(参考 http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/INSTALL 的 E. Building the Latest Source under Windows)
1, 下载subversion源码,下载地址: http://subversion.apache.org/download/#recommended-release,,win平台下载zip包,你可以选择 release版本,也可以选择rc1测试版本。
2. VS6,VS2002,VS2003,VS2005,VS2008 中的一种
3. python2.5 或更高版本,下载地址:http://www.python.org/
4. perl 5.8. 下载地址:http://dl.pcgames.com.cn/download/50293.html
5. AWK.exe。 下载地址 http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/btl.mirror/awk95.exe
6. 三个库文件 Apache apr(版本 0.9.12 或更高),apr-util, apr-iconv (可选项), 下载地址:http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/,不想这样下载源码编译,可以下载二进制打包的库,下载地址:文件http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/binaries/win32/
7. 【可选项】Apache 2 源码,下载地址:http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi
8. 【可选项】Berkerly DB4, 下载地址:http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=688,db-4.3.27-win32.zip 和 db-4.4.20-win32.zip,哪个都行。
9. 【可选项】openssl 0.9.7f 下载地址: http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.7f.tar.gz.10. 【可选项】GNU libintl的修改版本,称作 svn-win32-libintl.zip,用来显示本地化信息,下载地址:http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=2627
11. 【可选项】GNUGettex,下载地址:http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/
12. 【可选项】汇编语言编译器, MASM32下载地址:http://www.masm32.com/,或是 NASM, 下载地址:http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/?C=M;O=Dt
1. 创建SVN 目录,如将源码解压到指定路径下。例如 E:\SVN,在命令行运行下载版本的指令
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk src-trunk
或者将下载的 zip文件解压到SVN中,将文件夹名称(例如:subversion-1.7.10)换成 src-trunk。
2 . 安装 VS6,VS2002,VS2003,VS2005,VS2008 中的一种。注册环境变量,VS6.0 执行 VCVARS32.BAT批处理文件,更高版本运行程序菜单中的 “Microsoft Visual Studio 200x" -> "Visual Studio Tools" -> “Visual Studio 200x Command Prompt ” (中文 : “Visual Studio 200x 命令提示”)
如果你使用 VS6.0,还要安装和注册当前Windows Core SDK。
"To register the SDK bin, include, and library directories with Microsoft Visual Studio® version 6.0 and Visual Studio .NET, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Platform SDK February 2003, point to Visual Studio Registration, and then click Register PSDK Directories with Visual Studio. This registration process places the SDK bin, include, and library directories at the beginning of the search paths, which ensures that the latest headers and libraries are used when building applications in the IDE. Note that for Visual Studio 6.0 integration to succeed, Visual Studio 6.0 must run at least once before you select Register PSDK Directories with Visual Studio. Also note that when this option is run, the IDEs should not be running."
3. 安装 python2.5 或更高版本。
4. 安装 perl 5.8.
5. 将 AWK95.exe。复制到 SVN\awk\awk.exe,将这个路径加入path环境变量
6. 三个库文件 Apache apr, apr-util, apr-iconv (可选项), 版本 0.9.12 或更高。 下载地址:http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/,不想这样下载源码编译,可以下载二进制打包的库,下载地址:文件 http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/binaries/win32/
7. 如果你要编译server模块,下载 httpd 2.x.x 源码,下载地址:http://mirror.bit.edu.cn/apache//httpd/binaries/win32/,目前windows平台下的httpd源码只有2.0.64版本,解压到SVN\httpd-2.x.x,用VS6.0或更高版本打开Apache.dsw,全编,报错
In case anyone else runs across this, the problem was with the ordering of the headers... windows.h can be commented out and wincrypt.h should be moved to after apr.h:
// #include <<---- commented
#include "apr.h"
#include // <<---- move to after apr.h
#include "apr_private.h"
#include "apr_general.h"
#include "apr_portable.h"
#include "apr_arch_misc.h"
然后遇到报错 AWK 不是有效命令,明明完成了步骤4,但还是报错,参考 http://blog.csdn.net/ftomorrow/article/details/3980143,在VC6.0 的 菜单Tools -> Options -> 选项 Directories -> Executable files 中加入 AWk 路径。编译成功
8. 如果你不用dependency中的zlib模块,也可以到 http://www.zlib.net/ 下载源码,解压到 SVN\zlib-x.x.x
9. 下载 Berkerly DB, 下载地址(需要注册,免费的):http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/products/berkeleydb/downloads/index-082944.html,
安装好后到安装目录下复制include 和 lib 文件夹到 路径 SVN\src-trunk\db4-win32
10. 在 http://www.openssl.org/ 下载 openssl源码,解压到 SVN\openssl-x.x.x
11. 解压svn-win32-libintl.zip 到 SVN\svn-win32-libintl目录,它依赖于 Gettext
12. 解压 Gettext 到 SVN\Gettext
13. 解压 NASM 到 SVN\NASM 目录或 MASM32 到 SVN\MASM32,nasm.exe 改名为nasmw.exe,否则编译时会报告找不到nasmw可执行文件。
打开 SVN\src-trunk\build\win32\vc6-build.bat.in,修改并另存为 批处理文件 vc6-build.bat
实际上,我在上述源码目录树中保留了版本号,如用 nasm-2.10.07 目录名代替了 nasm目录名,用gettext-0.18.2目录名代替了gettext,用openssl-0.9.7f代替了openssl。后来在编译openssl时发现,openssl的脚本都假设了工作目录名是openssl,不能是其他,所以openssl的目录名是固定不能变的。
@echo off
@REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
@REM or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
@REM distributed with this work for additional information
@REM regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
@REM to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
@REM "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
@REM with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
@REM http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
@REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
@REM software distributed under the License is distributed on an
@REM KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
@REM specific language governing permissions and limitations
@REM under the License.
rem ====== Environment change lives only for the duration of the script
rem ====== Set these shell variables before doing a build.
rem VER is used to name the output bin dir as svn-win32-%VER%
set VER=trunk
rem DIR is appended to src- to make the dir name, e.g., src-trunk
set DIR=trunk
set SVNDIR=E:\workdir\SVN
set PYTHONDIR=C:\Program Files\python33
set HTTPDDIR=httpd-2.0.64
set OPENSSLDIR=openssl-0.9.7f
set ZLIBDIR=zlib-1.2.8
set GETTEXTDIR=gettext-0.18.2
set NASMDIR=nasm-2.10.07
set SDKINC=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v5.0\Include
set SDKLIB=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\lib
set APACHEDIR=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2
rem ====== End of shell variables which need to be set.
rem Set up path to include Python and BDB.
rem Set INCLUDE and LIB for the msdev builds.
echo %INCLUDE%
rem Check that the subversion code exists here.
cd %SVNDIR%\src-%DIR%
if not exist subversion goto wrongstartdir
cd ..
rem ====== Check the prerequisites are at least in the right place.
if not exist %HTTPDDIR% goto httpderr
if not exist %NASMDIR% goto nasmerr
if not exist %OPENSSLDIR% goto opensslerr
if not exist src-%DIR% goto svnerr
if not exist %ZLIBDIR% goto zliberr
if not exist %ZLIBDIR%\zlibstat.lib goto zlibstaterr
if not exist src-%DIR%\db4-win32 goto bdberr
rem if not exist src-%DIR%\neon goto neonerr
if not exist %GETTEXTDIR% goto gettexterr
goto allok
echo Unable to find %SVNDIR%\src-%DIR%\subversion
goto theveryend
echo Unable to find %HTTPDDIR%
goto end
echo Unable to find %NASMDIR%
goto end
echo Unable to find %OPENSSLDIR%
goto end
echo Unable to find Subversion source in src-%DIR%
goto end
echo Unable to find %ZLIBDIR%
goto end
echo Please copy %ZLIBDIR%\static32\zlibstat.lib to %ZLIBDIR%\zlibstat.lib
goto end
echo Unable to find Berekely DB
goto end
echo Unable to find neon
goto end
echo Unable to find %GETTEXTDIR%
goto end
rem ====== Build openssl.
perl Configure VC-WIN32
call ms\do_nasm
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
cd out32dll
call ..\ms\test
cd ..\..
rem ====== Build Apache 2
cd src-%DIR%
python gen-make.py -t dsp --with-httpd=..\%HTTPDDIR% --with-berkeley-db=db4-win32 --with-openssl=..\%OPENSSLDIR% --with-zlib=..\%ZLIBDIR% --enable-nls --enable-bdb-in-apr-util
cd ..
