Mainline U-Boot:
boot.scr/boot.cmd changes:
With 2.6.35:
With 2.6.36/37+:
Serial console login: /etc/init/ttyO2.conf
start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] respawn exec /sbin/getty 115200 ttyO2
git clone git:// cd armv7-multiplatform git checkout origin/v3.11.x -b tmp ./
git clone git:// cd stable-kernel git checkout origin/v3.7.x -b tmp ./
git clone git:// cd linux-dev git checkout origin/am33x-v3.8 -b tmp ./
If the script in these demo images fail: email "[email protected]" I need: terminal command, terminal log, distribution name, arch...
Image Updated:
Services Active:
Note: Depending on your internal network these may work out the box Apache, Port 80: http://arm/ (Bone: via usb) SSH, Port 22: ssh ubuntu@arm (Bone: via usb) [email protected] Getty, Serial Port
Active on Boot Script:
Default user: ubuntu pass: temppwd
Get prebuilt image:
wget mirrors (will take some time to update): wget
Verify image with:
md5sum ubuntu-13.04-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz 026d8809821c9b6438f1d8ec4991aa58 ubuntu-13.04-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz
Unpack image:
tar xJf ubuntu-13.04-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz cd ubuntu-13.04-console-armhf-2013-08-24
If you don't know the location of your SD card:
sudo ./ --probe-mmc
You should see something like
Are you sure? I don't see [/dev/idontknow], here is what I do see... fdisk -l: Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes <- x86 Root Drive Disk /dev/sdd: 3957 MB, 3957325824 bytes <- MMC/SD card lsblk: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 446.9G 0 part / <- x86 Root Partition ├─sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part └─sda5 8:5 0 18.9G 0 part [SWAP] sdd 8:48 1 3.7G 0 disk ├─sdd1 8:49 1 64M 0 part └─sdd2 8:50 1 3.6G 0 part
Install image:
Quick install script for "board"
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --uboot board
"board" options:
So for the BeagleBoard xM:
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --uboot beagle_xm
Quick install script for "board" (using new --dtb option)
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --dtb board
"board" options:
So for the BeagleBoard xM:
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --dtb dt-beagle-xm
You should now be able to unmount the SD card from you PC, insert into your Board, reboot and have the OS loaded.
For a basic framebuffer driven desktop environment: (make sure network is setup):
Ethernet: "sudo ifconfig -a" and "sudo dhclient usb1" or "sudo dhclient eth0" Wireless:
Then run:
/bin/sh /boot/uboot/tools/ubuntu/
Additional Expansion Options:
Add "camera=li5m03" to uEnv.txt and run:
/boot/uboot/tools/pkgs/ /boot/uboot/tools/pkgs/
#LSR COM6L Adapter Board # #First production run has unprogramed eeprom: #buddy=lsr-com6l-adpt #LSR COM6L Adapter Board + TiWi5 #wl12xx_clk=wl12xx_26mhz
Advanced: Build Image:
Built with a fork of project-rootstock (ARM native mode, run directly on BeagleBoard), using a script from omap-image-builder:
git clone git:// cd omap-image-builder git checkout v2013.08 -b v2013.08 touch release ./
Image Updated:
Get prebuilt image:
Verify image with:
md5sum ubuntu-12.10-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz 1d8c4999592123fdd3a51864394ccb49 ubuntu-12.10-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz
Unpack image:
tar xJf ubuntu-12.10-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz cd ubuntu-12.10-console-armhf-2013-08-24
Then follow directions show above with the other images...
Image Updated:
Get prebuilt image:
Verify image with:
md5sum ubuntu-saucy-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz d20758f883617ebb0683a4030d9e5a17 ubuntu-saucy-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz
Unpack image:
tar xJf ubuntu-saucy-console-armhf-2013-08-24.tar.xz cd ubuntu-saucy-console-armhf-2013-08-24
Then follow directions show above with the other images...
This image can be written to a 1Gb (or greater) microSD card, via 'dd' in linux or the win32 image program linked to on CircuitCo's wiki page. First hold down on the boot select button (next to microSD card) and apply power (same procedure as the official CircuitCo images), it should boot into Ubuntu and begin flashing the eMMC, once completed all 4 LED's should be full ON... Simply remove power, remove microSD card and Ubuntu will now boot from eMMC.
