



Monday, 15 September 2008

How to check whether an element exists using jQuery

When using jQuery (or any other JavaScript library for that matter), have you ever wondered how to test whether an element exists using a selector? Well, maybe you haven’t, but I have – lots of times – so I thought I’d share how it’s done here because it’s not as simple as it seems. 

The obvious thing would simply be to wrap a selector in an if statement, right?

if ($("#mydiv")){
    // do something here

Well, wrong – that won’t work! When you use a selector, jQuery will always return an object. Therefore the if statement will always be true and never be false. In the case of an element that does not exist on the page, jQuery will return an object with nothing in it – an empty object. And therein lies our solution.

With a jQuery selector we can also use the length property, which will return the size of the object. Do you see where I’m heading with this? That’s right, lets just change our if statement to:

if ($("#mydiv").length > 0){
    // do something here

Now our code works because when jQuery returns an empty object, the length property will return zero and therefore the if statement will be false. Hurrah!

Tagged: JavaScript, jQuery, Web Development

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19 fantastic comments

Tiago Soczek 2:36 pm, 10 October 2008

// this works too..
if ($(“#mydiv”).length){
// do something here

Aaron 2:43 pm, 10 October 2008

That’s true Tiago – cheers for sharing. I’ll leave my explanation as it is because I think the “greater than zero” operator illustrates why it would return true or not. But you solution is slightly more elegant

nickyflavier 8:28 am, 16 October 2008

You could also use
if($(“#mydiv”).size()) {
//do something

mipme kampfkoloss 8:40 am, 25 March 2009

Thx mate, just the thing i was looking for. Keep it up!

gonzalo 5:04 pm, 7 August 2009

Works like a charm thanks

Patrick Fitzgerald 3:20 pm, 28 August 2009

The easiest (smallest) test I have found is:
if ($(‘#mydiv’)[0]) {
// do something

Phil 3:23 pm, 9 November 2009

Nice and simple – just what I need.

Cheers Aaron

Erik 8:19 pm, 15 December 2009

Nice, thanks! exactly what I needed

Jason 4:02 pm, 13 January 2010

Excellent tip!! thank you kindly.

Tim 8:48 pm, 16 January 2010

Correct me if I’m wrong (which I very well could be), but I don’t think you’re using the jQuery selector engine without doing $(“#mydiv”) or jQuery(“#mydiv”). You’re using some default javascript selector.

Aaron 10:56 pm, 16 January 2010

Tim – Something funky is happening with my code snippets on this site. Some characters are being rendered in white text on a white background (the $ symbol in this case). Haven’t got a clue why, but I’ll look into it and try and fix it soon.

john 11:36 pm, 27 January 2010

looking at your css the pre tag that surrounds the $ is set to #FFFFFF by the rule #main .article pre unlike the rest of the contnet which is contained within span tag that set the colour to something else

Aaron 10:39 am, 28 January 2010

Cheers John! Saved me looking into it Code on my site is now fixed.

Radu 3:20 pm, 12 February 2010

I don’t know but any element in my page is length = 0 . Even html.length = 0.

Just tried with jQuery
return 0.

Firebug show all my elements 0 length …

Any ideas where the problem could be ?

alex 9:08 am, 26 February 2010

thanks mate! was going crazy over this. thought id kill IE7 one more time because he kept throwing script errors at me

well thanks and have a good one!

Phil 6:42 pm, 16 June 2010

That’s just the thing I was looking for, Aaron. Thanks a lot.

Antonio 10:12 am, 22 June 2010

I have got a question about this method. Is it possible to execute this “if exist” method on a page based on the DIV that exist in another page?

Johnny 11:06 am, 19 August 2010

Why use jQuery for this when just plain ass javascript does the job?
if(document.getElementById(“id”)) {

Aaron 1:12 pm, 24 August 2010

@Johnny – because with jQuery you could use any old selector, not just an ID.

posted on 2010-11-05 15:37  lexus 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏

