Day 6
The night of the ball came at last. Madame Loisel was a brilliant success. She looked more beautiful than any other woman present. Triumphantly (/trʌɪˈʌmf(ə)ntli,/ 欢欣鼓舞地), full of grace and joy, she danced admirably (/ˈædmərəbli/令人敬佩地), aware of the rapt (/ ræpt/ 全神贯注的) eyes of the company. All the men inquired (/ ɪnˈkwʌɪə/ 打听) her name, wanted to be introduced, asked her for waltzes (/wɔːl(t)s / 华尔兹). She attracted the attention of even the minister himself.
She felt as if she were in a beautiful dream, intoxicated (/ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪtɪd/ 陶醉的) with happiness. Oh, how long she had been yearning for (/ jəːn/ 渴望) such a moment!
原文:Madame Loisel was a brilliant success.
新概念三册第32课里出现了这样一个句子:The salvage operation had been a complete failure.
注意:我们可以用a success/failure可以用来形容人,也可以用来形容事。
Their marriage is a failure and they both wanted to be free of it.
WeChat is a huge success in China.
Van Gogh considered himself a failure in spite of receiving many honours and much acclaim. 梵高认为自己是一个失败者,尽管收到了很多荣誉和称赞。
Did Mathilde Loisel know that she attracted the attention of the company?
A. Yes
B. No
Was Mathilde Loisel intoxicated with happiness at the party?
A. Yes
B. No
The film is a huge success.
Everyone agrees that the meeting is a complete failure
3.中翻英:作为一个演员,Johnny Depp 是一个很成功的人。
As an actor, Johnny Depp is a big success.
A. Mathilde Loisel knew that she attacted the attention of the company.
A. Mathilde Loisel was intoxicated with happiness at the party.
The film is a great success.
Everyone agreed that the meeting was a total failure.
Johnny Depp is a huge success as an actor.