Script for Reference: (this is the script that writes to the eMMC)
BTW: we are only writing about 500Mb's to the eMMC so the script will only take about 5-6 Minutes after power on.
User: ubuntupass: temppwd
Image Updated:
Get prebuilt image:
Verify Image with:
md5sum BBB-eMMC-flasher-ubuntu-13.04-2013-08-24.img.xz 62fcd5c6c27e4b573e3f9afc38cce74d BBB-eMMC-flasher-ubuntu-13.04-2013-08-24.img.xz
Follow the "standard" update procedure.
You will need a 1GB/2GB SD card or greater.
Standard system : ~700 MB
Report Bugs/Issues to: else will be ignored..)
Download netinstall script:
git clone git:// cd netinstall
Current Support Ubuntu distributions:
--distro oneiric (11.10) --distro precise-armhf (12.04) --distro quantal-armhf (12.10)
*BeagleBoard Ax/Bx - beagle_bx *BeagleBoard Cx - beagle_cx *BeagleBoard xMA/B/C - beagle_xm *BeagleBone Ax - bone *PandaBoard Ax - panda *PandaBoard ES - panda_es
Install script for
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --uboot--distro
*BeagleBoard xMx - omap3-beagle-xm
Install script for new
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --dtb--distro
So for the xM: with quantal-armhf:
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --uboot beagle_xm --distro quantal-armhf (or) sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --dtb omap3-beagle-xm --distro quantal-armhf
Place SD card into BeagleBoard and boot:
Configure the network:
usb0: USB net <- (usually the OTG port) eth0: USB net <- (usually the smsc95xx adapter on the BeagleBoard and PandaBoard) wlan0: Wifi <- Your USDB-Wi-Fi device..
See my notes for my testing procedure:
Troubleshooting: If boot fails..
nand erase 260000 20000
NetInstall assumptions:
Assume asll's... Thanks you preseed.conf!!!
Note, this section use to have a lot of details, but maintenance of the two wiki's became a pain, so for now on we will just link to my other pages:
WARNING It seemed real obvious at the time I wrote this script, it is ONLY supported for images hosted on ""... Images from anywhere else, you are on your own...
Latest Stable is:
export DIST=raring (options are lucid/precise/quantal/raring/saucy/squeeze/wheezy/jessie) export ARCH=armhf (options are armel/armhf) Beagle/Panda export BOARD=omap BeagleBone export BOARD=omap-psp wget${DIST}-${ARCH}/LATEST-${BOARD} wget $(cat ./LATEST-${BOARD} | grep STABLE | awk '{print $3}') /bin/bash
Reboot with your new Kernel Image.
Compatible with old Ax, Bx, Cx, and Dx BeagleBoards
Note: Sometimes on these older boards, you just have to clear out the stored U-Boot environment variables in nand to make this script work:
nand erase 260000 20000
Or: To fully erase the NAND..
nand erase.chip
Requires MMC card..
git clone git:// cd flasher
For the Beagle Ax/Bx
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --uboot beagle_bx
For the Beagle Cx/Dx
sudo ./ --mmc /dev/sdX --uboot beagle_cx
1: Plug Serial Cable in and Start Serial terminal program 2: Place MMC card in Beagle 3: Push and hold the user button 4: Plug-in power 5: Wait for U-Boot countdown to finish, and let off user button 6: Wait for flashing/script to end 7: Power down, remove and reformat MMC card to final OS
If you don't know the location of your SD card:
sudo ./ --probe-mmc
You should see something like
Are you sure? I don't see [/dev/idontknow], here is what I do see... fdisk -l: Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes <- x86 Root Drive Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 3957 MB, 3957325824 bytes <- MMC/SD card mount: /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0) <- x86 Root Partition
BeagleBone (BBW) & BeagleBone Black (BBB)
git clone git:// cd stable-kernel git checkout origin/v3.7.x -b tmp ./ (and then follow the directions as the script runs...)