msdev %HTTPDDIR%\apache.dsw /MAKE "BuildBin - Win32 Release"
rem ====== Subversion
cd src-%DIR%
msdev subversion_msvc.dsw /USEENV /MAKE "__ALL_TESTS__ - Win32 Release"
mkdir Release\subversion\tests\cmdline
xcopy /S /Y subversion\tests\cmdline Release\subversion\tests\cmdline
copy Release\subversion\mod_dav_svn\mod_dav_svn.so "%APACHEDIR%\modules"
copy Release\subversion\mod_authz_svn\mod_authz_svn.so "%APACHEDIR%\modules"
cd ..
rem ====== Copy the binaries into a tree suitable for zipping.
mkdir svn-win32-%VER%
mkdir svn-win32-%VER%\bin
mkdir svn-win32-%VER%\httpd
mkdir svn-win32-%VER%\iconv
copy src-%DIR%\db4-win32\bin\libdb42.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy %OPENSSLDIR%\out32dll\libeay32.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy %OPENSSLDIR%\out32dll\ssleay32.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy %HTTPDDIR%\srclib\apr\Release\libapr.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy %HTTPDDIR%\srclib\apr-iconv\Release\libapriconv.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy %HTTPDDIR%\srclib\apr-iconv\Release\iconv\*.so svn-win32-%VER%\iconv
copy %HTTPDDIR%\srclib\apr-util\Release\libaprutil.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy gettext\bin\intl.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy gettext\bin\iconv.dll svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svn\svn.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnadmin\svnadmin.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svndumpfilter\svndumpfilter.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnlook\svnlook.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnserve\svnserve.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnversion\svnversion.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\svnrdump\svnrdump.exe svn-win32-%VER%\bin
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\mod_authz_svn\mod_authz_svn.so svn-win32-%VER%\httpd
copy src-%DIR%\Release\subversion\mod_dav_svn\mod_dav_svn.so svn-win32-%VER%\httpd
copy svn-win32-%VER%\bin\intl.dll "%APACHEDIR%\bin"
copy svn-win32-%VER%\bin\iconv.dll "%APACHEDIR%\bin"
copy svn-win32-%VER%\bin\libdb42.dll "%APACHEDIR%\bin"
rem ====== Configure Apache ready for doing tests.
@echo off
echo Configure Apache to use the mod_dav_svn and mod_authz_svn modules
echo by making sure these lines appear uncommented in httpd.conf:
echo LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
echo LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so
echo LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so
echo LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so
echo And further down the file add:
echo ^
echo DAV svn
echo SVNParentPath %SVNDIR%/src-%DIR%/Release/subversion/tests/cmdline/svn-test-work/repositories
echo ^
echo ^
echo DAV svn
echo SVNPath %SVNDIR%/src-%DIR%/Release/subversion/tests/cmdline/svn-test-work/local_tmp/repos
echo ^
echo Then restart Apache.
echo Please configure Apache and press enter:
@echo on
rem ====== Run the tests.
cd src-%DIR%
python win-tests.py -c -r -v
python win-tests.py -c -r -v -u http://localhost
cd ..
cd src-%DIR%
call cmd.exe
1. 路径找不到
确认 set HTTPDDIR=httpd-2.0.64,set OPENSSLDIR=openssl-0.9.7f,set ZLIBDIR=zlib-1.2.8,set GETTEXTDIR=gettext-0.18.2,set NASMDIR=%SVNDIR%\nasm-2.10.07 各路径是否存在,以及文件夹内文件是否完整。
还有就是在 VC6.0 中也要设定SDK 包含路径和 awk 执行路径,否则会遇到类似下面的报错
--------------------Configuration: mod_auth_dbm - Win32 Release--------------------
Error executing c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe.
需要在Visual Studio 界面菜单Tools -> Options...设置
2. sal.h 文件不存在(specstring.h 中include "sal.h"语句)。
如果遇到这个问题,可以考虑将SDK include 路径设定为 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v5.0\Include,而不要选择 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0a\Include。SDK lib文件夹也做相应修改。
如果不这样修改,而是强制加入 9.0/VC/include路径(这个路径下有sal.h文件),可能发生报错:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\Include\stdio.h(237) : error C2485: 'deprecated' : unrecognized extended attribute
3.except getopt.GetoptError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
如果不是使用python 2.7/2.8,而是像本文中用更高的python版本(3.3),except语句应该改为 except getopt.GetoptError as e:
而不是except getopt.GetoptError, e:
,逗号语法在新的版本中废弃了。由于还存在其他语法报错,看来python3.3的语法改动还是有些多,后来我还是安装了python 2.7.5,而不是继续学习python脚本语言。
4. 找不到 WtsApi32.h
E:\lhk-work\SVN\httpd-2.0.64\support\win32\ApacheMonitor.c(45) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'WtsApi32.h': No such file or directory
Error executing cl.exe.
