { order -> kotlin.run {
if (order.orderId == 1L) {
order.orderTotalPrice = "1590"
order.orderAddr = "重庆渝北区"
} }
val orderOpt = orderRepository.findById(1L)
if (!orderOpt.isPresent) {
} else {
orderOpt.get().account!!.accountAddr = "重庆江北区"
orderOpt.get().account!!.accountRank = 8L
Hibernate: select account0_.account_id as account_1_0_0_, account0_.account_addr as account_2_0_0_, account0_.account_alias as account_3_0_0_, account0_.ccount_location as ccount_l4_0_0_, account0_.account_name as account_5_0_0_, account0_.account_password as account_6_0_0_, account0_.account_rank as account_7_0_0_, account0_.account_tel as account_8_0_0_ from account account0_ where account0_.account_id=?
Hibernate: select orders0_.orders_account_id as orders_a8_2_0_, orders0_.orders_id as orders_i1_2_0_, orders0_.orders_id as orders_i1_2_1_, orders0_.orders_account_id as orders_a8_2_1_, orders0_.orders_addr as orders_a2_2_1_, orders0_.orders_description as orders_d3_2_1_, orders0_.orders_item_count as orders_i4_2_1_, orders0_.orders_name as orders_n5_2_1_, orders0_.orders_status as orders_s6_2_1_, orders0_.orders_total_price as orders_t7_2_1_ from orders orders0_ where orders0_.orders_account_id=?
Hibernate: update account set account_addr=?, account_alias=?, ccount_location=?, account_name=?, account_password=?, account_rank=?, account_tel=? where account_id=?
Hibernate: update orders set orders_account_id=?, orders_addr=?, orders_description=?, orders_item_count=?, orders_name=?, orders_status=?, orders_total_price=? where orders_id=?
* 多表关联一对多删除
fun oneToManyDeleteTest() {
val accountOptional = accountRepository.findById(1L)
if (!accountOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val account = accountOptional.get()
val orders = account.orders
val mutableIterator = orders.iterator()
while (mutableIterator.hasNext()) {
//由于orphanRemoval = true,在一方关联多方的集合中移除多方,将会在多方删除这些记录
if (mutableIterator.next().orderId == 1L) {
Hibernate: select account0_.account_id as account_1_0_0_, account0_.account_addr as account_2_0_0_, account0_.account_alias as account_3_0_0_, account0_.ccount_location as ccount_l4_0_0_, account0_.account_name as account_5_0_0_, account0_.account_password as account_6_0_0_, account0_.account_rank as account_7_0_0_, account0_.account_tel as account_8_0_0_ from account account0_ where account0_.account_id=?
Hibernate: select orders0_.orders_account_id as orders_a8_2_0_, orders0_.orders_id as orders_i1_2_0_, orders0_.orders_id as orders_i1_2_1_, orders0_.orders_account_id as orders_a8_2_1_, orders0_.orders_addr as orders_a2_2_1_, orders0_.orders_description as orders_d3_2_1_, orders0_.orders_item_count as orders_i4_2_1_, orders0_.orders_name as orders_n5_2_1_, orders0_.orders_status as orders_s6_2_1_, orders0_.orders_total_price as orders_t7_2_1_ from orders orders0_ where orders0_.orders_account_id=?
Hibernate: delete from orders where orders_id=?
Hibernate: delete from orders where orders_id=?
Hibernate: delete from orders where orders_id=?
Hibernate: delete from account where account_id=?
2020-01-21 21:34:15.940 INFO 5956 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 删除开始
Hibernate: select orders0_.orders_account_id as orders_a8_2_0_, orders0_.orders_id as orders_i1_2_0_, orders0_.orders_id as orders_i1_2_1_, orders0_.orders_account_id as orders_a8_2_1_, orders0_.orders_addr as orders_a2_2_1_, orders0_.orders_description as orders_d3_2_1_, orders0_.orders_item_count as orders_i4_2_1_, orders0_.orders_name as orders_n5_2_1_, orders0_.orders_status as orders_s6_2_1_, orders0_.orders_total_price as orders_t7_2_1_ from orders orders0_ where orders0_.orders_account_id=?