Build kernel
Build SGX modules
Insert SD card, make sure to modify MMC in
Place SD card into the device and boot...
cd /opt/sgx sudo tar xf GFX_4.0*_libs.tar.gz sudo ./
Reboot, check modules (lsmod):
Module Size Used by bufferclass_ti 5727 0 omaplfb 11512 0 pvrsrvkm 165208 2 bufferclass_ti,omaplfb
Blit Test:
ubuntu@omap:/usr/bin/armhf/es5.0$ ./sgx_blit_test ------------------ SGX 3D Blit test ----------------- ----------------------- Start ----------------------- Call PVRSRVConnect with a valid argument: OK Get number of devices from PVRSRVEnumerateDevices: OK .... Reported 1 devices .... Device Number | Device Type 0000 | PVRSRV_DEVICE_ID_SGX Attempt to acquire device 0: OK Getting SGX Client info OK .... ui32ProcessID:1133 Display Class API: enumerate devices OK PVRSRVEnumerateDeviceClass() returns 1 display device(s) OK Display Class API: open device OK Display Class API: Get display info OK .... Name:PowerVR OMAP Linux Display Driver .... MaxSwapChains:1 .... MaxSwapChainBuffers:1 .... MinSwapInterval:0 .... MaxSwapInterval:1 Display Class API: enumerate display formats OK OK .... Display format 0 - Pixelformat:1 Display Class API: enumerate display dimensions OK OK .... Display dimensions 0 - ByteStride:2560 Width:1280 Height:720 Attempt to create memory context for SGX: OK .... Shared heap 0 - HeapID:0x7000000 DevVAddr:0x1000 Size:0x87fe000 Attr:0x2014200 .... Shared heap 1 - HeapID:0x7000001 DevVAddr:0xc800000 Size:0xfff000 Attr:0x2024200 .... Shared heap 2 - HeapID:0x7000002 DevVAddr:0xe400000 Size:0x7f000 Attr:0x2024200 .... Shared heap 3 - HeapID:0x7000003 DevVAddr:0xf000000 Size:0x3ff000 Attr:0x2024200 .... Shared heap 4 - HeapID:0x7000004 DevVAddr:0xf400000 Size:0x4ff000 Attr:0x2014200 .... Shared heap 5 - HeapID:0x7000005 DevVAddr:0xfc00000 Size:0x1ff000 Attr:0x2014200 .... Shared heap 6 - HeapID:0x7000006 DevVAddr:0xdc00000 Size:0x7ff000 Attr:0x2014200 .... Shared heap 7 - HeapID:0x7000007 DevVAddr:0xe800000 Size:0x7ff000 Attr:0x2014200 .... Shared heap 8 - HeapID:0x7000008 DevVAddr:0xd800000 Size:0x3ff000 Attr:0x2024200 .... Shared heap 9 - HeapID:0x7000009 DevVAddr:0x8800000 Size:0x0 Attr:0x2024200 .... Shared heap 10 - HeapID:0x700000a DevVAddr:0x8800000 Size:0x3fff000 Attr:0x2014200 Display Class API: get the system (primary) buffer OK Display Class API: map display surface to SGX OK Attempt to create transfer context for SGX: OK Do a SRCCOPY blit to the bottom right quadrant of the display: (bottom right quadrant should be red on blue background): OK OK Do a SRCCOPY blit to the top left quadrant of the display: (top left quadrant should be striped (r/g/b/w) on blue background): OK OK Do a CUSTOMSHADER blit to the top right quadrant of the display: (top right quadrant should be yellow): 0xb6acd000 (host) 0xf407000 (device): Device mem for custom shader program 0xb6acb000 (host) 0xf408000 (device): Device mem for texture USE custom shader program: 0x28841001.c0000000 mov.end o0, sa0 OK Do a SRCCOPY blit with COLOUR DOWNSAMPLING from ARGB8888 to RGB565 and then present the RGB565 to the bottom right quadrant of the screen (bottom right quadrant should be a red gradient): OK OK OK OK Free the off screen surfaces: OK OK OK OK Destroy the transfer context: OK Display Class API: unmap display surface from SGX OK Destroy Device Memory Context Display Class API: close the device OK Release SGX Client Info: OK Disconnect from services: OK ------------------ SGX 3D Blit test ----------------- ------------------------ End ------------------------
NOTE: this only works on BeagleBoard hardware, BeagleBone stuff is in development..
