UE4 FVector转四元数FQuat

参考文章 Unity3D中的Quaternion(四元数)点击打开链接

UE4中找了好久终于发现相关函数:翻译来自有道 哈哈

* Convert a vector of floating-point Euler angles (in degrees) into a Quaternion. 将浮点欧拉角的一个矢量转换成四元数。
* @param Euler the Euler angles 对欧拉角进行分析
* @return constructed FQuat 返回构造FQuat

static CORE_API FQuatMakeFromEuler(const FVector&Euler);


FVector vec = FVector(0,0,45);
FQuat quat = FQuat::MakeFromEuler(vec);

 * Return the Quaternion orientation corresponding to the direction in which the vector points.
 * Similar to the FRotator version, returns a result without roll such that it preserves the up vector.
 * @note If you don't care about preserving the up vector and just want the most direct rotation, you can use the faster
 * 'FQuat::FindBetweenVectors(FVector::ForwardVector, YourVector)' or 'FQuat::FindBetweenNormals(...)' if you know the vector is of unit length.


“FQuat::FindBetweenVectors(FVector::ForwardVector YourVector)”或“FQuat:FindBetweenNormals(…)如果你知道向量的单位长度。

* @return Quaternion from the Vector's direction, without any roll.
@return Quaternion从矢量方向,没有任何滚动。
 * @see ToOrientationRotator(), FQuat::FindBetweenVectors()
CORE_API FQuat ToOrientationQuat() const;


FVector v(0, 0, 40);
auto q = v.ToOrientationQuat();
