
Description Name
Store Openshift resource definitions Etcd
Defined the container image format Docker
Orchestrates running composite applications Kurbernetes
Provides Jboss middleware certified container images xPaaS
Shares networking and storage configurations from enclosing pod Container
Runs the OCP REST API,authentication,scheduler,and configuration data store Master
Builds and deploy applications from source code S2I
Run pods,kubelet,and proxy Node
File format used to describe OCP cluster resources JSON
Load-balance requests for replicated pods from the same application Service
Provides persistent strong for stateful applications like relational databases Volume
Allows access to applications from external networks Route
Set of containers that must run on the same node Pod
Software-defined network that allows pods from different nodes to be part of the same service Open vSwitch
Can be assigned resource quotes Project


Description Name
存储openshift集群资源的定义 Etcd
定义了容器镜像的格式 Docker
协调运行中的复合型应用 Kubernetes
提供Jboss中间件的认证容器镜像 xPaaS
从封闭的pod中共享网络和存储配置 Container
运行OCP REST API,认证,调度器,和配置数据的存储 Master
从源代码构建和部署应用 S2I
运行pods,kubelet和proxy Node
用来描述OCP节点资源的文件格式 JSON
负载均衡请求为了复制pods从相同的应用中 Service
为有状态的应用提供持久化存储,如关系型数据库 Volume
允许通过外部网络访问应用 Route
一组必须运行在相同节点上的容器 Pod
软件定义网络允许pods从不同的节点成为相同服务的组成部分 Open vSwitch
能够被分配资源配额 Project
