

gcc version 4.9.2

QtCreator version 3.5.1

Qt version 5.5.1


言归正传,具体方法为  在.pro文件中加入下面这一句话即可

QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x (Qt 4.7)


CONFIG   += c++11 (Qt5)

Unicode literal

In C++11, you can generate UTF-16 by writing u"MyString". This is used by Qt to implement QStringLiteral which is a macro that initializes the QString at compile time without run-time overhead.

QString  someString =  QStringLiteral ( "Hello" );

MSVC does not require any special flags and enables the C++11 features by default, but GCC or Clang require -std=c++0x.

By default, Qt5 itself will be compiled with the C++11 flags on compilers that need it.

If you use qmake, you can add that line to your .pro file (Qt5):

CONFIG += c++11

(In Qt4, it should be something like: gcc:CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x)
