var dom = document.getElementById("MapDiv");
var myChart = echarts.init(dom);
var COLORS = ["green", "blue", "yellow", "orange", "red", "brown"];
var lngExtent = [38.5, 40.3];
var latExtent = [116.7, 119];
var cellCount = [112, 182];
var cellSizeCoord = [
(lngExtent[1] - lngExtent[0]) / cellCount[0],
(latExtent[1] - latExtent[0]) / cellCount[1]
var gapSize = 0;
function renderItem(params, api) {
var context = params.context;
var lngIndex = api.value(0);
var latIndex = api.value(1);
var coordLeftTop = [
+(latExtent[0] + lngIndex * cellSizeCoord[0]).toFixed(6),
+(lngExtent[0] + latIndex * cellSizeCoord[1]).toFixed(6)
var pointLeftTop = getCoord(params, api, lngIndex, latIndex);
var pointRightBottom = getCoord(params, api, lngIndex + 1, latIndex + 1);
return {
type: 'rect',
shape: {
x: pointLeftTop[0],
y: pointLeftTop[1],
width: pointRightBottom[0] - pointLeftTop[0],
height: pointRightBottom[1] - pointLeftTop[1]
style: api.style({
stroke: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'
styleEmphasis: api.styleEmphasis()
function getCoord(params, api, lngIndex, latIndex) {
var coords = params.context.coords || (params.context.coords = []);
var key = lngIndex + '-' + latIndex;
// bmap returns point in integer, which makes cell width unstable.
// So we have to use right bottom point.
return coords[key] || (coords[key] = api.coord([
+(latExtent[0] + lngIndex * cellSizeCoord[0]).toFixed(6),
+(lngExtent[0] + latIndex * cellSizeCoord[1]).toFixed(6)
option = {
tooltip: {},
visualMap: {
type: 'piecewise',
inverse: true,
top: 10,
left: 10,
pieces: [{
value: 0, color: COLORS[0]
}, {
value: 1, color: COLORS[1]
}, {
value: 2, color: COLORS[2]
}, {
value: 3, color: COLORS[3]
}, {
value: 4, color: COLORS[4]
}, {
value: 5, color: COLORS[5]
borderColor: '#ccc',
borderWidth: 2,
backgroundColor: '#eee',
dimension: 2,
inRange: {
color: COLORS,
opacity: 0.5
series: [
type: 'custom',
coordinateSystem: 'bmap',
renderItem: renderItem,
animation: false,
itemStyle: {
emphasis: {
color: 'yellow'
encode: {
tooltip: 2
data: values
bmap: {
center: [117.4, 39.3],
zoom: 11.8,
roam: true,
mapStyle: {
styleJson: [{
'featureType': 'water',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'color': '#d1d1d1'
}, {
'featureType': 'land',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'color': '#f3f3f3'
}, {
'featureType': 'railway',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'visibility': 'off'
}, {
'featureType': 'highway',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'color': '#999999'
}, {
'featureType': 'highway',
'elementType': 'labels',
'stylers': {
'visibility': 'off'
}, {
'featureType': 'arterial',
'elementType': 'geometry',
'stylers': {
'color': '#fefefe'
}, {
'featureType': 'arterial',
'elementType': 'geometry.fill',
'stylers': {
'color': '#fefefe'
}, {
'featureType': 'poi',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'visibility': 'off'
}, {
'featureType': 'green',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'visibility': 'off'
}, {
'featureType': 'subway',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'visibility': 'off'
}, {
'featureType': 'manmade',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'color': '#d1d1d1'
}, {
'featureType': 'local',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'color': '#d1d1d1'
}, {
'featureType': 'arterial',
'elementType': 'labels',
'stylers': {
'visibility': 'off'
}, {
'featureType': 'boundary',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'color': '#fefefe'
}, {
'featureType': 'building',
'elementType': 'all',
'stylers': {
'color': '#d1d1d1'
}, {
'featureType': 'label',
'elementType': 'labels.text.fill',
'stylers': {
'color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'