Day 62 A Sight for Sore Eyes

Day 62-英语学习打卡
Date:28th Nov
Topic:English Central沟通成语 A sight for sore eyes

A Sight for Sore Eyes. It means a person or thing you're happy to see.

My family is a sight for sore eyes after a long day.
My pet dog is a sight for sore eyes when I'm in a bad mood.
The sun is a sight for sore eyes after the continuous rain.

最近在学English Central里各种各样的成语,我都会设想自己会在什么样的场景和心情时会用到。

a sight for sore eyes就让我想起昨天女儿向我抱怨,在学校好几天都没去室外做广播操,呼吸不到新鲜空气,没有机会舒展筋骨。

今天,我就能和她们一起分享这个成语:The sun is a sight for sore eyes after the continuous rain.

不知道,对于你来说,有没有可以让你立马cheer up起来的a sight for sore eyes?

Day 62 A Sight for Sore Eyes_第1张图片
Day 62 A Sight for Sore Eyes_第2张图片

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