2020-01-21 21:34:15.954 INFO 5956 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : 删除结束
Hibernate: delete from orders where orders_id=?
package com.rtxtitanv.model
import javax.persistence.*
* @name com.rtxtitanv.model.Role
* @description 角色实体类
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/20 21:09
* @version v1.0.0
@Table(name = "role")
class Role(@Id
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "role_id")
var roleId: Long? = null,
@Column(name = "role_name")
var roleName: String? = null,
@Column(name = "role_type")
var roleType: String? = null,
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "roles", cascade = [CascadeType.PERSIST], fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
var menus: MutableSet<Menu> = HashSet()) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "Role{" +
"roleId=$roleId" +
", roleName='$roleName'" +
", roleType='$roleType'" +
package com.rtxtitanv.model
import javax.persistence.*
* @name com.rtxtitanv.model.Menu
* @description 菜单实体类
* @author rtxtitanv
* @date 2020/1/20 21:47
* @version v1.0.0
@Table(name = "menu")
class Menu(@Id
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "menu_id")
var menuId: Long? = null,
@Column(name = "menu_name")
var menuName: String? = null,
@Column(name = "menu_path")
var menuPath: String? = null,
@Column(name = "menu_hidden")
var menuHidden: Boolean? = null,
@Column(name = "menu_parent_id")
var menuParentId: Long? = null,
@Column(name = "menu_icon")
var menuIcon: String? = null,
@ManyToMany(cascade = [CascadeType.PERSIST], fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinTable(name = "role_menu",
joinColumns = [JoinColumn(name = "menu_id")],
inverseJoinColumns = [JoinColumn(name = "role_id")])
var roles: MutableSet<Role> = HashSet()) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "Menu{" +
"menuId=$menuId" +
", menuName='$menuName'" +
", menuPath='$menuPath'" +
", menuHidden=$menuHidden" +
", menuParentId=$menuParentId" +
", menuIcon='$menuIcon" +
* 多表关联多对多保存
fun manyToManySaveTest() {
val role1 = Role()
val role2 = Role()
val role3 = Role()
role1.roleName = "admin"
role1.roleType = "A"
role2.roleName = "user"
role2.roleType = "U"
role3.roleName = "system"
role3.roleType = "S"
val menu1 = Menu()
val menu2 = Menu()
val menu3 = Menu()
menu1.menuName = "导航栏"
menu1.menuHidden = false
menu1.menuPath = "http://ascd/sddf/kk.img"
menu2.menuName = "下拉框"
menu2.menuParentId = 1L
menu2.menuIcon = "下拉图标"
menu3.menuName = "确认按钮"
menu3.menuIcon = "方块"
menu3.menuPath = ""
//roleRepository.save(role1) 和save menu一样
Hibernate: insert into menu (menu_hidden, menu_icon, menu_name, menu_parent_id, menu_path) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role (role_name, role_type) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into menu (menu_hidden, menu_icon, menu_name, menu_parent_id, menu_path) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role (role_name, role_type) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into menu (menu_hidden, menu_icon, menu_name, menu_parent_id, menu_path) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role (role_name, role_type) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role_menu (menu_id, role_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role_menu (menu_id, role_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role_menu (menu_id, role_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role_menu (menu_id, role_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role_menu (menu_id, role_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into role_menu (menu_id, role_id) values (?, ?)
* 多表关联多对多查询
fun manyToManyFindTest() {
val roleOptional = roleRepository.findById(1L)
if (!roleOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val role = roleOptional.get()
val roleInf = role.toString()
role.menus.forEach { menu -> logger.info(menu.toString()) }
val menuOptional = menuRepository.findById(1L)
if (!menuOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val menu = menuOptional.get()
val menuInfo = menu.toString()
menu.roles.forEach { role -> logger.info(role.toString()) }
Hibernate: select role0_.role_id as role_id1_3_0_, role0_.role_name as role_nam2_3_0_, role0_.role_type as role_typ3_3_0_ from role role0_ where role0_.role_id=?