Requirements: stable-kernel (the Demo Images hosted on meet this requirement)
Note: Due to a bug (seems to only effect older Beagle Bx/Cx boards, use v3.0.8-x3 based kernels) oneiric: wget /bin/bash
Download the latest version of the "" script
2.6.37 wget 2.6.38->3.2.x wget
Make script executable
chmod a+x ./create_sgx_package_*.sh
Run script
After Successfully running:
:~/temp$ ls GFX_X_XX_XX_XX_libs.tar.gz : -> Copy to Beagle (System Libs) GFX_Linux_SDK.tar.gz : -> Copy to Beagle (DEMO's) Graphics_SDK_setuplinux_X_XX_XX_XX.bin SDK SDK_BIN
tar xf GFX_4_00_00_01_libs.tar.gz (extracts and ./ (copies necessary SGX libs and startup script) ./ (force run the new init script, or you can just reboot...)
On successful install:
Stopping PVR Starting PVR Starting SGX fixup for ES2.x (or ES3.x) (or ES5.x xM)
Reboot for good measure (Maverick's Alpha-1 needs this....)
sudo reboot
tar xf GFX_Linux_SDK.tar.gz cd GFX_Linux_SDK tar xf OGLES.tar.gz
cd OGLES/SDKPackage/Binaries/CommonX11/Demos/EvilSkull ./OGLESEvilSkull
sudo rm /etc/powervr-esrev sudo depmod -a omaplfb sudo /etc/init.d/pvr restart
The following Gstreamer elements will be installed:
$ gst-inspect | grep dsp dvdspu: dvdspu: Sub-picture Overlay dsp: dspdummy: DSP dummy element dsp: dspvdec: DSP video decoder dsp: dspadec: DSP audio decoder dsp: dsph263enc: DSP video encoder dsp: dspmp4venc: DSP MPEG-4 video encoder dsp: dspjpegenc: DSP video encoder dsp: dsph264enc: DSP video encoder dsp: dspvpp: DSP VPP filter dsp: dspipp: DSP IPP
Please note that h264 encoder (dsph264enc) will not work because of missing h264venc_sn.dll64P DSP part. According to this message, it is not available due to a licensing restriction.
Requirements: Kernel built with: "CONFIG_TIDSPBRIDGE=m", for reference, here is what's image/deb's are configured for:
On the xM: if 3.2.x is too jerky, try 3.4.x and use the script, as the module changed..
Download the latest version of the "" script
Make script executable
chmod a+x ./
Package script:
Copy DSP_Install_libs.tar.gz to Beagle
Setup network...
ubuntu@arm:~$ tar xf DSP_Install_libs.tar.gz
ubuntu@arm:~$ ./
What got installed:
ubuntu@arm:~$ ls -lh /lib/dsp/ total 7.1M -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1.3M Dec 3 10:56 baseimage.dof -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 51K Dec 3 10:56 conversions.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13K Dec 3 10:56 dctn_dyn.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2.5M Dec 3 10:56 h264vdec_sn.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 481K Dec 3 10:56 jpegdec_sn.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 229K Dec 3 10:56 jpegenc_sn.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 767K Dec 3 10:56 m4venc_sn.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 890K Dec 3 10:56 mp4vdec_sn.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 707K Dec 3 10:56 mpeg4aacdec_sn.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15K Dec 3 10:56 qosdyn_3430.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14K Dec 3 10:56 ringio.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9.1K Dec 3 10:56 TSPA_Object_Code_Software_License_Agreement.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 53K Dec 3 10:56 usn.dll64P -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 245K Dec 3 10:56 vpp_sn.dll64P
Building gst-dsp stuff:
If you installed this image via the demo images or netinstall, the gst-dsp build script is installed:
Update arm tools directory to the latest:
ubuntu@arm:~$ cd /boot/uboot/tools/ ubuntu@arm:/boot/uboot/tools$ sudo ./
Otherwise, install via git:
git clone git://
Change to the pkgs directory
ubuntu@arm:~$ cd /boot/uboot/tools/pkgs (or if just cloned) ubuntu@arm:~$ cd ~/tools/pkgs
Build gst-dsp stuff..
Start dspbridge (or just reboot)
sudo /etc/init.d/dsp_init start
Test dspbridge
sudo dsp-test
sudo gst-launch playbin2 uri=file://(file)
Example: (using 854x480 mp4 )
Note: it seems broken in Ubuntu precise armhf...
sudo gst-launch playbin2 uri=file:///home/USER/big_buck_bunny_480p_surround-fix.avi
Screenshot: (on my xm it's a little jerky at the moment, investigating..)
