
Spitting image: Google's art app

① With luck, it won't suggest Picasso's portrait of Dora Maar.

② American social-media users can now find out whether they resemble famous artworks by taking selfies using Google's Arts & Culture app.

③ A new feature uses facial-recognition software to match photos with paintings and sculptures from museums around the world.

④ Kate Hudson (the Limner-attributed "Portrait of a Boy") and Sarah Silverman (Avedissian's "Faten") were two of the celebrities to take to Instagram to share their art twins.

⑤ Google estimates that 30m selfies have been uploaded to what became last weekend's most downloaded app.

⑥ Not everyone is pleased.

⑦ Google issued a statement clarifying that the pictures were used only for art matches, after privacy concerns were raised.

⑧ It blocked the selfie tool in Texas and Illinois, where state laws prohibit the collection of biometric data.

⑨ And when infuriated Brits discovered that the feature is available only to Americans, they bombarded the app with one-star rating.


spitting image: 很相像的人;一个模子印出来的人

resemble /rɪˈzɛmb(ə)l/: vt. 与……相似

take selfies: 玩自拍

feature /ˈfiːtʃə/: n. 功能

match A with B: 匹配 A 与 B

art twin: 艺术品里的双胞胎

biometric data /bʌɪə(ʊ)ˈmɛtrɪk/: 计量生物学数据;人口统计数据

infuriate /ɪnˈfjʊərɪeɪt/: vt. 激怒;使大怒

bombard … with … /bɒmˈbɑ:d/: 用……炮轰……


1. someone-attributed:归属于某人的

    be attributed to someone: 归属于某人(被认为是某人所为)

2. Christmas-themed:以圣诞为主题的

    be themed with Christmas:以圣诞为主题

3. Murdoch family-led:默多克家族领导的

    be led by the Murdoch family:以默多克家族为领导


Google estimates that 30m selfies have been uploaded to what became last weekend's most downloaded app.


Dora Marr: a French photographer, painter, and poet. She was a lover and muse of Pablo Picasso.

Kate Hudson: Kate Garry Hudson is an American actress. She rose to prominence in 2000 for playing Penny Lane in Almost Famous, for which she won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Sarah Silverman: Sarah Kate Silverman (born on December 1, 1970) is an American comedian, actress, producer, and writer.

Attribution: An attribution does not mean the art is created by the artist, only that it's likely to be created by that artist.