2020-01-21 21:41:34.680 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ----------------角色信息----------------
2020-01-21 21:41:34.680 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Role{roleId=1, roleName='admin', roleType='A'}
2020-01-21 21:41:34.680 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ----------------菜单信息----------------
Hibernate: select menus0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, menus0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, menu1_.menu_id as menu_id1_1_1_, menu1_.menu_hidden as menu_hid2_1_1_, menu1_.menu_icon as menu_ico3_1_1_, menu1_.menu_name as menu_nam4_1_1_, menu1_.menu_parent_id as menu_par5_1_1_, menu1_.menu_path as menu_pat6_1_1_ from role_menu menus0_ inner join menu menu1_ on menus0_.menu_id=menu1_.menu_id where menus0_.role_id=?
2020-01-21 21:41:34.688 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Menu{menuId=1, menuName='导航栏', menuPath='http://ascd/sddf/kk.img', menuHidden=false, menuParentId=null, menuIcon='null}
2020-01-21 21:41:34.688 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Menu{menuId=2, menuName='确认按钮', menuPath='', menuHidden=null, menuParentId=null, menuIcon='方块}
2020-01-21 21:41:34.689 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ----------------菜单信息----------------
2020-01-21 21:41:34.689 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Menu{menuId=1, menuName='导航栏', menuPath='http://ascd/sddf/kk.img', menuHidden=false, menuParentId=null, menuIcon='null}
2020-01-21 21:41:34.689 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : ----------------角色信息----------------
Hibernate: select roles0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, roles0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, role1_.role_id as role_id1_3_1_, role1_.role_name as role_nam2_3_1_, role1_.role_type as role_typ3_3_1_ from role_menu roles0_ inner join role role1_ on roles0_.role_id=role1_.role_id where roles0_.menu_id=?
2020-01-21 21:41:34.691 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Role{roleId=3, roleName='system', roleType='S'}
2020-01-21 21:41:34.691 INFO 1652 --- [ main] com.rtxtitanv.JpaTest : Role{roleId=1, roleName='admin', roleType='A'}
* 多表关联多对多更新
fun manyToManyUpdateTest() {
val roleOptional = roleRepository.findById(1L)
if (!roleOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val roles = roleOptional.get()
roles.menus.forEach { menu -> kotlin.run{
if (menu.menuId == 1L) {
menu.menuHidden = true
menu.menuName = "左侧导航栏"
menu.roles.forEach { role -> kotlin.run {
if (role.roleId == 3L) {
role.roleName = "vip"
role.roleType = "V"
} }
} }
Hibernate: select role0_.role_id as role_id1_3_0_, role0_.role_name as role_nam2_3_0_, role0_.role_type as role_typ3_3_0_ from role role0_ where role0_.role_id=?
Hibernate: select menus0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, menus0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, menu1_.menu_id as menu_id1_1_1_, menu1_.menu_hidden as menu_hid2_1_1_, menu1_.menu_icon as menu_ico3_1_1_, menu1_.menu_name as menu_nam4_1_1_, menu1_.menu_parent_id as menu_par5_1_1_, menu1_.menu_path as menu_pat6_1_1_ from role_menu menus0_ inner join menu menu1_ on menus0_.menu_id=menu1_.menu_id where menus0_.role_id=?
Hibernate: select roles0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, roles0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, role1_.role_id as role_id1_3_1_, role1_.role_name as role_nam2_3_1_, role1_.role_type as role_typ3_3_1_ from role_menu roles0_ inner join role role1_ on roles0_.role_id=role1_.role_id where roles0_.menu_id=?
Hibernate: update menu set menu_hidden=?, menu_icon=?, menu_name=?, menu_parent_id=?, menu_path=? where menu_id=?
Hibernate: update role set role_name=?, role_type=? where role_id=?