By default Ubuntu will try to use the FBDEV video driver, however for the BeagleBoard we can take advantage of a more software optimized driver (still not using the sgx video hardware) using the NEON extensions of the Cortex-A8 core.
cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep FBDEV
(II) FBDEV: driver for framebuffer: fbdev (II) FBDEV(0): using default device (II) FBDEV(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section (==) FBDEV(0): Depth 16, (==) framebuffer bpp 16 (==) FBDEV(0): RGB weight 565
Login into Ubuntu and open a new terminal, xorg has to be running..
xvinfo -display :0.0
X-Video Extension version 2.2 screen #0 no adaptors present
Note: These are built with neon optimizations:;a=blob;f=debian/rules;h=c2f0d5391c96c5abb60b1e691ad86bb27e0c17d8;hb=HEAD (line 48/49)
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-omap3
To verify it was correctly installed, reboot and:
cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep omapfb
(II) LoadModule: "omapfb" (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers// (II) Module omapfb: vendor="X.Org Foundation" (II) omapfb: Driver for OMAP framebuffer (omapfb) and external LCD controllers: (WW) Error opening /sys/devices/platform/omapfb/ctrl/name: No such file or directory (II) omapfb(0): VideoRAM: 1800KiB (SDRAM) (II) omapfb(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section (**) omapfb(0): Depth 16, (--) framebuffer bpp 16 (==) omapfb(0): RGB weight 565 (==) omapfb(0): Default visual is TrueColor (--) omapfb(0): Virtual size is 1280x720 (pitch 1280) (**) omapfb(0): Built-in mode "current" (==) omapfb(0): DPI set to (96, 96) (II) omapfb(0): DPMS enabled (II) omapfb(0): Video plane capabilities: (II) omapfb(0): Video plane supports the following image formats: (II) omapfb(0): XVideo extension initialized
Login into Ubuntu and open a new terminal, xorg has to be running..
xvinfo -display :0.0
X-Video Extension version 2.2 screen #0 Adaptor #0: "OMAP XV adaptor" number of ports: 1 port base: 56 operations supported: PutImage supported visuals: depth 16, visualID 0x21 number of attributes: 1 etc..
Ubuntu 10.10 above defaults to a resolution of 1284x768@16. This is set in the boot.cmd file in the boot partition of the SD card. To change the resolution the DVI output, edit boot.cmd accordingly then recreate the boot.scr file by:
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n "Ubuntu 10.10" -d ./boot.cmd ./boot.scr
Then reboot the BeagleBoard.
(For configuring S-Video on Angstrom, click here).
S-video is tested to be working on 2.6.35-rc5-dl9. BeagleBoard s-video output has traditionally been enabled by "using bootargs (boot arguments) at uboot". In newer versions of the BeagleBoard, the developers have made things easier by instructing U-Boot to look for a .scr file about a dozen lines long that is called cmd.boot.scr, and then follow said parameters. In Angstrom, no boot.scr file is needed, instead, an even easier system is used, where a simple editable .txt file called uEnv.txt containing these parameters suffices (Env is for "environment"). For some reason, in the Ubuntu download files, typically there a bit of convoluted process where uEnv.txt is called up, uEnv.txt says "Go read conf.boot.scr", and cmd.boot.scr sets up the s-video.
To make cmd.boot.scr, create a text file named cmd.boot, then convert it into a .scr file with mkimage by running the following commands on the terminal:
First, you will probably need to get mkimage with apt-get. Run
sudo apt-get install mkimage
Next, convert your cmd.boot.scr
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n 'Execute uImage' -d boot.cmd boot.scr
omapfb.mode=tv:ntsc omapdss.def_disp=tv
Bootargs that has been validated.
setenv bootargs 'console=tty0 console=ttyO2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait ro vram=12M omapfb.mode=tv:ntsc omapdss.def_disp=tv fixrtc buddy=unknown'
NTSC resolution is supposed to be 640x480. However the edge bands around the TV screen differ from TV to TV. Output of fbset shown below:
mode "720x482-30" # D: 13.500 MHz, H: 15.734 kHz, V: 29.970 Hz geometry 720 482 720 482 32 timings 74074 16 58 6 31 64 6 rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0 endmode
Depending on your TV device, and what desktop you are running a certain amount of screen cutoff is likely to occur. This is called overscan. Typically, around 5-10% of the left and right edges of display are off the screen (using Ubuntu with xfce). This seems to be due to the fact that there is only one display resolution that is set for NTSC: 720 X 482. It is not possible to change this setting in the xfce4 Settings Manager like one would normally be able to do, because other options are greyed out/do not exist. Normally, even if the Settings Manager did not allow for it, a different resolution setting could be obtained by editing the xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf-4, or some similar place. HOWEVER there is no xorg.conf file in the Beagle version of xfce. xrandr shows the display is set to the minimum of 720x574. Adding an xorg.conf does not fix the problem, because Beagle takes its (analog) display resolution settings directly from the display driver, where 720 X 480 (720 X 574 for PAL ) is hard coded in.
