Note: This element has no attached Javadoc and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached source

Note: This element has no attached Javadoc and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached source.解决办法OK


分为两种:一种是JAVA Project  ,一种是Android Project

1.       JAVA Project

选择菜单Window---Java----Installed JREs---选中已经安装的JRE-----edit-----选中所有的JRE system libraries----SourceAttachment....-----选中External location-----path中输入C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_05/各不一样,这是我的)------OK

2.Android Project


Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found.



1,右击项目,选择 properties –> Java Build Path –> Libraries,展开Android相关类库的具体属性,下面有一个android.jar,展开其具体属性,发现有一个Javadoc location(None),点击这项,选择右边的Edit按钮,添加Javadoc的路径:Android SDK的安装文件夹/docs/ ,选择里面的reference文件夹(这时Javadoc location path的具体路径为:file:/sdk安装根目录/docs/reference/),点击OK即可。比如:file:/D:/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702/sdk/docs/reference/

2,若 Javadoc location中的路径已存在,请查看此路径是否正确。

如果发现properties –> Java Build Path –> Libraries里面没有Android类库,则可以自己创建一个:

点击右边的Add Library… –> User Library –> User Libraries… –> New… –> 输入自定义名字 –> 选中该类库 –> Add JARs… –> 添加一个android.jar 文件(该文件在SDK安装目录的platforms文件夹里的每个版本的android文件夹下都有一个,找一个需要的版本即可)。




你可能感兴趣的:(Note: This element has no attached Javadoc and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached source)