* 多表关联多对多删除
fun manyToManyDeleteTest() {
val roleOptional = roleRepository.findById(1L)
if (!roleOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val role1 = roleOptional.get()
role1.menus.forEach { menu -> kotlin.run {
} }
/*val menuOptional = menuRepository.findById(3L)
if (!menuOptional.isPresent) {
} else {
val menu3 = menuOptional.get()
Hibernate: select role0_.role_id as role_id1_3_0_, role0_.role_name as role_nam2_3_0_, role0_.role_type as role_typ3_3_0_ from role role0_ where role0_.role_id=?
Hibernate: select menus0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, menus0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, menu1_.menu_id as menu_id1_1_1_, menu1_.menu_hidden as menu_hid2_1_1_, menu1_.menu_icon as menu_ico3_1_1_, menu1_.menu_name as menu_nam4_1_1_, menu1_.menu_parent_id as menu_par5_1_1_, menu1_.menu_path as menu_pat6_1_1_ from role_menu menus0_ inner join menu menu1_ on menus0_.menu_id=menu1_.menu_id where menus0_.role_id=?
Hibernate: select roles0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, roles0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, role1_.role_id as role_id1_3_1_, role1_.role_name as role_nam2_3_1_, role1_.role_type as role_typ3_3_1_ from role_menu roles0_ inner join role role1_ on roles0_.role_id=role1_.role_id where roles0_.menu_id=?
Hibernate: select roles0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, roles0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, role1_.role_id as role_id1_3_1_, role1_.role_name as role_nam2_3_1_, role1_.role_type as role_typ3_3_1_ from role_menu roles0_ inner join role role1_ on roles0_.role_id=role1_.role_id where roles0_.menu_id=?
Hibernate: select menu0_.menu_id as menu_id1_1_0_, menu0_.menu_hidden as menu_hid2_1_0_, menu0_.menu_icon as menu_ico3_1_0_, menu0_.menu_name as menu_nam4_1_0_, menu0_.menu_parent_id as menu_par5_1_0_, menu0_.menu_path as menu_pat6_1_0_ from menu menu0_ where menu0_.menu_id=?
Hibernate: select roles0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, roles0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, role1_.role_id as role_id1_3_1_, role1_.role_name as role_nam2_3_1_, role1_.role_type as role_typ3_3_1_ from role_menu roles0_ inner join role role1_ on roles0_.role_id=role1_.role_id where roles0_.menu_id=?
Hibernate: delete from role_menu where menu_id=? and role_id=?
Hibernate: delete from role_menu where menu_id=? and role_id=?
Hibernate: insert into role_menu (menu_id, role_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: select role0_.role_id as role_id1_3_0_, role0_.role_name as role_nam2_3_0_, role0_.role_type as role_typ3_3_0_ from role role0_ where role0_.role_id=?
Hibernate: select menus0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, menus0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, menu1_.menu_id as menu_id1_1_1_, menu1_.menu_hidden as menu_hid2_1_1_, menu1_.menu_icon as menu_ico3_1_1_, menu1_.menu_name as menu_nam4_1_1_, menu1_.menu_parent_id as menu_par5_1_1_, menu1_.menu_path as menu_pat6_1_1_ from role_menu menus0_ inner join menu menu1_ on menus0_.menu_id=menu1_.menu_id where menus0_.role_id=?
Hibernate: select roles0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, roles0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, role1_.role_id as role_id1_3_1_, role1_.role_name as role_nam2_3_1_, role1_.role_type as role_typ3_3_1_ from role_menu roles0_ inner join role role1_ on roles0_.role_id=role1_.role_id where roles0_.menu_id=?
Hibernate: select roles0_.menu_id as menu_id1_4_0_, roles0_.role_id as role_id2_4_0_, role1_.role_id as role_id1_3_1_, role1_.role_name as role_nam2_3_1_, role1_.role_type as role_typ3_3_1_ from role_menu roles0_ inner join role role1_ on roles0_.role_id=role1_.role_id where roles0_.menu_id=?
Hibernate: delete from role_menu where menu_id=? and role_id=?
Hibernate: delete from role_menu where menu_id=? and role_id=?
Hibernate: delete from role where role_id=?