An inelegant but usable workaround for the xfce desktop environment is simply to create vertical and horizontal panels that fill up the space that is cut off on the screen. This is not a complete solution, but at least it will prevent maximized windows from going off into nowhere land.
Truly fixing this would involve going into the display driver and reprogramming it to include additional S-video settings besides just NTSC and PAL. Specifically, to make the whole framebuffer fit on the screen you would need to adjust the overlay in the display driver, the OMAP DSS2. (Didn't test this yet. Some pointers from the driver's documentation below)
/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/overlay? directory: enabled 0=off, 1=on input_size width,height (ie. the framebuffer size) manager Destination overlay manager name name output_size width,height position x,y screen_width width global_alpha global alpha 0-255 0=transparent 255=opaque
Download SRC
git clone git://
Build kernel
Optional building the deb file
On the Bealgeboard you should expect to need a swap file given the limitation of how much RAM they have (between 256 MB and 512 MB). Some system programs like apt-get will only run properly when some swap space is present (due to 256 MB not being enough RAM).
Some images such as those from do not come with a swap partition or any swap space allocated.
Under Linux swap space can be either a dedicated partition or a single file. Both can be mounted as swap which the OS can access.
The following commands will create a 1 gigabyte file, lock access to only root, format it as swap and then advertise it to the OS.
sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/swap/ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/cache/swap/swapfile bs=1M count=1024 sudo chmod 0600 /var/cache/swap/swapfile sudo mkswap /var/cache/swap/swapfile sudo swapon /var/cache/swap/swapfile
To ask the OS to load this swapfile on each start up, edit the /etc/fstab file to include the following additional line:
/var/cache/swap/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
To verify that the swapfile is accessilble as swap to the OS, run "top" of "htop" at a console.
It is possible and relatively easy to configure a Wi-Fi card from the command line.
You will need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file. There are several guides available via Google.
This is a particularly useful guide
A sample /etc/network/interfaces file for a WPA2 encrypted access point is:
auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-driver wext wpa-ssidwpa-ap-scan 1 wpa-proto RSN wpa-pairwise CCMP wpa-group CCMP wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK wpa-psk < INSERT KEY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>
Your Wi-Fi card will automatically load these settings on start up and give network access.
If you intend to use Ubuntu on the BeagleBoard you can install JWM or IceWM to improve performance.
JWM in particular uses little RAM. On a BeagleBoard with 256 MB, using JWM will leave about 60 MB free to run applications in.
Given that the BeagleBoard has fewer resources than a desktop a light-weight browser is more responsive. Midori is a light-weight browser that still supports flash, etc. It is available from the standard repositories.
If you have a video source (webcam, IP cam, etc.) which appears as /dev/video0, etc. then you can use the Linux surveillance software "motion" to monitor the video stream and record periods of activity.
Motion is also available from the standard repositories. a 960x720 resolution webcam with a 15 fps rate under the UVC driver the Rev C BeagleBoard under Xubuntu reports ~60% CPU utilisation.
To make the BeagleBoard automatically start recording on boot do the following:
#! /bin/sh /usr/bin/motion -c /etc/motion/motion.conf
This will now launch the motion client as root when you boot up.
Also note that unless your BeagleBoard can remember the time (battery backed up clock installed) the timestamps will not be correct until you update the time. If your BeagleBoard has an Internet connection this can be achieved with the ntpdate application.
Willow Garage hosts the open source Robotic Operating System (ROS). Whilst it is natively supported in Ubuntu, the official packages are only for the x86 platform. ROS can be installed from source and is generally easy to do so (although slow).
Following the instructions from here will build and install ROS on your BeagleBoard:
You will need an Internet connection for your BeagleBoard for these scripts to work.
For more information about ROS, see