多面向发展人才不可不知的名词 & 进阶书籍推荐



·The Renaissance Man(文艺复兴人)

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Polymath, a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas, referring to the renaissance time period.

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·T-shaped persons(T型人才)

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The concept of T-shaped skills, or T-shaped persons is ametaphorused in jobrecruitmentto describe the abilities of persons in theworkforce. The vertical bar on the T represents the depth of related skills and expertise in a single field, whereas the horizontal bar is the ability to collaborate across disciplines with experts in other areas and to apply knowledge in areas of expertise other than one's own.

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·multiple careers(并行多重职业/多重身份者)

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Workers with concurrent multiple careers adopt a "hyphenated" professional identity. A "teacher-painter" might refer to an individual who works for nine months out of the year as an Elementary SchoolTeacherand three (summer) months out of the year as apainter. A "doctor-potter" might refer to an individual who works as an ENT-physicianduring the day, but works within aceramicsstudio at night. Some consider the hyphen "-homemaker" or "-caregiver" as suggestive of another type of concurrent multiple career worker. That is, a "lawyer-homemaker" works asattorneyand is also in charge of domestic duties at home. Increasingly, as adults must care for younger generation children and older generation parents, the "X-caregiver" worker has emerged — where a worker completes the tasks of career-X and simultaneously cares for the needs of children and elders. Some note that many members of the working class have long been concurrent workers out of economic necessity.

Workers can adopt concurrent multiple careers for a host of reasons including: economic (such aspovertyor striving for additional wealth), educational (such as multiple degrees in multiple fields), or personal (such as interest or lack of fulfillment in one career). Economist,Richard Florida, among others suggests that some "hyphenates" pursue multiple concurrent careers in order to fulfill creative needs. A "doctor-potter," for example, might pursue ceramics for creative fulfillment as well as profit and professional development.

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一些人注意到,许多人长期以来担任多重职业者的身份都是出于经济上的需要。 多重职业者选择同时进行多重职业的原因包括:经济原因(如贫困或争取额外的财富),教育原因(如在多个领域拥有多个学位),或个人原因(如兴趣爱好或对单一领域工作的厌倦)。经济学家Richard Florida建议为了满足自身的创新需要而产生多种职业追求的人,使用连字符的形式来标明自己的职业身份。例如,一个“医生-陶工”身份的人可能会同时考虑如何在陶艺上实现更好的创意,以及如何提升自己的医疗利润和实现专业发展。


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Author and New York Times columnist Marci Alboher popularized the term "slash careers" to describe multiple concurrent careers in her book One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work Life Success (2007). Instead of hyphenation, Alboher uses slash to demarcate concurrent multiple careers, as in "art dealer/yoga instructor" or "baker/comedian/web designer".

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纽约时报专栏作者及自由撰稿人Marci Alboher在她的著书《One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work Life Success (2007)》中推出了一个新名词,“斜杠身份”,来描述具有多重职业的工作者。她倡导使用斜线而不是连字符来标识自己的多重职业身份,如“画商/瑜伽教练”或“面包师/喜剧演员/网页设计师”。


·《One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work Life Success (2007)》(中译《不能只打一份工》)玛希·埃尔博尔(Marci Alboher)

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·《The Renaissance Soul》(中译《从三分钟热度到一万小时》)玛格丽特‧罗宾丝婷﹝Margaret Lobenstine﹞

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·《斜杠青年:如何开启你的多重身份》Susan Kuang

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Susan Kuang,将斜杠青年引入中国第一人,多重身份创业者,通过她讲述自身的多重身份故事,你将能够清晰地了解如何开始自己的多重职业身份,以及通过多重职业来为自己带来多重收益。



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