这是因为 VC6.0 或 VS2005 或VS2008 选项中没有配置 SDK头文件包含路径。选择菜单 Tools -> Options...,在列表中添加 SDK头文件包含目录“C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT SDKS\WINDOWS\V5.0\INCLUDE”,
5. 缺少头文件
。。。\SVN\httpd-2.0.64\srclib\apr\include\apr_want.h(52): Could not find the file strings.h.
。。。k\SVN\httpd-2.0.64\srclib\apr\include\apr_want.h(85): Could not find the file sys/uio.h.
。。。\SVN\httpd-2.0.64\srclib\apr\include\apr_want.h(103): Could not find the file arpa/inet.h.
采用简单粗暴的方式,可以在apr_want.h 中注释掉出错的宏
6. 汇编出错
.\crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm:30: error: operation size not specified
.\crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm:265: error: operation size not specified
.\crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm:267: error: operation size not specified
.\crypto\rc4\asm\r4_win32.asm:271: error: operation size not specified
试过3个版本nasm-2.10.07,nasm-2.00,nasm-0.99.06,都出同样的错误,按照http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.openssl.devel/8634 所说,原来openssl-0.9.7f的perl脚本有bug,于是去ftp://ftp.openssl.org/snapshot/ 换了稳定版本,由于本人钟爱最新版本,所以下载 openssl-1.0.2-stable-SNAP-20130614.tar.gz,然后发现在编译sha512模块的汇编文件时又报错,
. tmp32dll\sha512-586.asm:515: error: mismatch in operand sizes
没办法,老老实实下载 openssl-0.9.8-stable-SNAP-20130611.tar.gz,编译通过。
7. neon 模块报错,因为我们没有添加 neon'模块
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gen-make.py", line 317, in
main(conf, gentype, skip_depends=skip, other_options=rest.list)
File "gen-make.py", line 65, in main
File "build\generator\gen_msvc_dsp.py", line 133, in write
File "build\generator\gen_win.py", line 1183, in write_neon_project_file
('project_guid', self.makeguid('neon')),
File "build\generator\gen_win.py", line 1232, in move_proj_file
self.write_with_template(dest_file, source_template, data)
File "build\generator\gen_win.py", line 1144, in write_with_template
self.write_file_if_changed(fname, fout.getvalue())
File "build\generator\gen_win.py", line 1135, in write_file_if_changed
open(fname, 'wb').write(new_contents)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'neon\\neon.dsp'
在生成 neon.dsp时将报错,neon不是必须的,可以修改SVN\src-trunk\build\generator\gen_win.py 解决,当没找到neon模块时,设置 self.without_neon = True,因为这个标志初始化时值为False。
msg = 'WARNING: Error while determining neon version\n'
self.neon_lib = None
self.without_neon = True
你也可以在 vc6-build.bat 中执行gen_win.py的命令中显式添加 --without-neon参数。
python gen-make.py -t dsp --with-httpd=..\%HTTPDDIR% --with-berkeley-db=db4-win32 --with-openssl=..\%OPENSSLDIR% --with-zlib=..\%ZLIBDIR% --enable-nls --enable-bdb-in --without-neon
8. SVN\src-trunk 目录下生成 subversion_msvc.dsw 成功后,用VC6.0编译,报错
8.1 cache-membuffer.c
E:\workdir\SVN\src-trunk\subversion\libsvn_subr\cache-membuffer.c(552) : warning C4013: 'UINT64_C' undefined; assuming extern returning int
E:\workdir\SVN\src-trunk\subversion\libsvn_subr\cache-membuffer.c(999) : error C2059: syntax error : 'bad suffix on number'E:\workdir\SVN\src-trunk\subversion\libsvn_subr\cache-membuffer.c(999) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'l'
解决方法,把 MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE定义改为 #define MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE UINT64_C(0x2000000)
解决方法,类型全改为signed __int64,权宜之计。
E:\workdir\SVN\src-trunk\subversion\libsvn_subr\config_win.c(62) : error C2065: 'SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT' : undeclared identifier
解决方法,Tools->Options... 将SDK include目录放最前面,同样lib文件夹也放最前面
8.4 E:\workdir\SVN\src-trunk\build\win32\svn.rc(28) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'apr_general.h'.